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在现有国际体系中,不对称性是国际关系的主要特征之一,它与单位行为体的制衡行为直接相关联。随着全球化和区域主义的发展,不对称性已从国家层面扩展到地区层面,其原有内涵和制衡逻辑也发生了转移。以地区性作为比较区域间不对称的参考点,作者探讨了地区层面的制衡行为,分析了不对称性、地区性与制衡行为之间的关系,认为在不对称的国际关系中,弱势国家出于维护现状或提高讨价还价能力的需要,它们倾向于选择地区层次的制衡行为。由于地区层次的制衡行为伴随着一定的制度化风险,因此地区层次制衡行为的发生需有一定的条件。通过选取欧盟与东盟关系作为考察对象,作者认为,在不对称的国际关系中,地区性能够反映区域间的不对称关系,也代表了地区层次的制衡能力;地区层次的制衡行为没有特定目标,但主要以平衡大国或发达国家的地区性国家集团为主;当弱势国家的内部制衡无法在短期内得到质的提升时,它们会更倾向选择通过外部制衡,即利用区域间关系来平衡不对称关系。尤其在无政府状态下的单极体系中,当国际结构对霸权国的约束力被严重削弱时,地区层次的制衡作用便显得更加突出。  相似文献   
论述了什么是小额信贷,中国小额信贷的发展轨迹,为什么要在中国林区发展小额信贷,并且以中欧天然林管理项目小额信贷专项基金试点实践为例,介绍了三种运作模式,即NGO模式、国有森工企业模式和村社区天然林管理协会模式。实践证明,小额信贷对于提高林区居民的环保意识、增加森林保护型生计项目、拓宽收入来源和增加林区居民收入、扶贫济困、减少林区居民对天然林的依赖和破坏起到了积极作用,实现了保护天然林的目标;在分析和总结中欧天然林管理项目小额信贷试点运行成果和经验的基础上,对在全国天然林保护工程区内推广中欧天然林管理项目小额信贷工作提出了政策措施;建议。  相似文献   
欧盟对华反倾销是长期困扰中欧贸易健康发展的重要问题。饱受反倾销之苦的中国企业在面对欧盟反倾销的许多不公正的待遇时,经常是愤愤不平。但因为不熟知其法律和实践,对其司法问题的公正性缺少深入的研判,而错失许多可能的胜诉的机会。揭示欧盟反倾销法和对华反倾销实践的不公正性,提供对抗这些不公正因素的理由和依据,应该是当前反倾销研究的当务之急。本文的写作正是从这一基点出发,而对欧盟对华反倾销实践的不合理、不公正的问题所进行的揭示,作者期待通过该文的分析,有助于中国企业界了解欧盟对华反倾销法的实体和程序规定中的不合理因素,并根据每案的具体案情,进行有理有据的抗辩。这既是促使这些消极方面发生转变的积极的努力,也是中国企业维护自己尊严和利益、改变自己被动地位的重要的突破口。  相似文献   
本文首先比较了中国与两大区域经济集团——欧盟和东盟的贸易特点,然后通过引力模型分析了影响中国与欧盟和东盟贸易的因素,并就各个因素所带来影响的不同进行了对比。结果表明,中国与东盟贸易的GDP弹性较大,而中国与欧盟贸易的人均GDP弹性较大。本文认为,前者的原因在于中国与东盟贸易更具潜力,后者主要是因为中国与欧盟的贸易互补性更强。  相似文献   
欧盟在其近年来的国际投资协定谈判中,提出了不少对国际投资规则进行革新的内容。中国为应对将来中欧自由贸易协定谈判,除了分析欧盟国际投资规则本身之外,更应该对欧盟国际投资规则的形成与发展趋势有清晰的把握。欧盟投资规则的形成受到《里斯本条约》的影响,在发展过程中欧盟法院又起到了至关重要的作用。同时,欧盟的国际投资规则发展面临着一致性问题的影响。欧盟如何协调内部投资规则的冲突,如何协调欧盟与欧盟成员在外部的国际投资仲裁中的主体地位等问题都将影响着欧盟国际投资规则的发展,更影响着中国应对中欧双边贸易投资规则的谈判策略。  相似文献   

The purposes of this article are to depict ongoing trends regarding the transport system in Europe, to introduce readers to the challenges that Europe (and the rest of the world) will face in the future, to show which strategies Europe plans to deploy to mitigate the negative impacts the transport system imposes on the overall system, and finally to discuss the potential of these suggested strategies to contribute to the objectives of the European Union in the long run.  相似文献   
The paper outlines EU policy on bioenergy, including biofuels, in the context of its policy initiatives to promote renewable energy to combat greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. The EU’s Member States are responsible for implementing EU policy: thus, the UK’s Renewables Obligation on electricity suppliers and its Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation and road‐fuel tax rebates are examined. It is unlikely that EU policy is in conflict with the WTO Agreement on Agriculture or that on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, but its provisions on environmental sustainability criteria could be problematic.  相似文献   
Migrant networks, language learning and tourism employment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the relationship between migrants’ social networks, the processes of language acquisition and tourism employment. Data collected using netnography and interviews are used to identify the strategies that Polish workers in the UK use to develop their language skills. The paper highlights the roles played by co-workers, co-nationals and customers in migrants’ language learning, both in the physical spaces of work and the virtual spaces of internet forums. It also shows how migrant workers exchange knowledge about the use of English during different stages of their migration careers: prior to leaving their country of origin and getting a job, during their employment and after leaving their job. Implications for academic inquiry and human resource management practice are outlined.  相似文献   
韩永红 《特区经济》2007,224(9):217-219
竞争法豁免制度可以平衡竞争政策与经济政策、社会政策之间的冲突,有助于实现竞争法的多重价值目标。以基础性条约、欧盟理事会的条例、欧洲委员会的通知、指导建议及欧洲法院判例为渊源,以个案豁免和类别豁免为内容,欧盟的竞争法已建立起完备的豁免制度。我国反垄断法豁免制度的构建既要借鉴"他山之石"又要立足于"本土资源"。在制度设计上至少应思考并解决三个问题:豁免制度具体应包含哪些类型的豁免?豁免制度的适用采用审查确认制度还是直接适用制度?豁免制度立法采具体列举式还是原则概括式?  相似文献   
In the emergence of ethically conscious consumer segments across Europe, the expectation was that foods with a designation of origin–label (DOL) would make a production system of similar logic. Past analysis of the registration history of DOLs showed that the take-up of this European Union (EU) food quality scheme was concentrated in the south, which was attributed to specific food supply-and-demand conditions prevalent in that part of Europe. The authors shed light on DOL product distribution and examine its evolution during a 14-year period (2001–2014). DOLs remain a quality differentiation scheme predominantly for the southern EU agrifood industry. However, the less restrictive requirements for protected geographical indication certification make it a much more popular DOL in northern EU. To promote its food quality policy, the EU must approach the two DOL types differently, as they have a different growth potential among EU countries. DOLs’ specialization in categories with expertise accumulated in specific EU areas can become a DOL promoter across all of Europe.  相似文献   
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