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The shale oil and gas boom has had large economic, environmental, and social impacts on rural communities in the United States. This study provides novel estimates of the impacts of shale oil and gas development on light pollution in rural areas of the United States. Using nationwide, time-calibrated DMSP-OLS database from 2000 to 2012, we find robust evidence that the shale oil and gas boom significantly increased light pollution in rural areas. We then assess associations between horizontal drilling and subjective self-rated health using nationwide data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) from 2000 to 2012. Our findings suggest that insufficient sleep and poor health (physical or mental) are associated with increased drilling in rural areas. These results provide support for drilling-related light pollution as an additional environmental pathway of concern for public health beyond the mechanisms of air or water pollution.  相似文献   
Haze pollution has become a new threat to China's sustainable development, but it may be that local government behaviour can play an important role in the prevention and control of pollutants. A dynamic spatial autoregressive (SAR) model is used to study the relationship between local government competition and haze pollution. To further explore the indirect impact of factor market distortion on haze pollution and control potential endogeneity problems, a newly developed intermediary effect model that incorporates the characteristics of the generalized method of moments (GMM) is utilized to explore how factor market distortion indirectly affects haze pollution. The research results show that regional haze pollution in China is characterized by significant spatial correlation, and local government competition has a positive impact on haze pollution; that is, local government competition exacerbates haze pollution. In general, local government competition not only directly leads to an increase in haze pollution but also further intensifies it by distorting the local factor market, and the intermediary role of factor market distortion is approximately 7.04%. The results of the regional inspection found that competition among local governments in the eastern region did not lead to haze pollution, and distortion of the factor market did not exist as an intermediary effect. However, both direct and intermediary effects are significant in the central and western regions. Therefore, an official performance appraisal system that includes ecological constraints should be established to guide the benign transformation of local government competition, and an environmental management mechanism must be developed for joint prevention and control to reduce haze pollution. In addition, the free flow of factors and marketization are equally important.  相似文献   
本文主要分析了二噁英的理化性质,重点介绍了乳及乳制品中二噁英的污染情况,并提出有效措施给予预防和解决,以有效降低二噁英在乳及乳制品中的危害性,确保乳及乳制品行业的健康发展。通过对二噁英的理化性质进行研究,为乳及乳制品的安全生产提供可靠保障,以实现经济与社会效益的最大化。  相似文献   
《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》的颁布标志着中国将形成完善的土壤污染防治法律体系,建立从污染土壤调查、修复、风险防控、监测到场地再利用,从环境标准到规划管理的全方位制度。生态文明制度建设的宏观背景,再加上中国土壤污染严重、规模大、修复难、成本高、周期长等特征,将导致大量污染场地转变为绿地或生态用地,最终对绿地系统的数量与规模、布局与功能、规划与管理、环境质量标准等多个维度产生实质性影响。分析这一趋势,对其影响提出预判,最终提出对策建议。  相似文献   
[目的]过量施用化肥导致水体富营养化是造成洱海流域上游面源污染的主要原因之一,调查分析农户减少化肥用量和采用有机肥的意愿有助于了解其调整施肥结构的行为。当前研究忽视了农户减少化肥施用强度和采用有机肥的意愿间的替代性,未能开展联立研究。[方法]基于洱海流域上游397个水稻种植户的问卷调查数据,通过Bivariate-Probit模型对农户减少化肥用量和采用有机肥两种意愿进行分析。[结果]年龄负向影响农户减少化肥量的意愿,农户对有机肥好处的认知正向影响其减少化肥量的意愿,农户参加农业社会化服务对其减少化肥用量和采用有机肥的意愿均产生正向影响,相比之下,对农户采用有机肥意愿的促进作用更大。[结论]引导农户参加农业社会化服务以及加强宣传和培训,提高农户对有机肥作用的认知可能是加强其减少化肥用量和增加有机肥施用量意愿的有效途径。  相似文献   
水源地突发水污染政府应急预留水量需求预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,随着工业化和产业化的快速发展,水源地突发水污染事件频发。为应对紧急情况下的水资源非常规需求,保障经济社会稳定发展,政府需要安排一部分应急预留水量。如何合理预测政府应急预留水量的规模是一个值得探讨的课题。提出了一种基于案例推理技术的政府应急预留水量需求预测方法,具体思路是:借助于案例库,利用主成分分析法从众多影响水源地突发水污染事件的因素中提取出两两不相关的因子,以此作为案例的特征属性,基于加权曼哈顿距离测算相似度,依此得到匹配案例,进而测算政府应急预留水量。以太湖流域常州地区水源地为例,进行政府预留水量需求量的预测与分析。该方法可以为政府应急预留水量的配置、储备等提供相关理论知识。  相似文献   
将水权交易和面源污染控制有机结合,以种植面积、农业用水定额、污染物浓度为约束条件,运用边际分析方法建立农户灌溉施肥行为模型,分析水权交易和排污控制对农户行为的影响。结果表明:灌溉用水量与农作物价格成正相关,与交易水价和边际灌溉成本成负相关;一定范围内肥料施用量与农作物价格成正相关,与边际施肥成本或边际环境成本成负相关。模型证明,当农业用水定额内水权可交易时,水市场的存在和水价政策将激励农户减少灌水量,节约用水。  相似文献   
面源污染视角下江西省耕地利用效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]在面源污染视角下考察耕地利用效率,可以为推动耕地可持续利用提供理论和参考依据。[方法]文章基于2000—2014年我国13个粮食主产省(区)耕地投入产出的面板数据,运用SBM方向性距离函数将耕地面源污染因素纳入到传统的效率分析框架,从省际比较的维度对江西省耕地利用效率进行了测度与分析。[结果]考虑面源污染因素对耕地利用效率测算产生了一定的影响;江西省耕地利用效率值呈现阶段性特征,耕地利用效率排名比较稳定,近年来排名有上升趋势;江西省耕地利用绩效一般,且与最佳实践者存在较大的差距。[结论]忽视面源污染因素的耕地利用效率评估是失真和不符合实际的,宜将面源污染因素纳入到耕地利用效率的测度框架,以此来更科学地量化评估耕地利用绩效;设计和完善相关政策,以有效控制耕地面源污染;加强与先进省(区)的交流与合作,学习其农业可持续耕作技术与管理经验,进一步推动江西省耕地产出与资源、环境协调发展。  相似文献   
We analyze the implications of transboundary pollution externalities on environmental policymaking in a spatial setting, in which pollution diffuses across the global spatial economy independently of the specific location in which it is originally generated. This framework gives rise to a simple regional optimal pollution control problem allowing us to compare the global and local solutions in which, respectively, the transboundary externality is and is not taken into account in the determination of the optimal policy by individual local policymakers. We show that it is not obvious that transboundary externalities are a source of inefficiency per se since this is strictly related to the spatial features of the initial distribution of pollution. If the initial pollution distribution is spatially homogeneous then the local and global solutions will coincide and thus no efficiency loss will arise from transboundary externalities, but if it is spatially heterogeneous the local solution will be suboptimal and thus a global approach to environmental problems will be needed to achieve efficiency. From a normative perspective, in this latter (and most realistic) case we also quantify the amount of policy intervention needed at local level in order to achieve the globally desirable goal of pollution eradication in the long run. Our conclusions hold true in a number of different settings, including situations in which the spatial domain is either bounded or unbounded, and situations in which macroeconomic–environmental feedback effects are taken into account.  相似文献   
[目的]为响应农业农村部“农业绿色发展五大行动”,加强农业面源污染防治,缓解新疆棉田残膜危害,基于新疆棉农的问卷调查研究棉农的残膜回收行为。[方法]采用描述性统计和Logistic回归模型分析影响新疆棉农残膜回收行为的因素。[结果](1)新疆农用地膜回收率低,地膜污染形势严峻。(2)棉农对残膜危害认知缺乏,对残膜回收的间接价值认识不足,影响新疆残膜回收效率。(3)残膜回收的成本收益是影响棉农残膜回收行为的关键因素,其他如棉农年龄、种棉年限、对残膜危害的认知等自身特征,以及农户劳动力数量、政府对残膜污染的关注程度等因素对棉农的残膜回收行为有重要影响。[结论]网络及电视广播等现代媒体对棉农的残膜危害认知水平有较大影响,棉农更愿意采用成本更节约的焚烧、堆地的残膜处理方式。因此提出引导棉农残膜回收、提高棉田残膜回收效率的对策建议。  相似文献   
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