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Poverty Traps and Natural Disasters in Ethiopia and Honduras   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《World development》2007,35(5):835-856

The present paper investigates how neighborhood effects are connected to chronic poverty. We examine a large sample of groups of households and find that neighborhood effects are significant in a majority of groups, especially in the poorest groups. People living in poor communities tend to suffer from poverty over time. It is of theoretical and empirical importance to explore how neighborhood effects are interrelated with chronic poverty and the channels through which this occurs. Unlike other econometric analyses, we establish a multilevel econometric model to show that: (i) it is difficult for an individual living in a neighborhood with a high proportion of agricultural labor, low education levels, and poor transport and telecommunication infrastructure to escape from poverty traps; (ii) neighborhood effects dominate in poor communities; and (iii) although poverty is affected by group-level factors, individual factors still play a dominant role in regards to escaping poverty when income surpasses a threshold level Therefore, policy priority should be given to providing social protection and public services, especially in poor rural areas.  相似文献   

收入转移对中国城市贫困与收入分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文利用14个城市调查资料的测定结果表明,中国城市贫困发生率在10鬈左右。高失业率和社会保障体系不完善是造成城市贫困问题恶化的重要原因。收入转移、特别是公共收入转移对减缓城市贫困和收入不平等具有显著作用。在快速经济转型过程中,通过扩大和促进就业、完善社会保障体系等政策措施,对治理城市贫困具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

信用风险转移的工具、机构与市场   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为商业银行信用风险管理的一种手段,信用风险转移自20世纪70年代末以来在欧美国家有相当大的发展,其工具范围不断扩大,参与机构逐渐增多,市场交易额逐年提高。本文在此着重介绍信用风险转移的工具特征、参与者特征以及市场发展状况,以期对信用风险管理水平的提高提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

中国2010年底推出的信用风险缓释工具(CRM)基本沿袭国际通行的CDS产品结构,但对于标的债物条款做了一项改造。现有文献在探讨CRM交易清淡的原因时,均未分析这项产品改造对CRM市场发展的阻碍作用。论文结合信用衍生品的使用方式和国内外相关监管条文,分析这项产品改造对于信用保护范围带来的影响,进而推演CRM和国际通行的CDS在银行贷款风险缓释和资本缓释机制上的差异。研究显示,这项产品改造导致CRM工具的风险缓释和资本缓释两项核心功能同时失效,因而可能是CRM市场发展的真正瓶颈。  相似文献   

BT(建设—移交)模式将工程施工和项目融资结合起来,在基础设施建设项目中被广泛采用。项目建成后的项目移交,是项目发起人和项目投资人双方实现各自利益的重要步骤,不同的产权移交模式对项目发起人和项目投资人各有不同的法律风险。在对BT项目产权移交前的产权归属进行分析的基础上,可以选择适用项目工程资产转让或项目所在公司股权转让作为产权移交模式,并有针对性地采取法律风险防范措施。  相似文献   

程虹  王华星 《南方经济》2021,40(11):44-59
坚定不移地走高质量发展道路,已经成为各领域发展的共识。然而,随着互联网平台经济的飞速发展,线上市场中的低质量问题也变得愈加突出,相比线下市场,线上市场同类产品不合格率、不达标率、投诉量更高。文章认为平台垄断是低质量陷阱产生的主要原因,超级互联网平台的价格垄断、流量垄断和渠道垄断行为,一方面形成了对低成本实体经济需求的"扩张效应",即低价垄断迫使实体企业降低产品质量成本;另一方面形成了对高质量产品的"挤出效应",即流量垄断带来的高额流量费用,迫使实体企业将大部分资金用于线上市场产品营销,挤出了质量创新投入和渠道垄断形成的巨大规模效应,迫使实体企业将低质低价产品打造成为爆款,保障线上市场销量优势。为此,政府部门需要加大对互联网平台恶性价格竞争的监管和处罚力度,督促互联网平台降低实体企业经营成本,强化互联网平台对实体企业的质量赋能作用。  相似文献   

The United States had a trade deficit of $170 billion in 1987 and, even though the value of the dollar has been declining, the deficit has shown no consistent pattern of improvement. The magnitude and persistence of the trade imbalance has led to a great deal of discussion of its impact on the U.S. economy and of policies that might be used to correct the imbalance. One major consideration that is often overlooked is the distributional and equity effect of the trade situation on the poor. While some advocates embrace protectionist policies as a means of “saving” jobs for low-income Americans, others argue that these measures raise the cost of goods used by the poor with no guarantee that jobs are actually saved. The following article reviews the available evidence on the position of low-income Americans under a policy of protectionism.  相似文献   

城市贫困问题已成为中国改革和发展中急需解决的重要问题,治理城市贫困关系到稳定大局,实现“共同富裕”的发展目标,也是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。本文从能力贫困和权利贫困角度出发,结合甘肃省具体情况,对我国城市贫困原因进行了分析,并提出一些建议。  相似文献   

贫困问题与广东扶贫措施浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
廖纪坤 《南方经济》2004,(12):12-15
如何搞好扶贫工作是解决“三农”问题的重要内容,本文通过贫困问题的解读和广东扶贫措施的回顾和分析,使我们了解什么是贫困,扶贫的重点应放在哪里,以及应注意避免哪些误区。  相似文献   

社会保障制度中贫困线和贫困率的测算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
确定合理的贫困标准和贫困线是建立社会保障制度的重要一环。本文从贫困的定义与分类出发,论述了计算贫困线和贫困率的几种主要方法,然后提出了利用收入分布函数计算贫困线和贫困率的新方法。本文还同时提出了一种拟合收入分组数据的分布函数,效果十分理想。收入分布函数的拟合是本文所提出的算法之关键,计算结果的准确性直接取决于分布函数的拟合质量。本文将生物学中常用的逻辑期蒂函数稍加变形应用于收入分布函数的拟合取得了理想效果,并给出了计算这例。  相似文献   

In this article an attempt is made to explain what poverty means and how it is measured. Absolute income measures are discussed with reference to England, America, Australia and South Africa. These encompass the poverty line, the social security administration measure, the Henderson poverty line, the South African poverty datum line and the poverty gap. Relative income measures of poverty used in England, America and Australia are described. Absolute measures of poverty, the income‐net worth approach, a definition that includes other resources and a balance sheet method are explained. Socio‐economic measures are dealt with. These include the sociological concept of poverty, socio‐economic status measures and the culture of poverty view. Other measures described are public dependency and residential measures, mortality measures, a normative measure and subjective poverty.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether environmental risk affects the efficiency of negotiated transfer prices. We analyze a setting where the buyer faces environmental risk but the seller does not. From the risk‐neutral firm's perspective, the transfer should be made in our setting because the expected value of the buyer's profit is greater than the certain opportunity cost of the seller from the transfer. We develop hypotheses to predict that, as environmental risk increases, it becomes more difficult for buyers and sellers to reach agreement. Such difficulty reduces efficiency in terms of both firm profit and negotiation time. We test our hypotheses via an experiment in which buyer and seller dyads negotiate over the transfer of a resource at six levels of environmental risk. Results show that, as predicted, environmental risk decreases efficiency. Specifically, as environmental risk increases, the frequency of agreement decreases, thereby reducing expected firm profit. Further, environmental risk increases negotiation time for those dyads that are able to reach an agreement. Data suggest that the cause of the decreased efficiency is that buyers and sellers use different reference points for determining a fair transfer price and environmental risk exacerbates the effects of such differences.  相似文献   

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