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Both the OECD and the WTO have accumulated systematic data on the magnitude of support going to farmers as a result of farm policies. The datasets are collected for different purposes, but both give a detailed picture of the evolution of these policies. This paper extends recent work on the compatibility or otherwise of the two attempts at policy monitoring by considering the categorization of individual policy instruments in Norway, Switzerland, the US, and the EU. The results show how the OECD dataset, particularly with respect to the link between direct payments and production requirements, complements that of the WTO. Many payments classified in the WTO Green Box require production, raising the possibility that they may distort production and trade. Though the issue of correct notifications to the WTO is the province of lawyers, the implications for modeling and policy analysis are of interest to economists, and the broader question of improving the consistency of the two datasets is of importance in the quest for transparency in the interpretation of changes in farm policies.  相似文献   
产业不断转型升级是实现经济高质量发展的关键,从数量和质量两个维度可以总结出其具体路径。选取1985-2017年中国年度数据和1960-2017年美国年度数据,运用向量自回归模型对广义和狭义产业结构以及经济增长间的动态关系进行分析。结果表明,中美之间产业转型升级对经济发展的影响存在差异,据此可以得出高质量发展下中国产业转型升级方向,即拓展并细化产业转型升级维度;注重不同产业间的配比,尤其是生产性服务业和制造业配比;重视并确立制造业的根本地位;提升我国经济外向型程度。  相似文献   
A stylised fact of India's economic history since 1950 is that the rate of growth of the economy has accelerated periodically and across policy regimes. In this paper we present a theoretical framework that can generate such a pattern due to cumulative causation through positive feedback. The growth process is then investigated using cointegration analysis. We are able to establish the existence of positive feedback which is at the centre of cumulative causation. We are also able to date the onset of this mechanism which has driven growth in India for close to half a century by now. This leads us to conclude that the internal dynamics are at least as important as the policy regimes to understand growth over the long term in this country.  相似文献   
随着全球生产制造活动向我国的大规模转移,近年来服务业外国直接投资也表现出了快速增长的势头。本文以制造业外国直接投资较为集中的江苏省为研究对象,重点从集聚的"路径依赖"效果和产业关联作用两个角度考察了生产性服务业外资企业的投资分布状况及其空间演化。结果表明,短期内,路径依赖效果和产业关联作用都产生了显著影响,但长期影响效果还不是很明显。  相似文献   
This paper models and estimates exchange rate pass-through and its determinants in Canadian manufacturing industries. The paper predicts theoretically that the exchange rate pass-through should be between one and zero, where it is positively affected by the share of tradable inputs in production costs and the domestic firms’ market share, and negatively by the elasticity of marginal cost with respect to output. The sign for the degree of product differentiation is not theoretically clear. Results of estimation indicate that pass-through is incomplete and is mostly affected by the share of tradable inputs in production costs (positively) and the elasticity of marginal cost with respect to output (negatively).  相似文献   
发展生产性服务业,以服务代替实物投入生产运营,是转变经济发展方式、优化产业结构的有效途径,是增加产品科技含量和附加值的关键所在。研究了当前产业区域转移背景下,影响湖南、广东生产性服务业发展的具体因素——城镇化水平、工业水平、开放度、市场化水平。通过建立自回归模型和对因素之间协调发展度的测量,发现城镇化和市场化对湖南省生产性服务业的促进作用最为显著,工业发展没有充分带动湖南省生产性服务业的增长,而开放程度和工业化在拉动广东省生产性服务业的过程中起了重要作用,各因素对广东省的拉动幅度和作用速度均强于湖南。  相似文献   
中国生产性服务业FDI影响因素实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用动态面板数据分析方法,利用我国20个省市2004-2010年的面板数据,分析我国生产性服务业FDI的影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)整体生产性服务业FDI与市场规模和市场增长潜力呈正向关系,但细分行业中信息传输、计算机服务和软件业,科学研究、技术服务和地质勘查业这两个行业并没有像预期的那样会促进其FDI的流入。(2)整体和细分生产性服务业FDI均明显具有追逐制造业FDI的倾向,并且与前期生产性服务业FDI具有正向关系。(3)劳动力工资水平与生产性服务业FDI流入呈正相关,这与绝大多数现有的研究尤其是关于制造业或服务业FDI影响因素的研究结论不同。(4)熟练工人、基础设施系统、政府干预和对外开放程度均与生产性服务业FDI有显著关系,是影响生产性服务业FDI的主要因素。  相似文献   
基于全球价值链(GVC)视角,应用质化研究方法中的扎根理论,系统研究了中国装备制造业与生产性服务业融合影响因素,基于大量访谈,从深层次视角揭示了GVC下两大产业融合影响机理。研究发现,融合意愿、融合能力、融合环境和融合资源是GVC下影响中国装备制造业与生产性服务业融合的4个主要因素。其中,融合意愿和融合能力是两大产业融合的直接影响因素,而融合环境和融合资源是间接影响因素。在此基础上,构建了涵盖子范畴(12个)、主范畴(产业融合意愿、能力、环境和资源)和核心范畴(产业融合)的影响因素模型。最后,提出创建产业融合平台和降低行业壁垒等促进GVC下两大产业融合发展的策略与建议。  相似文献   
After the breakdown of the communist regime in Romania, collective farms were replaced by a large number of small-scale private farms. Although cooperation seems to be a favourable choice for these smallholders, it did not develop as perhaps expected. This article explores the factors that determine the formation of the intention of Romanian vegetable farmers to join marketing cooperatives in the form of so called producer groups. Our theoretical framework refers to Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour, which we model with a structural equation model. We identified as main intention drivers the expectation for better prices and easier access to capital. Perceived family support is another significant factor. The level of distrust is high. Although our trust variable is not significant as a predictor of the intention to cooperate in the model, we find qualitative indications that trust plays a role when the intention is translated into actual behaviour.  相似文献   
近年来出现的"民工荒与大学生就业难"并存现象,从表面上体现了我国就业市场上供求结构的失衡,但从本质上反映了我国产业结构不合理、制造业处于全球价值链低端环节、增值能力不强的困境.加快发展生产性服务业,促进制造业转型升级,并以生产性服务业发展和制造业转型升级"双轮驱动",优化就业市场结构,是解决"民工荒与大学生就业难"悖论的有效途径.  相似文献   
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