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Amid global economic uncertainty and tumbling world oil prices, Indonesia's economy faces pressure on its external balance and a continued growth slowdown. The government of President Joko Widodo (widely known as Jokowi) has set an agenda of reform, including simpler, faster investment licensing, historic cuts to fuel subsidies to generate fiscal savings, and increased spending on infrastructure. On the political side, Jokowi has had to deal with several political issues coming not only from parties in opposition but also from parties supporting his government, including during the formation of the new cabinet. We examine the consequences so far of the government's policy initiatives and of the policymaking process. While some initiatives have been implemented with success, some seem to have been launched without enough preparation, consultation, or empirical evidence, and many have been poorly communicated. Although inflation accelerated after the November fuel-price rise, efforts have been made to contain inflationary expectations and to mitigate the effects on poverty through social-assistance programs. The government took steps to cushion the impending impacts of higher fuel prices on vulnerable households by giving cash handouts of Rp 200,000 per month to 15.5 million disadvantaged families who receive the lowest level of welfare, and by promoting publicly funded education and health care. The partial removal of gasoline subsidies and the introduction of a fixed-subsidy policy for diesel in the revised 2015 budget reduce uncertainty about the fiscal position, although increases in government spending in infrastructure development were announced at the same time. The revised budget for 2015 increases spending on infrastructure development by 63% from the 2014 budget, mostly on projects to improve connectivity on land and at sea—such as the development of toll roads, railways, and ports—and to increase the performance of the agricultural sector. However, the recent drop in international oil prices forced the government to increase its target for tax revenue by 30% on last year's target, raising concerns about the effect of falling oil prices on the economy. Trade and investment policy reform is important in unlocking Indonesia's growth potential and improving the country's current external balance. Jokowi's administration, however, has been sending mixed signals about its position towards more open policies. The country has yet to recommence several trade negotiations that were postponed in 2014 and is still struggling to meet its commitments under the ASEAN Economic Community. Although improvement in investment procedures and licensing is currently underway, Indonesia needs to adopt a more positive attitude if it is to attract more investment.  相似文献   
目前黑龙江省国企还存在着市场化经营机制尚未形成、与地方发展的共生性不强、总公司与子公司之间的关系尚不合理、人才及科研能力不足等体制、机制问题。要进一步深化黑龙江省国有企业改革,应深化用人和分配制度改革,催生企业发展源动力;强化地方政府与国企的合作,形成发展合力;推动国企生产经营主体由总分公司体制向母子公司体制转变;加强人才培育引进,加大科技研发力度。  相似文献   
张会恒 《财贸研究》2010,21(2):22-26
合芜蚌自主创新综合配套改革试验区建设由"自主创新"和"综合配套改革试验"两部分有内在联系的内容组成。综合配套改革成功的保障是"试验",以自主创新为突破点实现安徽的跨越发展是目标。因此,综合配套改革对自主创新试验区建设发挥着保障作用。但是,由于存在着中央政府和地方政府的目标差异、地方政府官员对改革带来的政治风险的规避等原因导致了综合配套改革的动力不足,使得试验区的工作重点还在自主创新,而综合配套改革还有待于进一步推动。这种状况如果长期存在,就不能实现综合配套改革试验的目标。为此,提出协调中央政府与地方政府的目标差异、完善官员评价和遴选机制等政策建议。  相似文献   
中国电信业政府规制改革研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,电信业是具有典型规模经济、范围经济和固定成本较大沉淀性的自然垄断产业,这种固有的自然垄断特征为政府实行严格的价格管制和进入管制提供了理论依据;但是,从世界范围看,电信业发生的技术革命和技术进步改变了电信业的成本结构和需求结构,从而使电信业从强自然垄断向弱自然垄断过渡,并最终出现竞争性的市场结构,自然垄断的边界发生改变,放松政府规制成为必然趋势。文章提出,目前我国经济发展与发达国家相比处于较低水平,电信市场的需求水平也相对较低,政府规制改革不仅要引入竞争政策,放松市场准入,而且要制定科学合理的用户资费政策、公平透明的互联互通政策和合理的普遍服务政策,以形成有效竞争的电信市场,推动电信产业的快速健康发展。  相似文献   
在对转型经济的类型学研究中,激进.渐进二分法曾经是主流的研究方法,它对于理解不同体制转型的特点、内在机理,区分各自理论依据乃至哲学基础都起到了重要的推动作用。但随着世界各国体制转轨的不断推进和人们对转型经济研究的不断深入,这一研究方法开始面临越来越严峻的挑战,日益暴露出其局限性。本文旨在对二分法做出客观的评价,以推进转型经济研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   
本文探讨了资产管理公司在体制、机制等方面存在的问题与不足,探索性的提出中国金融资产管理公司的发展方向,即实行股份制改革,实现投资主体多元化,将金融资产管理公司转变为“产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学”的、以市场规则为原则的市场化经营性公司,并论证其必然性与可行性。  相似文献   
加入世界贸易组织对中国社会经济的深层影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,我国加入世界贸易组织,首先解决了“入世”前长期困扰我国的美国给予中国最惠国待遇的问题,为我国的对外经贸关系创造了良好的国际环境,也为我国塑造开放的、负责任的大国形象奠定了扎实的基础;其次,“入世”时遵守国际规则的承诺促进了我国继续改革开放,一些重要原则已经延伸到经贸领域之外的范围,影响巨大而深远,从而使我国可能成为以国际谈判促进国内改革的经典案例。同时,“入世”也使我们接受了双赢的理念,使我们和世界各国人民能够共同分享经济发展的成果,共同期待经济的更大发展。  相似文献   
朱璋龙  张中华 《中国市场》2008,(10):154-155
无锡商业职业技术学院在物流管理专业人才培养方面进一步理清专业建设思路,探索符合职教特点的教学模式,理顺全方位、多层次的产学研合作机制,打造专兼结合的"双师型"师资队伍,构建以精品课程为核心的职业能力导向型课程体系,改革教学内容,强化实践教学,建成了现代物流人才培养的基地。  相似文献   
郝晓曦 《价值工程》2014,(25):286-288
本文从工业设计专业的特点出发,分析了目前工业设计专业《电子电工》课程教学的现状,指出了该课程教学改革的必要性与重要性。借五邑大学为全国CDIO工程教育试点单位的契机,提出了CDIO模式下该校工业设计专业《电子电工》课程改革的思路和方法,并进行了探索性实践。  相似文献   
孔艳  孔祥珍  秦宁宁  王旭 《价值工程》2014,33(33):251-253
从产学研合作教育的历史出发,结合光电专业的特点,从人才培养方案、教学内容、方法和手段、考核方式等多方面对产学研合作教育改革进行了探讨,对产学研合作教育的运行和发展提出有益的思路。  相似文献   
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