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游客价值感知是形塑其旅游实践过程中遗产认同的重要因素,研究游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用机理,有利于指导遗产意义的再生产,充分发挥遗产在当代的功能。文章以世界文化遗产地永顺老司城为案例,以访谈文本和网络评论游记为资料,应用内容分析法和扎根理论探讨游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用机理。研究发现:(1)游客价值感知多元表征由土司遗址价值感知、民族交往价值感知、整体形象价值感知、旅游符号价值感知、土司制度价值感知和土司事迹价值感知组成;(2)游客在文化遗产地价值感知过程中通过动机驱使、具身感知、情感湍流、认知升华等生成遗产认同;(3)遗产认同包含文化认同、民族认同和国家认同等,是文化遗产地主客互动建构的结果;(4)游客价值感知对遗产认同的作用实质就是表征与非表征统一的过程,由此完整刻画遗产认同的意义。该研究加强了旅游情境下价值感知和遗产认同的理论联结。  相似文献   

中国“世界遗产”的可持续旅游发展研讨   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
陶伟 《旅游学刊》2000,15(5):35-41
世界遗产是“人类智慧和人类杰作的突出样品”,在新世纪的今天,“遗产旅游”作为一种世界现象,已成为人类求取与外部世界高度和谐的最有效形式之一,成为一种高质量回归自然、回归历史的必须性的社会生活组成部分,研究“遗产旅游”的可持续发展已成为当今的重大论题。本文首次对中国“世界遗产”的现状进行了全面综合的把握,揭示了遗产地采取可持续旅游发展战略的必然性以及目前存在的主要问题和矛盾,分析了发展“遗产旅游”中应正确处理的三大关系,提出遗产旅游可持续发展的内涵并寻求我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展的建议与对策。  相似文献   

近年来,遗产旅游发展迅速,很多人已经把遗产地,尤其是世界遗产地与旅游目的地画上了等号.这显然是一种误解,但同时也反映出人们对世界遗产地旅游的热衷.这种热衷折射出人们的一种怀旧情绪,也折射出遗产旅游在现代人生活中的巨大影响.  相似文献   

中国“世界遗产”的可持续旅游发展研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
世界遗产是“人类智慧和人类杰作的突出样品” ,在新世纪的今天 ,“遗产旅游”作为一种世界现象 ,已成为人类求取与外部世界高度和谐的最有效形式之一 ,成为一种高质量回归自然、回归历史的必须性的社会生活组成部分 ,研究“遗产旅游”的可持续发展已成为当今的重大论题。本文首次对中国“世界遗产”的现状进行了全面综合的把握 ,揭示了遗产地采取可持续旅游发展战略的必然性以及目前存在的主要问题和矛盾 ,分析了发展“遗产旅游”中应正确处理的三大关系 ,提出遗产旅游可持续发展的内涵并寻求我国世界遗产地旅游可持续发展的建议与对策。  相似文献   

通过游览国内国际的世界遗产地,从旅游者的角度,明显感觉到我国的世界遗产开发、管理和服务有许多不如意处,需要进行系统的改进和提升. 一、现实中的中国世界遗产地与人们理想中的相距甚远.  相似文献   

近22年世界遗产地研究进展——基于13种中文期刊的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自1985年中国成为世界遗产公约缔约国以来,中国对世界遗产地的研究在数量与内容上都有很大变化.本文选取国内相关领域13种期刊,以其刊载的世界遗产相关文献为基础,综述了自1985至2006年22年来我国世界遗产地的研究状况.分时间、地域、遗产类型和专题进行分析,涉及遗产地本体、遗产地活动、遗产话语等4大主题,以及遗产价值、遗产保护、遗产旅游、经营管理、遗产地设计规划、遗产学科教育等细分主题.分析认为,各阶段中国的世界遗产地研究在本体论、认识论和方法论上都有不同特点,尤其是第四阶段在研究内容上显示出较大变化,展现了广阔的前景.遗产地的保护与开发、遗产地经营管理、环境监测、遗产保护技术、遗产学科教育是今后遗产研究的重点.  相似文献   

黄萍 《旅游学刊》2007,22(8):23-28
一旦进入《世界遗产名录》,遗产地旅游迅速升温,遗产保护与旅游发展的矛盾随即凸显.如何协调保护与开发关系,促进旅游可持续发展,成为理论与实践不断探讨的主要问题."数字九寨"是我国世界遗产地,也是国家级风景名胜区中率先自主创新、通过数字化管理进行实践探索的典型个案.在数字化建设中,彰显出"协同"保护与开发的管理功效端倪.本文基于协同理论,分析了"数字九寨"的协同原理及效果,并针对存在的问题提出强化数字化协同功效的保障措施.拟从"保护-开发"视角,为我国世界遗产地、旅游景区在数字化建设和管理中增强持续发展能力提供实践参考.  相似文献   

游客乡村旅游质量感知是指游客在乡村旅游产品消费过程中形成的对质量属性表现的综合评价。本文选择新疆昌吉州杜氏农民为实证研究对象,以游客感知理论为基础,通过访谈和游客问卷调查获得第一手数据资料,结合已有的研究成果,运用数学方法对数据进行统计分析。验证了新疆城郊型乡村农庄旅游质量的游客感知主要表现在外部综合形象、核心吸引资源、接待服务态度与质量、农庄旅游基础设施4个层面。游客的收入水平、家庭所在地及性别条件对感知水平有影响。通过中西部乡村旅游六要素的游客感知质量的对比研究,发现经济发展状况及乡村旅游开发形式对乡村旅游质量感知有影响。  相似文献   

关于世界遗产地与旅游之间关系的几点辨析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
杨锐 《旅游学刊》2002,17(6):7-8
有关世界遗产地的一系列问题值得深入思考. 世界遗产地能不能开展旅游?当然能.《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》确定的缔约国的责任包括"鉴定、保护、保存、展出和遗传后代"等五项."展出"给谁,当然是"展出"给人类,这就是说遗产不是关起门来进行保护的,而是要与人类见面的,其价值是要为人类所欣赏的."旅游"对遗产地有没有负面影响?毋庸置疑.旅游会带来土壤的压实和侵蚀,会带来水质和大气质量的下降,带来通货膨胀和治安压力等等.但同时旅游又可以(或者说可能)为遗产地带来好处,门票、特许经营费和捐款"可能"为资源的恢复和保护提供资金.游客可能成为一个遗产地的朋友从而为该遗产地带来国际支持.  相似文献   

程励 《旅游学刊》2012,27(6):3-4
在当今世界,由于世界遗产地是综合了自然或社会核心因素的独特区域,往往成为一个区域甚至国家的重要文化符号或形象的重要代表.这一特殊禀赋也决定了世界遗产地必将在旅游产业链中扮演极为重要的战略地位,遗产地已经被学术界广泛认为是区域旅游产业快速增长的核心动力.  相似文献   

Bundling attractions for rural tourism development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism is often regarded as a viable solution to economic crisis, especially for remote areas without many development options. While many tourism destinations have strong cultural or heritage assets, not all destinations have primary attractions that can bring visitors to the region. Rather than developing special interest “themes”, rural areas that do not have enough of any one type of tourism resource to act as a primary draw may consider bundling different attraction types to increase visitation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the preferences of visitors to secondary heritage sites and explore the relationship between heritage tourism and alternative, non-heritage activities in rural areas. Findings revealed that motivation to visit small-scale heritage sites consisted of two dimensions: learning and recreation. The two motivational dimensions influenced visitors’ interest in different heritage attractions and likelihood of visiting heritage tourism “scenarios”. As for alternative activities, there was a cluster of “popular” activities that were enjoyed by both learning-oriented and recreation-oriented respondents, but recreation-oriented visitors were more interested in nature-based activities and sport-related activities than learning-oriented visitors. Findings can help rural communities improve secondary attractions and diversify their tourism product by bundling heritage attractions with non-heritage activities.  相似文献   


This study investigates whether the perceptions and attitudes of residents living within the vicinity of heritage tourism sites differ from those living further afield. It examines residents’ attitudes toward tourism development; community attachment; environment and culture attitudes; economic gain; and involvement, alongside the moderating role of distance from heritage tourism sites. In doing so, it investigates how the aforementioned factors influence residents’ perceptions of tourism development in their city. Data was collected from inhabitants of Kashan and Tabriz, two historic cities couched within Iran’s growing heritage tourism sector, and analyzed using partial least squares - structural equation modeling. The findings demonstrate significant differences between the perceptions of tourism impacts, economic gain, environmental and cultural attitudes, and involvement between residents living within the vicinity of heritage tourism sites and those living further afield. However, these findings contradicted the hypotheses; identifying higher positive perceptions, environmental and cultural attitudes, economic gain, and involvement for residents living far from heritage tourism sites. Further, the findings did not support the moderating role of distance for the effects of influencing factors on residents’ perceptions. Therefore, this study proffers significant theoretical contributions and practical implications with regards to developing sustainable tourism in Iran.  相似文献   

The relationship between heritage and tourism at Word Heritage Sites is thought to be particularly problematic. Yet, each year more heritage sites gain this status. This paper explores the issues that emerge between tourism and heritage at two heritage sites, one with World Heritage listing and the other embarking on the application process. Interview data were collected in relation to the Royal Exhibition Buildings and Carlton Gardens (REB), Australia and Oamaru's Historic Precinct, New Zealand; secondary data were used to contextualise the findings. The findings of the two case studies indicate that the process, and outcomes, of World Heritage (WH) status influence the nature of the relationship between heritage and tourism. The findings of this case study analysis indicated that prospect of WH listing seems to be a catalyst for decision-making and developing networks between the various stakeholders of heritage and tourism, but heritage stakeholders seem to be grappling for power at this time. Once the listing process is successful, heritage then seems to gain the balance of power, and tourism seems to be less successful in controlling the situation. Further research is warranted on this topic to explore whether the findings from two sites can be generalised to other heritage sites.  相似文献   

Many developing countries seek to utilize cultural heritage sites as resources for socio-economic development through heritage tourism. When rural area is the context of heritage tourism, effort is needed to establish linkages between tourism and the local economy by addressing the following issues: lack of skilled human resources, capital, access to credits, and other assistance; leakages; and dominance of urban players. This paper examines the impacts of heritage tourism on rural livelihoods using Borobudur in Central Java, Indonesia, as the case study. Further, it proposes rural industry promotion as one of the ways to establishing better linkages to tourism.  相似文献   

This study specifically examines the potential for heritage tourism development to promote cross-cultural dialog in the historic old city of Nazareth (Israel). The paper focuses on a case study of a small-scale heritage tourism venture that seeks to influence tourism development in Nazareth's old city. This is an exploratory case study that uses qualitative research methods including extensive participant observation and in-depth interviews with the venture's senior management group and selected employees. Study findings indicate a model of the relationship between community-based tourism development, heritage, and peace-building in a city that has experienced a wide range of cross-cultural conflicts. This model represents an alternative view to the notion that heritage serves to enhance differences and dissonance between different cultural groups. In contrast, findings from this study suggest that heritage in the form of tourism can help create shared interests between different communities in settings characterized by cross-cultural conflict.  相似文献   

Due to the impressive development of the cultural heritage tourism, there is an increasing need to investigate the relationship between tourism and cultural heritage management, in order to avoid conflicts that may occur from parallel, independent development of these activities. At present the Romanian historic towns face an increasing process of fast tourism development within many rehabilitation projects that take place on historic monuments. Assessing their tourism potential in a realistic way may help in developing sustainable tourism at cultural destinations. In this context, the assessment matrix method proposed by McKercher and du Cros is applied to 10 case studies of Romanian historic towns, as a first step in tourism development planning. A refinement of this method is proposed by considering the distribution of the qualifiers assigned to the indicators that are being assessed. The matrix method is shown to be a useful tool for a correlated approach to both tourism development and cultural heritage management.  相似文献   

中国会展旅游发展的优化模式构建   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
王春雷 《旅游学刊》2002,17(2):44-48
本文从剖析会展旅游发展模式的内涵入手,以大量数据和事实为支撑,对中国会展旅游的现行发展模式进行了归纳分析,并试探性地提出了中国会展旅游发展的优化模式,旨在为21世纪我国会展旅游的持续、健康发展提供一种新的思路。同时,希望借此推动国内会展界和旅游界对会展旅游的进一步研究。  相似文献   

制度对旅游发展影响研究综述与启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
处于经济体制转轨期及对宏观环境敏感的中国旅游业,受制度结构与产业政策影响很大,一个完善的制度是保证旅游业持续发展的关键.本文回顾和比较了国内外制度对旅游发展影响的相关研究,国外学者比较集中于制度对遗产保护与管理、可持续旅游、旅游产业、发展中国家旅游发展影响及旅游发展宏观政策等领域的研究,国内学者对这些领域也有涉及,但更关注的研究领域是旅游行业与企业管理体制变迁、制度对旅游饭店、旅行社与景区业发展影响以及对旅游资源与遗产的保护与开发影响等.两者研究关注点的差异,显示了制度因素对我国旅游业发展具有更重要的影响.  相似文献   

Heritage preservation and tourism use are inevitably intertwined at heritage sites and are characterized by both symbioses and tensions, particularly at World Heritage Sites, where international initiatives interact with local priorities. The international designation impacts heritage preservation, tourism development and community well-being at the local level, especially in developing countries. This paper examines global–local relationships, as well as involvement and governance at intermediate scales, and their implications for preservation and development at Badaling Great Wall World Heritage Site in Beijing, China, through examinations of its management structure, heritage preservation and development plans, and the opinions of the local business community. Interviews were conducted with key officials of the Management Office and questionnaire surveys were distributed with local business operators. It is shown that multiple stakeholders operate in a hierarchical, multi-departmental management structure. International linkages are weak and via central government. Positive economic impacts from tourism are highly valued. High awareness of heritage preservation and positive attitudes toward tourism are identified among local business operators with relatively high tolerance for negative environmental impacts. Potential conflicts between global priorities by World Heritage designation and local needs for tourism development are illustrated. Practical implications for heritage and tourism planning and management are discussed.  相似文献   

世界文化遗产旅游深度开发研究——以曲阜为例   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文以旅游者问卷调查为基础,对曲阜世界文化遗产旅游深度开发进行了研究.认为文化遗产旅游的深度开发应该有两个纬度的内容:基于遗产特性的产品体系的深化与扩展以及旅游产品质量的提升.用因子聚类归纳了曲阜文化遗产内涵的产品表现形式,分析了产品体系开发的路径;通过满意度分析,明确了完善旅游服务质量的对策,进而提出了文化遗产旅游深度开发的基本框架模型.  相似文献   

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