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本真性理论在旅游研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
马凌 《旅游学刊》2007,22(10):76-81
本文回顾了现代旅游中"本真性"概念及从"客观主义--建构主义--后现代主义--存在主义"的发展阶段,分析了"本真性"概念在西方旅游研究中所涉及的"本真性、旅游动机与旅游体验"、"本真性与文化商品化"以及"本真性、怀旧与遗产旅游"等主要问题.文章指出,"本真性"作为20世纪60年代以来西方旅游社会学研究中的核心概念,它是人们对现代旅游"好恶交织"的心理反映,揭示了现代旅游现象中的社会现实及存在的问题.  相似文献   

李大伟 《旅游学刊》2023,(10):106-118
原真性是旅游研究中经常提到的概念,但目前学术界多探讨原真性的类型而相对忽视了原真性的层次。文章通过对国内外已有的、与旅游原真性相关的文献分析,借用《道德经》中“自然”的概念对原真性进行理解。同时,文章基于网络资料的文本分析,结合田野调查,以丽江两种纳西音乐所体现的人地关系变化为线索,说明《道德经》中“自然”概念与原真性层次之间的关系。研究发现:演奏纳西音乐曾是丽江地区各社会阶层组织日常娱乐的重要方式,旅游业的发展、政府的扶持丰富了音乐发展的物质基础,但二者仅可视为影响人地系统的两种要素;纳西音乐的原真性可从自我的自然、社会的自然和道法自然3个层次来分析。其中,自我的自然体现在演奏者对音乐的传承态度以及音乐平和当地人心境的功能上,社会的自然表现在社会阶层的融合与人际关系的提升;道法自然则体现在不同尺度下人地关系的和谐性与文化遗产的良好互动。该研究可加强理解各类原真性概念间的关系,为非物质文化遗产与旅游业的结合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

旅游者既希望获得个性化的旅游产品和创新的服务过程,又需要这些旅游产品和服务具有较高的性价比特征。但对供应者而言,保持原真性和追求标准化从来都是一对矛盾,旅游企业的成功经营有赖于对二者关系的有效把握。本文构建原真性—标准化的理论分析框架,并将饭店集团的扩展方式分为4类:原真标准化、原真性联盟、标准化连锁和追随市场扩张。采用不同扩展方式获得成功的饭店集团具有不同的核心能力。本文的研究结论将为饭店集团获取可持续竞争优势、进行规模化扩展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

文章首先分析西湖模式的制度内核及其6项意义,并与黄山模式详细比较,从而表明西湖模式基本正确处理遗产保护与旅游利用,公益性经营与营利性特许经营,政府—企业—社区、政府—企业—游客等关系,比较全面展现其经济、社会、文化和遗产保护以及政治的正面影响.其次,提炼西湖模式具有普适意义的三点启示,即制度平台选择的基础重要性,遗产服务的非营利性经营与遗产原真性和完整性保护原则,现时旅游经济学教科书用于指导中国遗产旅游的诸多缺失.这些缺失主要表现为:未能区别遗产与非遗产类旅游资源,未能接纳遗产的特殊产权性质,未能认识遗产保护的独特要求以及独特的可持续性理解,使得教科书难以正确处理门票、供需、游客权益以及旅游收益分配等问题.最后,提出创建中国遗产旅游经济学的概念性框架:①遗产旅游经济学的观念、概念和方法,应能与遗产经济学、文化经济学和旅游经济学“无缝对接”;②对遗产地的遗产类资源与非遗产类资源给予有区别的恰当的旅游经济学处理;③在遵循遗产经济学和遗产保护原则基础上,重新处理遗产旅游涉及的各项问题.  相似文献   

遗产责任:概念、特征与研究议题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张朝枝 《旅游学刊》2014,29(11):45-51
为回应学术界关于旅游研究范式转型中提出的旅游研究应更关注的公平与权利、道德与责任问题,根据遗产旅游的现实发展需要,研究以国际宪章与法规关于遗产责任的表述为出发点,根据遗产与遗产旅游的本质属性特征,借鉴企业社会责任和负责任旅游的概念界定方式,提出"遗产责任"的学术概念,并根据遗产与遗产旅游的内涵对遗产责任的特征进行了讨论。在此基础上,根据遗产旅游研究的核心问题提出了遗产责任研究的"什么是遗产责任""谁的遗产责任""不同的遗产责任行动对遗产价值再现和遗产旅游可持续发展产生什么影响"3大核心研究议题。  相似文献   

酒店设计的原真性与标准化协调——理论构建与个案展示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足旅游者的差异化需求,酒店在前期设计过程中需要与地方文化结合,并保持建筑外观和内部装饰的设计感,这与接待服务的原真性相关.然而,现代酒店以标准化、规范化服务为基础,为旅游者提供食、住、娱、购等基本功能,这些功能需要以标准化为基础.从消费者角度,旅游者既需要个性化、创新的酒店设计,又需要获取大众化、高性价比的酒店产品.酒店设计在原真性和标准化之间存在两难.文章基于理论分析,构建基于原真性和标准化的理论框架,并以若干酒店为案例,讨论酒店设计过程中如何协调原真性和标准化的两难问题.研究结论对酒店建筑和室内设计提供理论支持,也将为主题酒店、设计酒店、精品酒店等方面的研究提供经验借鉴.  相似文献   

张月  蒋依依 《旅游学刊》2022,37(1):13-15
奥运会作为超大规模的、世界性的体育赛事,对举办城市/地区的经济、旅游、社会、环境等多个方面都产生着显著影响,其中,长期积极的影响可以被视为"奥运遗产"。1988年,国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee,IOC)首次提出奥林匹克旅游遗产概念。以奥运会为代表的大型体育赛事有潜力将一个社区、一个城市或者整个国家打造成一个富有吸引力的旅游目的地。  相似文献   

遗产旅游的发展向度:遗产地精神与体验旅游的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一直以来,文化遗产与旅游植根于不同的价值观念、使命和功能,服务于不同的利益群体,服从于不同的政府管理机构,实现着不同的管理目标和任务。这使遗产保护与旅游开发既相互依存,又相互冲突。  相似文献   

国外黑色旅游研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑色旅游是近年来国外,特别是欧美地区旅游学界新兴的热点研究领域,也是一个颇具争议的领域.文章对国外有关黑色旅游的文献进行梳理,认为黑色旅游的概念界定、黑色旅游者行为特征、黑色旅游展示和历史原真性的争议、黑色旅游的影响是国外黑色旅游研究的4大主题,并对每一个主题进行了总结.  相似文献   

我国遗产旅游的文化政治意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐嵩龄 《旅游学刊》2007,22(6):48-52
本文提出一个我国遗产旅游界尚未关注的问题--遗产旅游的文化政治意义.文章首先讨论了我国遗产的文化政治价值,接着提出我国遗产旅游应当发挥的文化政治功能,最后分析了提高我国遗产旅游文化政治效果的必要举措.  相似文献   

文章通过对一名茶僧参与策划径山茶宴全过程的民族志研究,采用参与观察和深入访谈的研究方法,讨论和反思旅游文化背景下非物质文化遗产的再发明问题。文章从旅游文化和"真实性"的概念出发,讨论旅游研究领域对"光环"研究的缺失,提出关注文化实践中对光环的利用存在的问题,进一步探讨径山茶宴再发明过程中"谁需要真实性以及为什么"以及"如何使用真实性"两个核心问题,以期补充现有真实性讨论的局限性。笔者认为,遗产旅游文化是文化市场化的结果,具备其真实性,而遗产的光环促进着地方文化品牌的推广,径山茶宴在旅游发展背景下的遗产化过程呼吁我们反思非物质文化遗产认证存在的批量化、标准化以及文化多元性等问题。  相似文献   

This study examines object-based and existential authenticity using a multidimensional approach to perceived value. The effects of value perceptions on satisfaction are also examined. Data was collected from tourists at the Singapore Chinatown heritage precinct. The findings revealed that object-based authenticity, existential authenticity, and perceived monetary value positively influenced overall perceived value and subsequently, satisfaction. This paper provides researchers with a theoretical framework of authenticity and perceived value for future empirical studies in the heritage tourism context. It also provides insight into how destination marketers and policy makers can develop effective and sustainable strategies for heritage destinations.  相似文献   


The dialogue on authenticity continues to evolve across different temporalities and disciplines. This editorial for the special issue summarizes contemporary progress made by scholars of heritage tourism and shares innovative corridors for deep deliberations. A broad spectrum of provocative ideas are touched upon, ranging from host–guest authentication and intangible heritage to knowledge transfer processes, authenticating heritage in fairytale settings, authenticity and anxiety in the smell of death and life, understanding the boundaries of authenticity, nostalgia, sustainability, marketing, destination competitiveness, and examining affective connotations of authenticity. Discursive insights are offered on how different authenticities are legitimized and critically deconstructed and re-constructed again in the authentication process, to underline the existence of power and authority interventions. Inspiring/innovative pathways, for future research, are also recommended.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between concepts of authenticity and the consumption of heritage attractions. Critiques of the heritage industry have often revolved around the idea that its visitors can only experience a false representation of history. Although valuable in many ways, such an approach does not explore the full complexity of these experiences. This paper seeks to develop an alternative theoretical framework to understand such visits by referring to discussions generated within those fields concerned with touristic experiences, identity and modernity. These argue that the nature of the authenticity at stake in these experiences is not one dimensional but must look to the concept of a subjective authenticity of self, as well as an authenticity that is judged according to objective realities. These concepts are explored in the context of exhibitionary forms and the meanings people invest in collective memories and cultural identities – that is, the strategies of interpretation and mechanisms of display used at heritage attractions.  相似文献   

Authenticity in reconstructions of the past is essential to heritage management, and new technologies have made this a highly pertinent dilemma. Demands for new interpretation offers and experiences raise questions of the extent to which such demands can or should be met. New technologies have already made their way into the heritage industry as a means of innovation for interpretation offers, among these is augmented reality. New technologies have made a limited break-through arguably rooted in conservatism among heritage managers. This raises a question of managers' understandings and perceptions of authenticity and effects on heritage and new technologies. Based on an exploratory case, Lindholm Høje Viking burial and museum in Denmark, this paper proposes that different conceptions of authenticity can co-exist within the tourist setting, whereby new technologies can be implemented to strengthen heritage sites as tourism attractions while still paying attention to authenticity and ongoing authentication processes. Abstract, conceptual discussions of authenticity often stress the extremes, but it is here argued that a combination can exist in practice. The paper also suggests that understanding levels and patterns of authenticity among various groups of actors is central to discussions of authenticity and its role in tourism settings.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among authenticity, loyalty, involvement, and attitude toward world cultural heritage sites (WCHS), as well as the relevance between two basic authenticity concepts in cultural heritage tourism, that is, constructive authenticity and existential authenticity. A structural model was proposed, in which authenticity is regarded as a key mediating construct between attitude and loyalty. The data were collected by a self-administrated questionnaire survey at one of the WCHS in China – Nanjing Xiaoling Tomb Scenic Area. The structural equation modeling method was employed to test the research model and the hypotheses with the sample data. The results indicate that involvement, attitude, and existential authenticity have significant effects on tourists' loyalty to the world cultural heritage visitation and that constructive authenticity and existential authenticity are significantly related. The theoretical and management implications of authenticity are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Heritage tourism takes on a new meaning when conceived and implemented in the framework of a diaspora homeland context. Trip organisers utilise heritage tourism that identifies the signifiers of national collective identity or Peoplehood and construct an experience of authenticity that supports a newly reconstructed narrative of personal and collective identity that bridges the diaspora and homeland identities. This paper examines into the differential consequences of heritage tourism on the ethnic identity of diaspora travellers from North America and the former Soviet Union to their homeland, specifically contrasting Jewish tourists from different diaspora localities making an otherwise almost identical birthright Israel trip. For both groups, Jewish ethnic identity was strengthened, particularly their emotional attachment to Israel. However, the difference between the two groups was found in the actual factors that explain this post trip attachment to Israel. The experiential component was more prominent among participants from the former Soviet Union, while among North American student participants, Jewish background as well as their higher pre-trip motivations provide an explanation for their high post-trip scores of attachment to Israel. Israel thus serves as the liminal domain of diaspora tourists, where existential authenticity and pre-trip ethnicity as latent as the latter may be, intertwine experientially to generate an expansion of the frame of individual identity of diaspora tourists in their homeland.  相似文献   

Heritage souvenirs are an indispensable part of indigenous tourism and the authenticity of indigenous heritage is a vital aspect of such tourism. This study adopts a mixed methods approach to explore the perceived authenticity of glass bead souvenirs of the Paiwan Tribe in Pintung County, Taiwan. The study explores differences in the evaluations of authenticity among stakeholders and the factors that influence perceptions of authenticity. An understanding of tourists' perceptions of indigenous heritage offers valuable information for the creation of indigenous souvenirs and for reviving the promotion of indigenous culture.  相似文献   

A destination's image and on-site recreation experience can be regarded as precedents of the authenticity perceived by heritage tourists. Historic images attract tourists to experience the authenticity of a heritage destination. This study examines the linear relationships among destination images, recreation experience, and the perceived authenticity experienced by tourists at the Shengxing Heritage Recreation Area in central Taiwan. In total, 536 usable questionnaires were collected. Analytical results indicate that the cognitive and affective images of a destination directly and significantly affect the recreation experience of tourists at a heritage recreation area. Additionally, recreation experience directly and significantly affects perceived authenticity. Moreover, recreation experience has a significant mediating effect on the relationship between cognitive image and perceived authenticity. We conclude that when tourists visit a heritage-based tourism destination, such as the destination under consideration, these tourists gain tourism image and recreation experiences, which strengthens their perceived authenticity of heritage tourism; as a result, these tourists are more likely to contribute to the development of heritage tourism. Applying this theoretical framework to research on heritage tourism further extends our understanding of the behavioural model of heritage tourists. Finally, this study provides a valuable reference for managers striving to develop heritage tourism.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on authenticity is Western-centric, while little work addresses the concept in the Asian environment. The literature relating to authenticity from Asian tourists’ point of view is even underdeveloped. This study therefore aims to fill the knowledge gap by investigating Chinese tourists’ perspective of authenticity. It also examines tourists’ perceived authenticity as a multi-dimensional construct in a consumer-based model, the relationship with heritage motivation and tourist satisfaction. Findings indicate that Chinese tourists’ perceptions of authenticity are closely related to objective and constructive authenticity. The study demonstrates that heritage motivation has a significant positive influence on perceived authenticity and that perceived authenticity has a strong ability to predict tourist satisfaction.  相似文献   

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