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新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情在全球快速蔓延后,美国等国家金融市场出现大幅度震荡,历史罕见。金融市场震荡是疫情影响投资者信心,金融市场本身的风险需要释放,以及经济基本面悲观预期等因素共同作用的结果。目前来看,疫情对实体经济造成冲击,疫情应对情况也在很大程度上决定了金融市场震荡是否演化为全球金融危机,国外金融市场震荡对国内金融市场的传导需要审慎理性处理。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,浙江省金融系统积极响应,快速落实,对内严格疫情排查防控,对外做实金融服务保障,及时出台疫情防控金融服务政策措施,精准用好专项再贷款资金,主动对接疫情防控领域重点企业生产资金需求,全力构建本外币政策绿色通道,充分发挥金融在疫情防控工作中的重要作用。当前,我省疫情防控工作已经进入新阶段,全省金融系统要进一步巩固阶段性成果,切实帮扶受疫情影响的困难企业,全面做好复工复产金融服务,坚决打赢疫情防控阻击战。  相似文献   
公共财政的主要职能就是提供满足公共需要的产品与服务,公共卫生是其重要组成部分。面对新冠肺炎疫情,财政需要在支持抓好疫情防控工作的前提下,深入系统分析新冠肺炎疫情对我国经济社会发展造成的影响,进一步发挥财政职能作用,帮助企业渡过难关、恢复生产,努力保持经济社会平稳健康发展。  相似文献   
We examine the distributional impact of large dams on cropland productivity in Africa. As our unit of analysis we use a hydrology based spatial breakdown of the continent that allows one to exactly define regions in terms of their upstream/downstream relationship at a highly disaggregated level. We then use satellite data to derive measures of cropland productivity within these areas. Our econometric analysis shows that while regions downstream benefit from large dams, no beneficial effects accrue to cropland within the vicinity. Moreover, we find that the productivity enhancing impact of upstream dams is dependent on the local climate. Overall our results suggest that upstream dams have quantitatively on average provided up to 12% of the minimum daily per capita amount of kilocalorie needs in downstream communities and increased agricultural production by 1%.  相似文献   
Who produces for whom in the world economy?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract For two decades, the share of trade in inputs, also called vertical trade, has been dramatically increasing. In reallocating trade flows to their original input‐producing industries and countries, this paper suggests a new measure of international trade: ‘value‐added trade’ and makes it possible to answer the question ‘who produces for whom?’ In 2004, 27% of international trade was vertical trade. The industrial and geographic patterns of value‐added trade are very different from those of standard trade. Value‐added trade is relatively less important in regional trade but the difference is not more important for Asia than for America.  相似文献   
For countries with recurrent droughts, the design of drought impact mitigation measures could benefit from analyses of determinants of yields and prices of local crops at regional and district level. This study applies dynamic spatial panel data regression models to yields and prices of four major food crops across regions of Burkina Faso and Niger, over sample periods between 1984 and 2006. Results lend support to mainly simultaneous spatial spillovers, particularly for millet and cowpea prices and sorghum yields in Niger, and maize yields in Burkina Faso. After accounting for these effects, most crop yields are found to be weakly price‐responsive, as envisaged by a supply‐side geographical diffusion hypothesis. Seasonal rainfall elasticity estimates suggest that dominant food crops have slight advantage margins in terms of relative resilience to rainfall shortages. However, this result is to be weighed against low millet yields in Niger, and marked drops in sorghum yields during officially declared droughts in Burkina Faso.  相似文献   
This study addresses the trade‐off between nutrition and taste in expenditure on breakfast cereal, milk, bread, and soft drinks. Within each category, products have similar cost and convenience, but have markedly different flavor and nutritional content. Using annual expenditure data for a large sample of households participating in the ACNielsen Homescan system, we regress a measure of “healthiness” on household demographics and market prices, and find that households with college‐educated heads and higher incomes made significantly healthier choices in all four categories. These effects are puzzling in that the nutritional differences between products were well known to consumers, and there are no cost or convenience differences between them. The presence of children was associated with less healthy choices, especially for cereal and bread, while older households made healthier choices in all categories except milk.  相似文献   
企业是推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的重要微观市场主体,如何通过企业社会责任实践参与和推动社会治理创新,应对和解决突发性社会公共问题,成为国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的重要议题。从企业社会责任治理模式、实践议题、实践主体、实践范式等方面阐述国家治理体系与治理能力现代化导向下的企业社会责任转向。更进一步地,以新型冠状病毒疫情应对为例,深入阐述在特大型公共危机治理过程中,企业如何通过社会责任实践参与重大公共危机治理的多元范式(基于传统个体型的原子式、基于供应链的价值链式、基于战略联盟的联动式,以及数字化平台经济时代基于平台企业主导的商业生态圈与基于公共治理平台主导的社会生态圈等5种范式)推动治理主体、治理过程以及治理手段与工具优化创新,从而为企业助力国家治理体系与治理能力现代化提供理论和实践启示。  相似文献   
“新冠肺炎”疫情对我国外贸和就业产生何种冲击?本文认为,此次疫情已给我国外贸和就业以及全球产业链和供应链带来严重不利的冲击,需要保持中国出口增长,以支撑进口和就业增长,平稳产业链。此次疫情下我国的内外部经贸环境更加严峻,与2003年“非典”时有着很大的不同。稳就业是当务之急,而稳外贸、稳外资是稳就业的关键支撑力。此次疫情加剧了我国巨量高校毕业生叠加农村城镇化大量人口的就业压力。纾困举措:(1)稳定出口市场维护全球供应链,发挥市场机制的有效配置作用;(2)遏制住疫情,运用财政和货币政策对企业减税降费、增加市场流动性,降低成本和扩大消费;(3)帮助企业有序复工复产,提升营商环境,通过稳外贸和稳外资提升就业;(4)大力提升贸易投资便利化和公共产品服务来支持企业开拓市场;(5)教育部可根据高校实际招生能级,授权其适度增加研究生招生比重来缓解毕业生集中就业压力。  相似文献   
Using new high-frequency data that covers a representative sample of small businesses in the United States, this study investigates the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting state policies on the hospitality industry. First, business closure policies are associated with a 20–30% reduction of non-salaried workers in the food/drink and leisure/entertainment sectors during March-April of 2020. Second, business reopening policies play a statistically significant role in slowly reviving the labor market. Third, considerable differences exist in the impact of policies on the labor market by state. Fourth, the rise of new COVID-19 cases on a daily basis is associated with the continued deterioration of the labor market. Lastly, managerial, practical, and economic implications are described.  相似文献   
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