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从旅游主体、客体和媒体的视觉,并从以人为本的立场来考察,旅游休闲化是指旅游的主体、客体和媒体三者的性质、功能、状态等均合乎旅游主体(旅游者)的旅游休闲目的,顺应其对休闲生活方式的追求,满足其积极休息、缓解压力、转换心情、强身健体、增长知识、开阔视野、获取灵感、践行伦理、提高生命和生活质量、达到全面发展等的休闲需求,促进旅游主体自身的和谐、旅游主体与社会的和谐、人与自然的和谐和统一.  相似文献   

本文以经济发达的广东省为例,对其居民休闲生活的以下方面进行了研究:居民对休闲的认识;居民对闲暇时间的利用,闲暇时间的活动参与;居民对当前休闲生活的评价;影响其休闲生活的障碍;居民对未来休闲生活的期望。研究采用问卷方式,调查广东省居民闲暇时间内的生活状况,发现尽管广东省是中国目前经济最发达的省份之一,但是居民的休闲生活并没有得到很好的改善,其质量并没有随着国民经济的发展而提升。居民对现时的休闲生活并不感到满意,并期望其休闲生活质量得到很大提高。  相似文献   

廉月娟 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):34-34
“日月如梭”,不知不觉间,2006年最后一期的旅游学刊马上就要与大家见面了。本期学刊,从选稿到栏目确定,再到文章编排,都是编辑部大家共同努力完成的。我个人的努力,只不过是把作者和编辑部共同的成果与外审专家的意见集中起来而已。本期笔谈栏目继续第9、10、11期的专题———“我们时代的休闲与旅游”,相应的,“休闲旅游研究”栏目选用了《休闲与生活质量关系的量化考察:国外研究进展与启示》一文;“旅游目的地”栏目的2篇文章,则对旅游目的地问题进行了多侧面的分析;关于本刊参与协办的第11届全国区域旅游开发学术研讨会,除了《第十一届…  相似文献   

北京五类人群休闲方式的比较与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵鹏  刘捷  付玥 《旅游学刊》2006,21(12):17-21
随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对于休闲活动的需求也越来越大,也越来越重视休闲在自己生活中的地位.本文通过对北京五类人群的调查与研究来了解北京不同阶层人群的休闲方式的不同之处,以及他们选择休闲方式的决定因素和制约因素,从而揭示休闲在人们生活中的重要地位,倡导不同阶层人群选择健康与积极的休闲方式.  相似文献   

英文休闲学研究主题与领域分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
苏丹  肖洪根 《旅游学刊》2008,23(4):19-23
本文对休闲学研究领域三份核心英文期刊2001-2005年所有研究文章的关键词进行频率统计并加以分类.结果显示,近年来休闲学的研究领域主要由"休闲与社会"、"休闲学科构建"、"休闲与个体/群体特征的关系"、"休闲类型"和"个人/群体休闲态度及行为分析"、"休闲与生活方式/生活质量关系"6个方面构成.在每个研究领域内,作者就其所包含的关键词及其意义逐一进行分析总结,并在文章最后探讨了近年来休闲学研究的几个重要特点.  相似文献   

也论休闲与旅游   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):12-19
本文是一篇属于基础理论研究的文章.由于前驱者的开拓与努力,近年,中国的休闲研究和旅游研究都取得了突飞猛进的发展.但是在近一两年,却出现了一种舆论过热的现象,甚至有媒体炒作出了中国进入休闲时代的"新闻".有鉴于此,本文试图从休闲、Leisure和Recreation等基本概念出发,寻找着国内外研究者的视野,从而提出应该加深对休闲内涵的理解的主张,其中包括如何根据UNWTO关于旅游的定义来认识休闲与旅游的异同等.在廓清了一些模糊概念之后,本论文便转入了中国是否进入了休闲时代的讨论,作者的观点是,判断是否进入了一个新时代,必须有重大的标志或衡量的标准,而就目前中国居民真正拥有的休闲时间、经济实力及其消费趋向来考察,说中国进入休闲时代还为时过早.  相似文献   

休闲:“以人为本”、充满“人文关怀”的事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在一个拥有14亿人口、一年享有115天假日、社会进步的国家,如何让民众"聪明地"用闲,引导民众享受健康、积极、文明的生活方式,对于提高国民素质、增强国家软实力意义重大.<于光远马惠娣十年对话--关于休闲学研究的基本问题>通过对休闲实践领域所蕴含的"以人为本"与"人文关怀"的核心价值的阐述,为我国正在兴起的休闲经济、休闲消费、休闲产业和休闲旅游提供了及时的理论指导.  相似文献   

女性休闲障碍因素探析——以杭州为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以经济学、管理学、社会学等多门学科理论与方法为指导,对杭州市女性休闲行为进行了系统的问卷调查,深入分析了女性休闲的障碍因素.研究结果显示,时间障碍和收入障碍构成城市女性休闲活动的主要障碍;城市女性休闲障碍因年龄、就业状况、学历、收入等不同存在显著差异.高学历女性享有较多的休闲时间,高收入女性能够支付较高水平的休闲花费.人际障碍对女性休闲的负面影响不大.杭州女性休闲呈现明显的外向性、物质性的特点.这些发现有助于相关部门和企业深入理解我国女性体闲的障碍因素,对其制定有针对性的政策和营销策略来消除女性休闲障碍、提高女性休闲质量具有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

大众休闲时代的到来,生活方式变革与社会发展批判的双重需要,休闲与日常生活理论研究凸显紧迫性和重要性.列斐伏尔的日常生活批判和休闲批判独树一帜.他主张通过节庆和都市化进行日常生活的微观改造,倡导生活和艺术融合的文化革命,成就“需求-劳动-愉悦”三位一体的“总体的人”.他坚持马克思主义的辩证法和实践论,其理论具有浪漫主义美学的“乌托邦”色彩.今天,休闲之哲学本位是从日常生活的日常性中突围出来对自由和诗性的追求.休闲在实践中是人们摆脱日常生活困境的自然选择,同时担负着理论上审美救赎和思想解放之功能.休闲——反抗异化的休闲、超越物质占有的休闲,是生活方式变革的重要组成部分.休闲既是日常生活的一部分,也意味着日常生活的反正.  相似文献   

蒋艳 《旅游学刊》2011,26(6):67-72
居民社区休闲满意度受到很多因素影响。文章通过对杭州市小河直街历史街区进行访谈和问卷调研,结果显示:居民总体上表现出较高的休闲满意度,这源于其较高的生活满意度、较多的休闲时间、较小的生活压力、明显改善的生活环境等。就其内部差异的影响因素而言,分割的行政区划导致居民休闲满意度下降;参与度高的居民有较高的休闲满意度;职业和收入会部分影响居民的休闲满意度;休闲满意度受到生活满意度较大影响。为提高居民的休闲满意度,建议创造更多的公共空间、提供必要的休闲娱乐设施、多组织免费的社区活动、尽快改革行政区划。  相似文献   

Continuing developments in science and technology that affect many dimensions of human life, especially those related to longevity, require responses from social policies and programmes to enable quality‐of‐life improvements in every sector, including leisure. To contribute to research in this area, this qualitative study sought to identify the perceptions of and meanings attached to participation in (active outdoor) leisure by a group of elderly citizens of Araras, São Paulo State, Brazil. Data were collected via questionnaires administered to a mixed‐gender sample of 100 persons, aged between 60 and 80 years, after they had participated in an outdoor adventure/leisure programme. The data were subjected to thematic content analysis. The study revealed that the participants identified positive emotional effects as a result of their participation, relating to their sense of belonging to a group, to their increased quality of life and to their ability to remain physically active.  相似文献   

Drawing upon bottom-up theory of life satisfaction, this study develops and tests a model that links physically active leisure to people's quality of life. Results from a sample of 827 running event participants revealed that satisfaction with event participation and psychological involvement in running were significant predictors of participants’ life domain satisfaction and overall life satisfaction, both of which are common subjective indicators of quality of life. Conversely, behavioral involvement in running was a non-significant predictor of life domain satisfaction and overall life satisfaction. These findings suggest that physically active leisure may enhance participants’ quality of life by providing positive experiences through event participation and contributing to psychological involvement in physical activity.  相似文献   

The contribution of vacations to people’s life satisfaction and Quality of Life (QOL) has recently attracted substantial attention among tourism researchers. Yet, most QOL scales do not include vacations: 7% explicitly measure vacations whereas 42% only include items relating to vacations within the broader Leisure domain. Leisure and vacations, however, differ substantially in nature with leisure referring to regular home-based activities and vacations being infrequent leisure activities away from home. As a consequence of the common amalgamation of vacations with leisure, there is limited knowledge about the specific contribution of vacations to people’s QOL. The present study (1) presents empirical evidence for the contribution of vacations to QOL, (2) determines the extent of this contribution, and (3) investigates variation in the extent to which vacations contribute to the QOL of different people. Results indicate that vacations contribute to the QOL of the majority of people, are as important a QOL domain as Leisure and People, and that QOL means different things to different people at different points in their life, representing an individual and dynamic concept.  相似文献   

In hospitality and tourism industries employees, work–leisure conflict (WLC) resulting from job characteristics can affect work attitudes and personal life. This study revealed that social support has moderating effects on the relationships among work–leisure conflict, leisure participation, job burnout and well-being. Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis of 488 valid questionnaires collected from a sample of employees in the hospitality and tourism industries showed that (1) WLC positively affects job burnout and negatively affects leisure participation and well-being; (2) leisure participation is positively associated with well-being, but burnout is negatively associated with well-being; (3) leisure participation and job burnout have mediating roles in the full model; (4) social support is a moderator in the full model. The analytical results of the study provide a reference for managing employees in the hospitality and tourism industries.  相似文献   

近10年国外城市休闲研究:特征、比较与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
休闲是衡量城市社会文明和居民生活质量的标尺,城市的进步伴随着休闲的发展。基于Elsevier Science Direct数据库,对2000~2010年与城市休闲相关的文献进行检索和分类分析,研究发现,国外对城市休闲的研究多采用理论综述、问卷调查、模型设计与定量评价、GIS数据分析、视频跟踪描述、案例比较说明等方法;研究内容包括城市休闲理论、城市休闲价值与影响、城市休闲主体、城市休闲客体和城市休闲管理与保障等5大研究模块;基于地理学对城市休闲的研究占研究论文总量的25%,主要包括对城市公园、绿地、自然保护区、海滨等休闲空间的规划、开发,休闲项目评价管理等研究;国内外学者在城市休闲定位、城市休闲空间建设方向选择、城市休闲主体研究等方面存在研究内容的差异。城市休闲产业建设、自然与人文休闲空间规划及环境可持续问题、休闲旅游等是现阶段城市休闲研究的重要课题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study threefold: to determine whether a shared cultural model of the importance of a set of leisure activities to a good leisure life existed in urban Taiwan, the degree to which cultural consonance in leisure mediates the relationship between leisure constraints and leisure satisfaction, and the degree to which leisure satisfaction affects life satisfaction and self-rated health. Results indicate that a cultural model of the importance of leisure activities to a good leisure life existed among sample members. Second, higher levels of self-reported participation in leisure activities that are culturally agreed upon as more important for a good leisure life are more strongly associated with leisure satisfaction than are activities culturally agreed upon as less important. Finally, leisure satisfaction strongly predicts both life satisfaction and self-rated health.  相似文献   


Previous research has shown that women, and especially young women, in this culture experience pressure to be thin. Although considerable research has been directed toward the investigation of body image and its relationship to psychological health and self‐image, the impact of body image on leisure behavior has not been adequately addressed, nor has body image received much attention as a potential leisure constraint. The purpose of this study was to investigate ways in which body image might function as a constraint to young women's participation in aerobic exercise classes. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods, including a survey of 190 women undergraduate students and in‐depth interviews with a sub‐sample of 11 students. The qualitative data are the main focus of this analysis. The data indicated that body image did not seem to prevent participation or constrain levels of participation in aerobics. Nevertheless, body image concerns were shown to constrain the enjoyment of aerobics as a leisure activity, and this reduction of enjoyment was related to the clothing worn for aerobics and to competition over appearance and body weight among participants. The findings also showed that body image functioned as a constraint into participation in that body‐image‐related concerns were a major motivating factor exerting pressure on young women to participate in aerobics. In sum, the study suggested that body image can constrain leisure in some situations, although it is not a constraint in the traditional sense of preventing participation. The implications of these findings for the conceptualization of leisure constraints were discussed. Furthermore, some practical implications for the provision of aerobics classes were provided.  相似文献   

The previous literature has examined leisure satisfaction and quality of life but majority of studies were conducted in Western countries. Policy makers worldwide have struggled to balance residents’ leisure satisfaction and tourism development. This study is conducted in Macao, China, a fast-growing tourism destination in Asia. Results indicated that local residents’ leisure satisfaction is positively related to their perceived quality of life while local residents’ perceived quality of life is positively associated with their evaluation of the perceived benefits of tourism. The results generated from that evaluation positively lead to residents’ support of tourism development. Results indicated that it is worthwhile for the policy makers to invest resources in local residents’ leisure satisfaction and quality of life since this will eventually help to support tourism development. The results of this study provide significant implications for policy makers.  相似文献   

Meditation has been shown to be a cost-effective means to help individuals reduce stress, alleviate anxiety and depression. Similarly, leisure has been found to reduce stress, improve mood and contribute to overall health and well-being. The similarities and differences in outcomes between meditation and leisure suggest that a comparative analysis may determine if and how experiences and outcomes of meditation may be similar to and different from those of leisure and provide deeper insights into the ways in which both can contribute to improved quality of life. The purpose of this study is to examine the similarities and differences in meditation and leisure as perceived by a range of individuals engaging in meditation. Results indicate that meditators experience stress reduction, emotional balance and an enhanced quality of life during both their leisure and meditation. Many of the positive experiences and outcomes derived from meditation render it very similar to leisure. Nevertheless, meditation and leisure also differ in several important ways.  相似文献   

Research shows that women are more likely than men to participate in highbrow leisure activities, but we do not know whether this gap develops within the family at an early age or is the outcome of socioeconomic differences between men and women later in life. We compare highbrow leisure participation among brothers and sisters from the same family and report three findings: (1) gender differences in highbrow leisure participation are largely unrelated to family background, (2) there is little evidence that parents engage in gender-specific cultural socialization, and (3) socioeconomic position and family obligations account for less than 20% of brother-sister differences in highbrow leisure participation. Our results suggest that gender differences in highbrow leisure participation originate in factors outside the family.  相似文献   

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