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This is the first study to document evidence of technical trading effectiveness at firm level in the Chinese A-share market by investigating the relationship between excess profits of technical trading rules and firm-specific characteristics. Our results reveal that firms with higher excess profits from technical trading have more noise traders and higher institutional ownership and that those firms tend to be growth firms with lower liquidity and higher firm-specific uncertainty. Further analysis shows that the profitability of technical trading rules is unsustainable and the excess profits of the highest technical trading profit quintile portfolio disappear in the following year.  相似文献   
政府补贴能否促进企业创新一直存在争议。与以往从资源视角探讨政府补贴与企业创新关系的研究不同,基于信号理论视角,以2012—2016年沪深A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,通过剔除非研发补贴的噪音并控制样本自选择偏误,实证检验中国转型经济背景下,政府研发补贴对企业创新的微观政策效应,以及企业层面制度因素(产权性质)和区域层面制度因素(制度环境)对该效应的调节作用。研究发现,政府研发补贴释放的积极信号能够帮助企业获取外部创新资源,有效促进企业创新;相比于国有企业,政府研发补贴对非国有企业创新的激励效应更强;制度环境越好,政府研发补贴对企业创新的激励效应越强。研究理论丰富了科技创新政策有效性和信号理论相关研究。同时,研究发现,政府应继续加大对企业创新活动的补贴额度,不断深化所有制改革,为企业创新营造良好的外部制度环境;另外,企业还应充分发挥政府研发补贴信号的杠杆效应,拓宽外部创新资源获取渠道。  相似文献   
基于创新价值链理论,构建创新首位度的理论内涵与评价体系,对南京和其它中心城市的创新首位度进行评价与比较。研究结果显示:①在总体首位度方面,南京位列省域中心城市排名下游,落后于西安、成都、武汉、郑州、广州等国家中心城市,自2008年以来一直落后于深圳、杭州、合肥、苏州等对标竞争城市且差距较大;②在分项首位度方面,南京的研发创新、产业创新首位度位列省域中心城市排名底端,导致南京在两个首位度矩阵中均处于C象限,创新价值链呈现严重的不均衡性;③省域中心城市普遍存在创新价值链的“漏斗效应”,即知识创新首位度>研发创新首位度>产业创新首位度,南京尤甚,说明技术创新过程存在大量沟壑;④拓展性研究表明,省域中心城市的创新首位度>经济首位度>人口首位度,但是近十年3个首位度的增速排序与上述情况相反,说明创新资源有着更强的集聚效应,应避免行政手段对创新资源的错配。最后,提出对策建议与研究展望。  相似文献   
Data revisions to national accounts pose a serious challenge to policy decision making. Well-behaved revisions should be unbiased, small, and unpredictable. This article shows that revisions to German national accounts are biased, large, and predictable. Moreover, with use of filtering techniques designed to process data subject to revisions, the real-time forecasting performance of initial releases can be increased by up to 23%. For total real GDP growth, however, the initial release is an optimal forecast. Yet, given the results for disaggregated variables, the averaging out of biases and inefficiencies at the aggregate GDP level appears to be good luck rather than good forecasting.  相似文献   
By incorporating behavioural sentiment in a model of a limit order market, we show that behavioural sentiment not only helps to replicate most of the stylized facts in limit order markets simultaneously, but it also plays a unique role in explaining those stylized facts that cannot be explained by noise trading, such as fat tails in the return distribution, long memory in the trading volume, an increasing and non-linear relationship between trade imbalance and mid-price returns, as well as the diagonal effect, or event clustering, in order submission types. The results show that behavioural sentiment is an important driving force behind many of the well-documented stylized facts in limit order markets.  相似文献   
高校是我国重要的创新研发主体,高校经费主要来源于政府和市场,这两种异质性研发创新投入关系值得关注。选取2005-2018年我国内地63所教育部直属高校科技创新数据,采用面板VAR模型和个体固定效应模型,从动态和静态两个方面对高校科技创新投入中政府创新投入与市场创新投入的关系进行实证检验。结果发现,在高校科技创新活动中,政府创新投入对市场创新投入存在积极影响,这种促进作用存在两期左右的滞后期,且只在短期内显著;从长期看,政府投入对市场投入的促进作用不显著。  相似文献   
The relatively recent social movement known as the “sharing economy” is becoming increasingly visible in online peer-to-peer platforms. One such platform is Airbnb; an accommodation marketplace which provides access to tourist accommodation. These platforms are having an important social and economic impact on tourist destinations such as Málaga, Spain. This paper presents a spatial econometric hedonic model that explains the pricing strategy of Airbnb tourist apartments in Málaga using factors such as host, guest, structural characteristics, and location. In relation to locational factors, the model in this study confirms the impact of spatial spillover effects, accessibility to certain amenities, traffic noise, walkability, and the ethnicity of residents in the neighborhood where the listing is located.  相似文献   
阮健弘  刘西  叶欢 《金融研究》2015,482(8):18-33
近年来,我国居民部门杠杆率的快速上升引起社会各界关注。本文使用货币信贷和城镇储户调查数据,对我国居民部门杠杆率和偿债能力现状进行了分析,并运用各省住户贷款数据计算各省的居民杠杆率,使用面板数据模型对居民杠杆率上升的原因进行了实证分析。结果表明,房价的快速上涨和住房销售的增长都对居民部门杠杆率的上升有显著正向影响,其中房价上涨的影响程度更大。此外,金融发展水平和老年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有正向影响,少年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有负向影响。  相似文献   
郭彪  刘普阳  姜圆 《金融研究》2015,482(8):169-187
基于A股市场融资和融券余额的巨大差距,本文拓展了Hong et al.(2016)的理论模型,在融券端和融资端分别找到了影响股票收益率的变量:融券比率(融券余额/流通市值)和融资回补天数(融资比率/日均换手率)。进一步,本文利用组合价差法和Fama-MacBeth横截面回归法,实证检验了A股市场中融券比率与融资回补天数解释和预测股票收益率的能力。实证结果表明,在存在融券限制条件下,融券比率相比融券回补天数(融券比率/日均换手率)能更好地代表套利者对股票价格高估程度的看法,根据融券比率构建的等权重多空组合能带来月均1.58%的显著收益;而由于融资约束相对较少,融资回补天数相比融资比率(融资余额/流通市值)能更好地代表套利者对股票价格低估程度的看法,根据融资回补天数构建的等权重多空组合能带来月均1.28%的显著收益。实证结果与本文存在融券数量限制下的理论模型相符,且该收益率不能被多因子模型和常规股票特征所解释。  相似文献   
罗煜  张祎  朱文宇 《金融研究》2015,484(10):19-37
本文从商业银行流动性管理视角出发,探究银行微观主体行为如何影响宏观审慎与货币政策的协调。我们借鉴净稳定资金比例的设计理念,将商业银行的流动性管理行为纳入传统理论模型,刻画出两种流动性管理行为对货币政策信贷传导渠道效率的潜在影响及传导路径。在此基础上,采用我国50家商业银行2012年第1季度—2018年第2季度面板数据进行实证检验。我们发现,银行为提升长期流动性水平而进行的优化信贷资产结构的行为,能够显著提高货币政策传导效率。但是,部分净稳定资金比例较低的股份制银行和城市商业银行调整非信贷资产结构的行为则有可能降低货币政策传导效率。因此,在执行既有流动性监管措施的同时,关注与引导银行资产结构调整方式,对增强宏观审慎与货币政策的协调大有裨益。  相似文献   
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