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We document and evaluate how businesses are reacting to the COVID-19 crisis through August 2020. First, on net, firms see the shock (thus far) largely as a demand rather than supply shock. A greater share of firms report significant or severe disruptions to sales activity than to supply chains. We compare these measures of disruption to their expected changes in selling prices and find that, even for firms that report supply chain disruptions, they expect to lower near-term selling prices on average. We also show that firms are engaging in wage cuts and expect to trim wages further before the end of 2020. These cuts stem from firms that have been disproportionally negatively impacted by the pandemic. Second, firms (like professional forecasters) have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by lowering their one-year-ahead inflation expectations. These responses stand in stark contrast to that of household inflation expectations (as measured by the University of Michigan or the New York Fed). Indeed, firms’ one-year-ahead inflation expectations fell precipitously (to a series low) following the onset of the pandemic, while household measures of inflation expectations jumped markedly. Third, despite the dramatic decline in firms’ near-term inflation expectations, their longer-run inflation expectations have remained relatively stable.  相似文献   
Customer satisfaction is the main pillar for convenient and profitable retailing. The retail sector continuously tried to develop new strategies to improve consumer satisfaction. It is impossible to provide each service directly to the consumer by the retailer. In this direction, the retailer establishes customer care to provide the best service to consumers. Consumer care can provide promotional or prevention services, increasing the consumer's satisfaction level. This study is developed to show the impact of retailers' customer care service for an offline-to-online retailing strategy. The demand is consumer support, advertisement, and selling price dependent. For maintaining consumer service, some free home delivery policies are offered, when consumers ordered more than a certain percentage of the amount. Finally, the total profit of this O2O retailing system is calculated by the classical optimization technique. Some special cases are discussed in the numerical section to prove the impact of customer care services. Numerical results prove that customer care support enhances the profit by 48.20%, whereas investment in the advertisement and home delivery strategy helps the retail industry to earn 44.80% and 16.74% more profit, respectively. Finally, from this study, it is clear that customer care activities are essential to increase the profit of the retailing sector.  相似文献   
为破解我国在高技术产业全球价值链中面临的低端锁定困境,需要构建并完善国家价值链分工体系。构建中国高技术产业国家价值链内生增值传导网络结构分析框架,并以电子信息产业为例,对省域国内增加值进行分解。结果表明,现阶段中国电子信息产业上游技术研发能力较弱,整体增值能力不强;下游间接关联产业部门数量及关联系数值仍待提高;除中游外,上下游出口国内增加值偏低,国际竞争力较弱;东、中部省域国内完全增加值占据优势,内生增值能力方面各有所长,东北、西部省域国内完全增加值及其内生增值能力均较弱。同时,中国省域国际垂直专业化程度未表现出显著地理地区特征,即使同一地域的省域之间也存在不同程度差异。  相似文献   
在供给侧改革背景下,科技保险肩负着为科技创新保驾护航的历史使命。然而,科技保险试点10年来,依然面临需求低迷与供给不足并存的发展困境。其主要根源在于:严重的信息不对称造成市场失灵、“跛行”的财政支持政策不能形成有效激励以及不成熟的行业环境制约。要想走出这一困境,仅仅从需求方着力是远远不够的。科技保险的正外部性和科技保险市场高度的信息不对称,决定了必须从财政支持、产品创新、机制创新、中介培育及信息服务等方面进行供给侧改革。为此,提出应当构建供需并重的差异化财政支持机制、加大与需求侧相匹配的科技保险产品供给、创新科技保险契约模式及运行机制、搭建科技保险中介服务和信息支持平台等建议。  相似文献   
This paper explores the importance of incorporating the financial leverage effect in the stochastic volatility models when pricing options. For the illustrative purpose, we first conduct the simulation experiment by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling method. We then make an empirical analysis by applying the volatility models to the real return data of the Hang Seng index during the period from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017. Our results highlight the accuracy of the stochastic volatility models with leverage in option pricing when leverage is high. In addition, the leverage effect becomes more significant as the maturity of options increases. Moreover, leverage affects the pricing of in-the-money options more than that of at-the-money and out-of-money options. Our study is therefore useful for both asset pricing and portfolio investment in the Hong Kong market where volatility is an inherent nature of the economy.  相似文献   
潘健平  潘越  马奕涵 《金融研究》2019,463(1):148-167
本文以2006-2015年沪深A股非金融上市公司为样本,基于上市公司网站对于企业文化的叙述和年报董事会报告两份本文,采用文本分析方法,构建两个度量企业合作文化强弱的指标,并研究企业合作文化对企业创新产出和创新效率的影响。研究发现,企业文化越强调合作,企业的创新产出越多,创新效率越高。这一结论在采用增加控制变量、利用水稻播种面积作为工具变量以及以董事长的非正常离职事件为冲击进行PSM-DID等多种方法后仍然稳健。渠道检验的结果显示,合作文化是通过提高企业内部员工的凝聚力和促进企业的“产学研”合作这两种渠道来促进企业创新。进一步的研究表明,合作文化的促进作用在竞争性行业以及地区信任程度和产业集群程度较高的地区中尤为显著。本文不仅从微观层面揭示企业文化对公司财务行为的影响机理,丰富和补充了当前方兴未艾的“文化与金融”研究,而且为国家制定建设社会主义文化强国的方针战略提供理论基础和实证支持。  相似文献   
在动态复杂的市场环境中,企业不仅要重视内部创新力量,同时需要依托外部力量,充分发挥外部知识资源在创新过程中的作用。基于认知行为理论,采用多元层次回归和Bootstrap方法,分析供应链企业间战略共识、知识共享和供应链协同对企业技术创新绩效的作用。结果发现:供应链企业间战略共识对知识共享和企业技术创新绩效具有促进作用;知识共享在供应链企业间战略共识与技术创新绩效间起中介作用;供应链协同正向调节供应链企业间战略共识与知识共享的关系,并正向调节知识共享的中介作用。  相似文献   
基于创新价值链理论,构建创新首位度的理论内涵与评价体系,对南京和其它中心城市的创新首位度进行评价与比较。研究结果显示:①在总体首位度方面,南京位列省域中心城市排名下游,落后于西安、成都、武汉、郑州、广州等国家中心城市,自2008年以来一直落后于深圳、杭州、合肥、苏州等对标竞争城市且差距较大;②在分项首位度方面,南京的研发创新、产业创新首位度位列省域中心城市排名底端,导致南京在两个首位度矩阵中均处于C象限,创新价值链呈现严重的不均衡性;③省域中心城市普遍存在创新价值链的“漏斗效应”,即知识创新首位度>研发创新首位度>产业创新首位度,南京尤甚,说明技术创新过程存在大量沟壑;④拓展性研究表明,省域中心城市的创新首位度>经济首位度>人口首位度,但是近十年3个首位度的增速排序与上述情况相反,说明创新资源有着更强的集聚效应,应避免行政手段对创新资源的错配。最后,提出对策建议与研究展望。  相似文献   
基于价值链视角,构建涵盖人才资源在区域空间层面集聚生成、地区配置、效能产出3个维度在内的区域人才集聚水平评价指标体系,采用专家咨询AHP-信息熵组合赋权法构建综合评价模型和耦合协调度模型,对2010—2018年长江经济带沿线省市人才集聚水平进行测度与时空演化特征分析。结果表明,就长江经济带整体而言,考察期内地区人才集聚水平总体呈现逐年上升态势,但仍处于低水平状态;沿线省市人才集聚水平差异显著,缩小趋势渐缓,整体呈现局部高水平、全局低效率的不利境况;各省市人才集聚水平关键维度的耦合协调度整体呈显著波动递增态势,但内部耦合协调度存在不平衡发展问题,影响地区人才集聚水平整体提升。为提升长江经济带人才集聚水平,推进沿线地区协调发展,需强化区域人才合作机制,采取差别化精准策略破解沿线地区人才集聚低水平、不协调的短板因素。  相似文献   
吴传琦  张琪 《南方经济》2021,40(4):18-36
从市场经济体制的建立到经济社会高质量发展,我国不同部门市场化程度有所差异,劳动供给的部门异质性随之体现。基于中国劳动力动态调查数据,结合汉森门槛回归模型和劳动供给模型,依托部门市场化程度的差异性,文章探讨了工资对劳动力个人供给的非线性影响及其部门异质性。主要得出以下研究结论:第一,我国市场部门与公共部门劳动力的个人劳动供给有所差异。第二,工资与个人劳动供给呈现非线性关系并且存在部门异质性。实证分析结果显示,工资对个人劳动供给的影响存在三个"突变点",工资门槛均使得工资"激励效应"加强并呈现逐步增加的趋势。第三,劳动供给的工资门槛存在性别、城乡和行业异质性。第四,随着年龄增长、人力资本积累,个人劳动时间供给趋于降低,签署书面劳工合同使得市场部门劳动力工作时间显著增加,而政治面貌显著影响公共部门劳动供给。总体来看,无论是市场部门还是公共部门,我国劳动力个人供给曲线均未"向后弯曲",国民经济高质量发展、改善收入分配格局、提升居民幸福感等议题需持续关注。  相似文献   
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