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根据Google投资者关注度指数和金银期货市场交易数据,构建基于小波分解序列的时频门限自回归分布滞后模型,通过分位数模型参数估计,基于时域与频域联合分析视角,考量投资者关注度对金银期货市场收益的影响。结果表明:投资者关注度对金银期货市场的影响具有异质性;在低频域内,投资者关注度对金银期货市场影响相对较小;极端分位数水平下,投资者关注度对金银期货市场收益影响的时效性较短,投资者关注度对白银期货市场收益的影响较弱。  相似文献   
舒丽红 《价值工程》2015,34(9):163-164
本文通过对实例进行分析论述,解决了围岩受施工扰动和水长期浸润后开挖时不稳定问题,保证了隧道结构和施工安全,为同等或类似地质条件下的地下工程研究及施工提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
明代民间白银货币的大量应用与大明宝钞的逐渐崩坏是相互伴随的,共同促进了白银货币化的进程。从民间开始的自下而上的白银货币化趋势冲击着明代的货币制度,最终明政府不得不以法令的形式认可了白银的货币地位。明代中国产银数量远远不足以满足政府和民间巨大的白银需求,明政府被迫开放海上贸易,凭借外贸出超优势,巨额海外白银滚滚流入国内,满足了明代中后期不断扩大的白银货币需求。  相似文献   
交电费难一直是困扰供电企业的一个难题。形成的主要原因是一方面用电客户随着经济增长和地方城乡统筹建设而增加,另一方面供电企业营业网点投入少,营业网点建设缓慢,导致客户缴费不便。  相似文献   
In this paper, we provide an empirical investigation of the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for China before July 1937. Using the monthly data from 1922 to 1937, we find clear and consistent evidence in favor of the purchasing power parity relationship. This naturally leads to the conclusion that the degree of Chinese market integration with the West was substantial before July 1937. These findings offer an empirical interpretation of the rise and fall of the Chinese price level during the Great Depression. It also has further implications of the impact of the American Silver Purchase Act of 1934 and the assessment of the 1935 currency reform on the Chinese economy.  相似文献   
明代民间白银货币的大量应用与大明宝钞的逐渐崩坏是相互伴随的,共同促进了白银货币化的进程。从民间开始的自下而上的白银货币化趋势冲击着明代的货币制度,最终明政府不得不以法令的形式认可了白银的货币地位。明代中国产银数量远远不足以满足政府和民间巨大的白银需求,明政府被迫开放海上贸易,凭借外贸出超优势,巨额海外白银滚滚流入国内,满足了明代中后期不断扩大的白银货币需求。  相似文献   
蒋洪昌 《价值工程》2014,(22):311-313
夏塞银矿为四川西部重要的矿床类似之一。岩浆活动为夏塞银矿的形成提供了充分的矿源,断裂构造对矿体的产出控制明显,成矿元素及矿石组合分带清楚,具典型的热液型矿床特征。本文通过对夏塞银矿的成矿地质背景及控矿条件分析、类比,提出辛果隆巴等找矿靶区,并结合夏塞银矿的发现与勘查评价经验,对找矿靶区找矿思路、方法、手段等进行了探讨。  相似文献   
我国已快速进入老龄化社会,高龄老年人口、失能老年人口、慢性病老年人口、空巢老年人口、无子女老年人和失独老年人口数量的持续增长,势必给经济增长模式、产业结构和社会结构带来复杂影响,在银发经济带来诸多机遇的同时,也带了诸多的压力和挑战。建立好养老金融体系,对我国养老事业的稳步发展具有积极推动作用。  相似文献   
1884年,吉林机器局制造了4380枚"厂平银币",是我国最早的机器制造的银元。吉林"厂平银币"图案精美雅致,制作精良,传世甚少,是收藏界的珍品。吉林"厂平银币"虽因种种原因未能接续铸行广泛流通,但它的出现开"各省之先",对清代原有的货币制度是一个冲击,对清末各省自铸银元也起到了重要的示范作用。吉林"厂平银元"是中国机制银元的先行者,在中国近代铸币史上占有重要的一席之地。  相似文献   
What constitutes a potentially hazardous object is often debated. This article analyses the polemic construction and negotiation of risk in the Swedish controversy over the use of antibacterial silver in health care and consumer products. This debate engages the media, government agencies, parliament and government, non-governmental organizations and companies. Texts and websites from these actors were studied using content analysis. Antibacterial silver is construed by some actors as a risk object with harmful effects on a series of objects at risk: the environment, public health, organisms and sewage treatment. In contrast, other actors deny that antibacterial silver is a risk object, instead construing it as mitigating risk. In such a schema, antibacterial silver is conceived of as managing the risk objects of bacteria and micro-organisms, in turn managing the risk objects of infection, bad smell and washing, and in turn helping the environment and public health (objects at risk). The structure of the debate suggests two basic modes of risk communication. First, antibacterial silver is construed as a risk object, endangering a variety of objects at risk, such as organisms, public health, the environment and sewage treatment. Second, this association between antibacterial silver and objects at risk is obstructed, by denying that antibacterial silver is a risk object or by associating silver with the benefit of mitigating risk.  相似文献   
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