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实现区域协调发展是新时代中国区域高质量发展的必然要求。改革开放以来,中国省际区域经济差距经历了差距拉大—逐渐缩小—缓慢增大—逐渐缩小—维持不变的过程,逐步趋于收敛,其深层原因在于经济发展基础、资本投入、区域要素配置、区域要素使用和制度因素的地区异质性。推进区域经济协调发展,要不断加强对中西部地区的资本投入,优化资源配置,提高全要素生产率,提升开放水平,推进贸易高质量发展,完善与区域协调发展总体战略要求相适应的宏观区域政策和区域管理体制。  相似文献   
Residential mobility is a key dimension of population dynamics shaping urban growth and rural development at different spatio-temporal scales. Assuming spatial mobility as increasingly dependent on the intrinsic characteristics of local contexts, the present study investigates long-term and short-term population movements in a European country (Greece), in light of regional urbanization processes and socioeconomic development. A multidimensional analysis of indicators of residential stability and background variables was carried out with the aim at evaluating the influence of local contexts on more general processes of population mobility. Different typologies of spatial mobility associated to factors (directly or indirectly) dependent on demographic dynamics, economic performances and urban cycles were identified. The empirical findings of this study evidence (more or less traditional) paths of internal migration and a latent process of population relocation across metropolitan regions, together with more recent international migrations at both working and retirement age. While short-range population movements were the ultimate result of late suburbanization in Greece, medium- and broad-range mobility consolidated the country's divide in urban and rural areas, evidencing the attractive role of Athens. Spatial direction and intensity of population movements reflect complex socioeconomic transformations, whose knowledge provides innovative visions for a better understanding of future demographic dynamics in Mediterranean Europe.  相似文献   
徐灿宇  李烜博  梁上坤 《金融研究》2021,493(7):172-189
高管与普通员工之间的薪酬差距不仅影响着企业的激励效率与企业价值,还关系到社会的公平与稳定。断裂带是Lau and Murnighan(1998)提出的假想的分割线概念,即可以将团队划分为多个小团体。以2005—2019年中国A股上市公司为样本,本文从董事会断裂带这一视角探索董事会中小团体的差异性对于薪酬差距的影响和后果。本文研究发现:(1)董事会断裂带的存在加剧了企业高管与普通员工之间的薪酬差距;(2)分解董事会断裂带的类型后,由深层特征形成的断裂带对于薪酬差距的影响高于由表层特征形成的断裂带;(3)区分行业竞争的程度后,公司所在行业的激烈竞争有助于缓解董事会断裂带造成的薪酬差距扩大;(4)从经济后果来看,董事会断裂带造成的薪酬差距对企业绩效具有显著的负向影响。本文的研究有助于深入理解企业薪酬差距形成的机制及其后果,同时对于完善我国董事会的监督机制也有一定的现实启发。  相似文献   
当前我国经济正处于增速放缓、结构升级及经济发展动力转换的新常态阶段。寻找新的经济增长点和新动能是经济新常态时期的重要任务和目标,而发展数字经济则是目前最优的经济发展模式。2017年数字经济被写入政府工作报告,预示着数字经济作为继农业经济和工业经济发展模式之后的又一新型社会经济发展形态,已成为新常态下中国经济发展的新动能,也是推动我国供给侧结构性改革的重要抓手。但数字经济模式属于新型经济发展模式,目前尚无一个完整的发展参考体系,需要我国自寻探究发展道路。由此,本文在研究数字经济内涵及其战略意义的基础上,基于我国数字经济发展现状和国外发展战略提出了我国数字经济的具体发展路径。  相似文献   
在军民融合深度发展背景下,需要引导民品企业参与军事工业研发,以改进武器装备长期以来高端供给能力不足的问题。当前情况下,民品企业与军工企业间存在着技术差距,同时军用成果转化率不高造成技术溢出不对称。通过建立博弈模型,分析技术差距和军用成果转化率对军工企业、民品企业研发竞争的影响。结果发现,技术差距和军用成果转化率都不同程度影响民品企业研发意愿,阻碍民品企业参与竞争;军民企业间保持适度的技术差距和提高军用成果转化率可以提升社会研发总效率。此外,促使军工企业和民品企业共同研发,可以使社会研发效率帕累托改进效果更好。  相似文献   
现代贸易方式不仅导致贸易利益在全球价值链上进行分配,还带来了贸易隐含污染排放在全球贸易网络中的分布。两国之间的贸易利益分配除了表现为贸易经济福利的分配,还表现为贸易隐含碳福利的分配。本文将贸易增加值分解法结合MRIO模型对2000—2014年中美双边工业品贸易增加值所隐含的碳福利分配及影响机制展开深入分析。研究结果表明:(1)在中美双边工业品增加值贸易隐含碳福利分配中,碳福利逆差在中国,碳福利顺差在美国;(2)中美工业品贸易碳福利级差经历了“先扩大,后收窄”的过程,美国次贷危机之后双边碳福利不平衡状况重新呈现扩大趋势;(3)中国碳排放强度下降、价值链地位提升以及对美进口规模扩大都有助于改善碳福利逆差的局面,但美国对中国不断扩大的中间品和最终品需求以及双边复杂的技术关联结构仍是中国碳福利逆差的主导因素;(4)全球价值链的深化可能将导致对出口国加征关税会通过降低进口消费侧排放的方式恶化加征国的贸易隐含碳福利。本文研究的时间范围同时覆盖中国加入WTO以及美国次贷危机两个重要节点,这对于重新审视中美经贸关系新格局下双边贸易隐含碳福利分配构建了一个新的分析视角,为中美未来贸易谈判以及全球碳排放责任认定提供了一个新的解读方向。  相似文献   
Our paper presents an empirical analysis of entrepreneurial well-being using a large-scale longitudinal household survey from the UK that tracks almost 50,000 individuals across seven waves over the period 2009–2017, as well as a number of exploratory case studies. We contribute to the existing literature by investigating how entrepreneurial well-being varies across locations along the urban-rural continuum, and across wealthy-deprived neighbourhoods. We use a Coarsened Exact Matching (CEM) approach to compare the well-being outcomes of individuals who switch into self-employment from waged employment, and show that entrepreneurial well-being, in the form of job satisfaction, is significantly higher for those living in semi-urban locations, relative to those living in urban and rural locations. We argue that semi-urban locations provide an optimal combination of ease of doing business and quality of life. Our results also show that individuals in wealthy neighbourhoods who switch into self-employment experience higher job satisfaction than otherwise comparable individuals living in materially deprived neighbourhoods, although the latter experience greater levels of life satisfaction following the switch.  相似文献   
在传统研发溢出效应假设基础上,通过技术差距将溢出效应与产品差异有机联系起来,并通过构建双寡头企业两阶段博弈模型对研发卡特尔、生产卡特尔、完全合作等不同形式合作联盟的均衡水平和福利变化进行分析比较。研究证实:当企业间技术差距较小时,完全合作或研发卡特尔能有效提高企业利润和社会福利;而当技术差距较大时,研发阶段的合作不仅无法激励企业进行研发投入,还会抑制企业创新的积极性。此外,与完全合作相比,局部合作具有更强的稳定性和可持续性,尤其是在产品差异程度较大的情况下,研发卡特尔最为稳定。  相似文献   
This study investigates the structural effect of tourism on alleviating the urban-rural dichotomy and the moderating effect of a dual urban-rural economic structure on Tourism-Led Growth (TLG). A theoretical framework followed by an empirical analysis based on relevant data from 31 Chinese provinces for the years 1998–2013 is presented. The main conclusions of the econometric analysis are that tourism growth can help reduce the urban-rural gap in China, but that the larger the gap between urban and rural economies, the less substantial is the influence of tourism on economic growth in China. Tourism may play an important role in Central-Western and Inland China, but their relatively greater urban-rural economic gap may threaten the positive effect of tourism.  相似文献   
中国已步入“未富先老”的老龄化社会,农村养老保障问题日趋凸显,株洲市更是进入了非常重要而又十分特殊的社会转型时期.本文分析了株洲市农村养老保障的现状、存在的主要问题以及产生问题的根源,针对这些问题提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   
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