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熊伟  吴必虎 《旅游学刊》2008,23(2):80-86
大型展会作为会展业中的重要内容,对城市住宿接待业的影响非常明显,特别是对酒店房价的影响成为备受关注的问题.本文以第100届广交会为例,采用深度访谈、二手资料分析等方法搜集大量的基础资料,探讨广交会对于高星级酒店房价影响的空间规律.结果显示:(1)房价影响的总体空间范围为广州市及佛山、东莞等部分周边城市,符合距离衰减规律;(2)房价影响的市区空间范围同时受流花馆和琶洲馆(即琶洲新会展中心)影响,但两者的影响各有其侧重;(3)市区空间范围内单个酒店的房价涨幅与流花馆之间的距离,5分钟车程范围内符合距离衰减规律,超过5分钟则规律比较模糊.最后,本文对于相关结论进行了尝试性的解释和探讨.  相似文献   

在事件活动领域,相对于体育活动,关于会展活动经济影响的研究较为薄弱。如何将与会展相关的产业和区域全部纳入其中以避免失真和漏损,是会展经济影响研究的难点之一。该研究首次运用区域间投入产出模型(IRIO),通过将波及的12个产业部门进行归并,计算了我国30个省区会展产业的区域及区域间影响力,并以广交会为案例,进行了会展间接经济影响的实证分析。研究结果显示:我国会展业对国民经济具有较强的拉动作用,而且几乎所有的省区都会产生相互间的波及效应;在总产出层面,会展产业的影响力在东部沿海和中西部地区表现出较为明显的差异性;我国会展业还有一定的发展空间。案例研究表明,第104届广交会的间接经济影响约为162.43亿元(其中广东占比最高,为35.09%),直接与间接效应之比为1:2.94;批发和零售贸易业等五个产业部门受广交会影响较大,合计占比为77%。  相似文献   

靳文敏  罗秋菊 《旅游学刊》2012,27(1):101-110
我国会展业资金类政策已经成为地方政府间相互效仿和借鉴的典型政策,传播速度快、范围广,某种程度上被认为是城市会展业竞争的必要条件之一.然而,会展业带有很强的产业特征,政府与业界对此类政策的目标与功效并不清晰,其效仿和传播还在继续蔓延与扩大.可以说,在中国情境下,各地方政府采纳此类政策的原因及影响因素以及如何作出理论解释尚不清晰.因此,文章一脉相承于前人的研究,同时运用内部决定模型和传播模型探究中国情境之下会展业资金类政策的传播原因及政府采纳该项创新政策的影响因素.文章运用质性研究方法收集数据,得出四点结论:第一,地方政府采纳会展业资金类政策是由内外部因素共同决定的,也进一步证实了国外学者提出的不能割裂内部决定模型和传播模型的结论.第二,内部因素主要包括受会展业带动效应的驱动、通过扶持展会数量进而带动质量的发展倾向、表明政府态度和增强行业信心的需要、体现会展业在城市发展中的地位;外部因素包括学习、竞争、压力.第三,由于效果感知模糊,地方政府在出台此类政策时存在非理性的比拼式竞争,主要源于效仿和学习.第四,政府方纠结于矛盾与反思之中,一方面认识到资金补贴并非最重要的因素,但另一方面倘若没有资金支持政策又有可能陷入不作为、不竞争的境地.  相似文献   

东莞厚街镇会展业影响的社区感知研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
罗秋菊 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):77-82
对会展业影响的社区感知研究有助于指导决策者和组织者规划、营销、管理和经营会展业.本文以展览业发达的东莞厚街镇为例,研究了厚街镇居民对会展业的影响感知,以及当地居民对会展业的态度.研究表明,社区对会展的影响感知体现在六个方面,既有正面感知,又有负面感知;社区居民对待会展的态度分为热爱者、中立者、理性者和漠视者四种类型.另外,研究结果还显示,与社区旅游和大型事件活动的影响感知相比,居民对待会展的态度表现为两个不同点,第一,漠视者取代了极端的憎恨者;第二,热爱者的比率非常高.  相似文献   

一、前言对旅游者人均支出水平的研究是为了阐明旅游者的消费行为对旅游地的经济影响。研究旅游者人均支出水平的地区差异是试图从这一点着手来探讨造成旅游经济影响地区差异现象的根源及其产生的内在机制。对旅游经济影响的研究长期以来是旅游理论研究的重点领域之一,对旅游经济影响地区差异现象产生的原因及内在机制的探讨则是目前在该研究领域中的热点问题。回顾旅游经济影响研究的历史发展过程,是不难证明这一点的。概括起来,国外在旅游经济影响研究领域中所取得的成就主要是两个理论:1.旅游乘数理论。乘数理论是描述旅游收入在旅游地经…  相似文献   

旅游同步虚拟社区信息交互特征探析——以QQ群为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为旅游网络信息传播的重要场所,旅游虚拟社区这一社交网络对旅游者具有很强的导引作用.文章使用社会网络分析(SNA)中的密度分析、中心性分析、社群图分析、弱连接分析,通过案例研究发现,成熟的旅游同步虚拟社区的网络连接密度达到0.151;虚拟社区存在意见领袖,这些成员主导着社区旅游信息的沟通交流;现实社区小团体的相对封闭现象在旅游同步虚拟社区中不存在,旅游者除在小团体内部交流外,还共同组成一个大的和谐社区.同时研究认为,只需要能够影响少数核心人员的旅游决策,就能够对大多数旅游者产生影响.在社区中需要激励机制,培养有经验的旅游者,鼓励信息共享.  相似文献   

胡平  杨杰 《旅游学刊》2006,21(11):81-85
会展业作为前景广阔的朝阳产业,对相关产业有巨大的拉动作用.本文以上海新国际博览中心作为案例对会展业的经济效应做实证研究,从抽样调查和统计数据着手分析得出以下结论:上海展览业的拉动效应为1∶8.4,已接近国外发达国家水平;不同展览的经济带动作用各不相同,参观人数多的品牌国际展的经济拉动作用更大;展览会对展览搭建公司以及当地住宿餐饮影响巨大.  相似文献   

广州市作为我国重要的旅游城市,近年来旅游业发展较快,但观光旅游对城市旅游发展的贡献有所下降.近年来,针对观光旅游资源相对欠缺的现象,广州市致力于打造更多优质观光旅游资源.作为国内较早开始绿道建设的城市,广州市绿道建设较为完善,大力发展绿道旅游这一新兴的旅游形式对提升城市观光旅游发展具有重要作用.旅游目的地意象对研究旅游者行为及旅游资源的开发具有重要作用,文章基于旅游目的地意象的理论与研究方法,通过分析旅游者对广州市绿道的景观意象特征,进而探讨广州市绿道建设与旅游开发状况.对广州市绿道旅游者问卷调查获取相关数据,并将广州市绿道旅游景观意象分为自然环境、基础设施及人文要素3类,分析旅游者的绿道意象特征,结果表明:(1)旅游者对城市绿道旅游整体评价较高,体现在正面词汇较为集中,负面意象相对较少;(2)绿道旅游景观意象词汇分散,尚未形成一个比较认可的“公众意象”;(3)相比于高频词汇,低频词汇更加关注绿道建设的细节,这些针对性较强、指向明确的意象词汇对旅游目的地建设具有更加重要的意义.  相似文献   

文章借鉴传播学“知识沟”假设,结合数据时代“知识沟”所具有的新特性,映射出在旅游地景观传播中也客观存在“知识沟”现象.依据“知识沟”的理论基础,将“知识沟”分解为知识信息获得差异、信息选择后接受与记忆差异两种形式,构建旅游地景观传播中的“知识沟”及其成因的关系模型.实证结果表明:旅游动机、景观属性、传播方式对知识信息获得差异和信息选择后接受与记忆差异均产生显著的正向影响,而游客认知则对前者产生显著的正向影响,社会交往能力对后者产生显著的正向影响.针对景观传播中“知识沟”及其成因的分析,可为更好地诠释旅游地景观审美意义,提升游客对旅游地景观信息的获取和认知效率,增强旅游地景观的传播效果,建构旅游地景观传播中“知识沟”的互动和谐新格局提供科学依据.  相似文献   

我国高校会展专业办学模式研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
无论从国际会展业蓬勃发展的势头来看 ,还是从入世后中国会展业即将面临的严峻竞争形势来分析 ,我国开展会展教育都是前景广阔而且迫在眉睫。本文从一项调查报告的结论入手 ,通过比较分析国内 3所高校会展专业 (方向 )的课程设置 ,并以会展项目运作对人员的知识和能力要求为主要依据 ,重新构建了会展专业 (方向 )的主干课程体系 ,最后试探性地提出了在现有状况下国内高校开办会展专业 (方向 )的 3种可行的办学模式。  相似文献   

There have been few efforts made to identify the positioning of exhibition host countries or cities, even though studies on the positioning of convention host destinations have been popular. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the positioning of exhibition cities as perceived by a sample of exhibitors who participated in exhibitions held in Hong Kong. A total of 304 questionnaires were collected at the PATA Travel Mart 2006, the Hong Kong Jewelry and Watch Fair, Aircraft Interiors Expo ASIA 2006, MIPIM Asia 2006, and Electronic Asia 2006. The results of this study found that there is a strong competition between major exhibition host cities in Asia, including Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo. The respondents showed the highest preference for Hong Kong and Singapore as an exhibition host destination.  相似文献   

This study explores the reasons why an exhibitor participates in a travel exhibition and assesses this marketing strategy. A total of 15 representative exhibitors who participated in the Taipei International Travel Fair were interviewed between January and July 2016. The results of the analysis indicated that exhibitors’ selection of a travel exhibition was based on the exhibition’s performance and condition. The primary purposes for participating in a travel exhibition were to enhance the firm’s reputation and sales. The exhibitors’ marketing strategies primarily involved on-site promotional activity and relevant five-sense experiences. An assessment of exhibitors’ participation factors and marketing strategies can both help firms implement their goals and enable organizers to create sustainable exhibitions. This study contributes to the existing literature by providing both theoretical and managerial implications for the travel fair, service, and tourism industries.  相似文献   

论广州新会展中心的形成对广州酒店业的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
程露悬 《旅游学刊》2002,17(2):49-51
广州会议、会展业对广州酒店业的经营影响巨大,尤其是每年两次的交易会给当地酒店带来了大量的客源。随着经济的发展,新会展中心的形成,将使广州的酒店业在需求总量上进一步扩大,但酒店之间的竞争格局会发生改变,尤其是高档酒店之间的竞争会更加激烈,在酒店布局上,形成酒店的东进、南移的新局面。  相似文献   


Despite the deep cultural value and strong appeal to global tourists, the Kumbh Fair has not been explored much by researchers. This is even though the Kumbh Fair is crafting the tourism of India, thereby leading to its overall socio-economic development. This study aims to examine the determinants of tourist motivation, such as ads awareness, destination image and online-communities, which provoke tourists to have attachment with the destination more closely. The study found the tourists’ attitude as a complementary mediation and spiritual stimuli as a mediating moderator are positively impacting on the significant relationship of destination motivators and destination attachment.  相似文献   


This case study is designed to provide readers with an overview of the format of a virtual event and the variety of options available to exhibitors. It focuses specifically on the Virtual GITEX 2001 event, which adopted a 3-dimensional virtual reality approach. On October 7, 2001, the virtual component of the Dubai World Trade Centre's largest and most successful exhibition, GITEX,1 an information technology exhibition, was launched. The virtual exhibition featured 23 exhibitors, representing a mix of local and international companies, and includes Microsoft; Sanyo; Al Futtaim; Bayt.com; Bond Communications; and the UAE's telecommunications provider, Etisalat. The virtual exhibition, which can be accessed from the GITEX Web site at http://www.gitex.com requires a 3-dimensional viewer plug-in2 that can be downloaded within 5 minutes. However, visitors have the option of viewing the exhibition in 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional format. The virtual GITEX exhibition can also be accessed directly through Virtex's Web site at http://www.virtexinternational.com/gitex. While the GITEX exhibition was developed using a virtual reality environment, Virtex can also create exhibitions using photo-realistic images incorporating panoramic photography, a virtual solution which Virtex says is typically preferred by exhibition organizers in industries that are not as technologically advanced or where there are bandwidth issues. The photo-realistic approach was the solution used for the International Jewellery Dubai virtual exhibition and the Middle East International Motor Show virtual exhibition. Two advantages of this approach are that it requires no plug-ins and accessibility is not constrained by limited bandwidth.  相似文献   

Successful exhibition branding is essential to ensure that an exhibition organizer attracts a critical number of both exhibitors and visitors to profitably operate in an ever more competitive marketplace. However, the process of developing a strong exhibition brand, and indeed, what constitutes an exhibition brand, is not well understood. This paper first presents an argument for an exhibition brand being unique and more complex than various other types of brands discussed in the literature so far. It then extends existing branding theory in the exhibition context by advancing a model of exhibition brand preference, from the perspective of exhibitors, which examines the impact on brand preference of the various components of an exhibition brand. Drawing on a survey of 600 exhibitors, study findings reveal that it is the quality of the supplier–buyer (organizer–exhibitor) relationship that primarily determines exhibition brand preference rather than the attractiveness of an exhibition destination/venue. Theoretical and managerial implications of study findings are discussed, and directions for future research provided.  相似文献   

曾琪洁  吕丽  陆林  朱付彪 《旅游学刊》2012,27(5):103-111
大众对文化和精神的消费需求为文化创意产业的发展提供了广阔的市场前景,世博会就是文化创意旅游产业在特定空间高度集聚而成的产物.文章基于旅游者的问卷调查,从核心内容和衍生产品两方面对上海世博会文化创意旅游需求及其差异性进行分析.结果显示,旅游者对文化创意旅游需求呈现多元性、娱乐性、符号性、实用性和虚拟性体验的趋势.在核心内容的需求方面,旅游者需求较高的依次为:展馆、文化演艺活动和论坛;在衍生产品的需求方面,旅游者对特许旅游纪念品中的世博护照、海宝和世博纪念徽章的需求较大,对出版发行服务中地图的需求较多,对网络文化服务的需求度正逐步提高.分析发现,基于不同的人口统计学特征和旅游行为特征,旅游者文化创意旅游需求存在显著差异,主要体现在年龄和月均收入因素的影响,而性别、职业、文化程度、进园次数和出游方式的影响较小,文章并据此探讨未来文化创意旅游的发展方向.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate how conventions and exhibitions attract exhibitors and the effects of exhibition attendance on business performance. For this purpose, this study constructed a theoretical model to discuss the relationships of the latent variables. According to the conceptual framework of this study, exhibition marketing included five facets: selling activity, information gathering, relationship building, exhibition image, and extension service. This study then conducted confirmatory factor analysis to test the inner quality of the measuring model, and applied structural equation modeling to test the research hypotheses. The subjects were 350 Taiwanese companies that had previously attended exhibitions. The empirical results showed that selling activity, information gathering, exhibition image, and extension service have positive significant effects on exhibition attendance, while the exhibition attendance also positively influences the business performance. Moreover, exhibition attendance has a partially moderating effect on exhibition marketing and business performance.  相似文献   

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