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为了获取相对的竞争优势,辖区政府会通过策略性财政政策影响砌的区位分布.文章利用中国省级面板数据,实证分析人民币汇率波动通过改变辖区政府的财政竞争策略,从而影响FI)I区位分布的实际效应.研究表明,人民币汇率升值会弱化FDI流入量与辖区政府财政支出竞争程度两者的正向关系,此时依靠财政支出结构偏向基本建设的竞争策略将收效甚微.  相似文献   
流程优化问题是影响公共服务部门绩效的重要因素,流程优化也由此成为公共服务部门以及理论界越来越关心的课题。本文试图从厘清公共服务流程优化的概念入手,在拓展商业领域流程优化的阶段-任务模型的基础上,提出公共服务流程的优化框架。  相似文献   
The concept of managerial discretion provides a theoretical fulcrum for resolving the debate about whether chief executive officers (CEOs) have much influence over company outcomes. In this paper, we operationalize and further develop the construct of managerial discretion at the national level. In an empirical examination of 15 countries, we find that certain informal and formal national institutions—individualism, tolerance of uncertainty, cultural looseness, dispersed firm ownership, a common‐law legal origin, and employer flexibility—are associated with the degree of managerial discretion available to CEOs of public firms in a country. In turn, we show that country‐level managerial discretion is associated with how much impact CEOs have on the performance of their firms. We also find that discretion mediates the relationship between national institutions and CEO effects on firm performance. Finally, we discuss two inductively derived institutional themes: autonomy orientation and risk orientation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
已经运行半年多的新疆油气资源税改革使油气企业的税负增加,地方财政增收效应显著,初显税改的目标定位。但在试点中暴露出来的计税依据不规范、综合减征率递减以及内外资企业税负不统一的问题,亟需在全面推开资源税改革方案时予以综合考虑,除此之外,还应适当提高现行税率,处理好资源税收入在各级政府间的分配,并在现行体制下同步推进资源税费改革,以此设计具体的改革方案和路径。  相似文献   
各国的国家审计在公共预算中的作用呈现不同特色.沿着预算机会主义、预算治理构造到预算审计这个逻辑路径,建立一个关于国家审计在公共预算中作用的理论架构,并以美国和中国作为案例来验证这个理论构架,具有重要意义.各个国家针对预算机会主义会有一个由预算文化、预算制衡和预算问责组成的预算治理构造,预算审计属于预算问责,预算审计如何嵌入预算治理构造的决定因素是剩余预算机会主义,剩余机会主义决定预算审计体制、预算审计重点和预算审计模式.  相似文献   
第三方逆向物流网络设计是否合理,直接对第三方逆向物流管理的效率和效益产生影响。文中对再制造逆向物流网络模型与算法进行了相关的设计与优化,给出了制造与再制造逆向物流网络的结构和功能,并对模型进行了实例分析,结果表明本模型对带有随机变量的约束条件满足的概率为94%,完全能够证明本模型对第三方逆向物流的优化网络的有效性。  相似文献   
目的 系统研究云南省国家森林乡村空间分布格局及其成因,对丰富和深化乡村地理学及推动乡村振兴具有重要意义。方法 文章综合运用最邻近指数、核密度、空间自相关和量化统计等方法,构建“天蓝、地绿、水清、人和”相统一的“美丽森林乡村”评价指标体系,对云南省国家森林乡村空间分布格局及其成因进行分析。结果 (1)整体上,云南省国家森林乡村呈现“中部局部集聚,四周小分散”的棋盘式空间分布格局,表现为凝聚态势,显著性较强。(2)区域上,国家森林乡村在六大流域和八大区域上呈现典型的不均衡性状态,西侧澜沧江流域与北侧长江流域分布最较多但密度小,滇西、滇西南数量多于滇西北、滇东北和滇东南。(3)空间密度上,大致形成东西、东北—西南走向的两个高密度带绵延区和四个高密度集聚中心。(4)空间相关上,空间正相关显著,由西侧热点区向东侧冷点区过渡,呈现东西相反的对称格局。(5)影响因素上,“山—水—坝”相间的国家森林乡村空间分布格局是社会、经济、文化和自然等因素共同作用的结果,随着生态价值地位的提升,地形地貌、河湖水系和气候等自然因素基础性地位更加牢固。结论 国家森林乡村空间分布反映了当地自然与人文地理环境特征,是区域文化在地表的凝结与表达。  相似文献   
王平  张鸿武 《特区经济》2006,213(10):70-72
本文从分析上证指数及与股票市场密切相关的国民经济运行变量的时间序列入手,依据现代动态计量学的理论与方法,对我国股市和国民经济运行之间的关系进行了具体的分析,从而建立了一个向量自回归(VAR)模型,并在此基础上得出我国股市与经济运行之间的长期均衡关系和短期变动的向量误差修正(VEC)模型。实证研究的结果表明,目前股市背离国民经济运行只是暂时的现象,在一段较长的时期内,我国的股市发展依然受到国民经济运行状况的制约。  相似文献   
Summary. We consider a model of political competition among two ideological parties who are uncertain about the distribution of voters. The distinguishing feature of the model is that parties can delegate electoral decisions to candidates by nomination. It is shown that if the credible platform commitments of the candidates is feasible, then at least one of the parties nominates in equilibrium to a candidate who has an ideology that is more radical than the delegating party's ideology. In a variety of circumstances, this, in turn, yields a polarization of equilibrium policy choices of the candidates. It is thus argued formally here that strategic nomination of the candidates may well be one of the major reasons behind the well documented observation that the platforms associated with the political parties in two-party democracies are often surprisingly polarized. Received: January 10, 2002; revised version: May 8, 2002 RID="*" ID="*" We thank Alberto Alesina, Levent Ko?kesen, Antonio Merlo, Ronny Razin, Vijay Krishna, Alessandro Lizzeri, and seminar participants at Alicante, Columbia, Copenhagen, and NYU for helpful comments. We also thank an anonymous referee for its useful suggestions. A good fraction of this research was conducted while Ok was a visitor in the Department of Economics at University of Alicante; he thanks for the kind hospitality of this institution. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education through grant CICYT BEC2001-0535 (Faulí-Oller) and BEC2001-0980 (Ortu?o-Ortín). Correspondence to:I. Ortu?o-Ortin  相似文献   
本文在总结国内外旅游形象30年来的研究基础上,以中国香格里拉四川片区为案例,立足甘孜州、凉山州和攀枝花市3个地区的旅游资源和市场竞争,研究旅游形象的竞合关系,探讨政府、企业和社区以可持续发展链条,形成旅游形象核心竞争力的发展策略.  相似文献   
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