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在突发事件应急管理过程中,科技研发支撑作用十分关键,亟需建立突发公共卫生事件科研应急体系长效运行机制。基于科技研发应急体系的复杂性、适应性特征,从主体属性和体系架构两个层面入手,分析重大突发公共卫生事件科技研发应急体系的复杂适应系统特征,运用复杂适应系统理论模型和动态闭环螺旋模型,研究重大突发公共卫生事件科技研发应急体系运行机制。研究发现,重大突发公共卫生事件背景下,科技研发应急体系具有复杂适应系统的7个基本特征,是典型的复杂适应系统;科技研发应急体系中,科研攻关专家组、诊疗医院、科技部门等科研主体具有各自内部模型,并通过6大标识进行聚集;科技研发应急体系存在事件—需求引导、主体协同、资源交互、成果转化机制。同时,新冠病毒肺炎疫情应对实践表明,疫情防控救治进程中科技研发应急体系存在并遵循上述运行机制。  相似文献   
基于应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情治理的实践背景,以数字化赋能理论为分析视角,从结构赋能、资源赋能和心理赋能3个层面提出数字化赋能应急管理的内在机制。在此基础上,结合“共同治理”和“元治理”理念,对数字化赋能情境下突发公共事件合作治理系统目标、构成主体和运作机制进行探索性研究。结合案例探讨公民参与、数字化赋能如何进一步提升国家治理能力,对我国新时期应急治理体系完善和治理能力现代化建设具有一定启示意义。  相似文献   
This paper is an attempt to tease out a typology of economic sectors based on a systems approach to innovation and economic growth that may be useful for policy analysis. The typology explored here revolves around novel products rather than ethereal knowledge-producing entities. This insight goes back to Allyn Young (1928) and Joseph Schumpeter (1934) who argued that the introduction of new goods was the engine of economic growth. More precisely, our typology of sectors focuses on novel products which are efficiency-enhancing within and between sectors through the market mechanism. The scheme revolves around the relationship between 'Enabling' and 'Recipient' sectors (which gives the typology its name: ER), and offers a lens for viewing and interpreting a substantive part of the mechanics of modern economic growth. The last part of the paper briefly discusses a few immediate policy implications, although it has the potential for greater use and value in this regard.  相似文献   
格拉斯是德国当代著名作家 ,是 1999年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。《猫与鼠》是格拉斯《但泽三部曲》的第二部。文本以动物隐喻的方式叙述了纳粹文化对个体的驯化。主人公马尔克本是个善良的青年学生 ,因为生活在希特勒的国家社会主义时代 ,在纳粹文化的诱骗下 ,丧失了自我道德、自我价值 ,最终走向毁灭。马尔克的命运是特定背景下青年人相同相近的精神状态的真实写照  相似文献   
先锋小说是在对传统现实主义创作精神和艺术手法的反叛中确立自己的先锋性地位的。它的崛起与存在主义、后现代主义、后现代小说、现代叙事理论尤其是结构主义文学理论在国内的引入密切相关。先锋小说或多或少地表现出后现代倾向与后现代性,贯穿于其中的理论观念,则是西方形式主义的艺术情结:小说形式、语言的文体实验。先锋小说对“真实性”的重新体认,使被意识形态遮蔽的人性侧面得到深入揭示。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来,世界各国的经济贸易相继受到了重创,而江西省南昌市机电行业的进出口却逆势增长,表现突出,增速持续居于全国各省市前列。通过分析江西省统计年鉴和南昌海关等数据,得出结论:南昌进出口逆势上扬的原因是复杂的,政府的正确有力措施、应对突发事件能力强的优秀进出口企业是促进南昌市机电行业进出口在新冠肺炎疫情期间逆势上扬的主要原因。  相似文献   
What protects travel and leisure companies from a global pandemic, such as COVID-19? To answer this question, we investigate data on over 1200 travel and leisure companies in 52 countries. We consider 80 characteristics, such as company financial ratios, macroeconomic variables, and government policy responses. Using regressions and machine learning tools, we demonstrate that firms with low valuations, limited leverage, and high investments have been more immune to the pandemic-induced crash. We also find a beneficial effect of stringent containment and closure policies. Finally, our results indicate that countries with less individualism may be better positioned to cope with the pandemic. Our findings have implications for regulatory bodies, managers, and investors concerning future pandemic outbreaks.  相似文献   
2020年1月31日,世界卫生组织宣布将中国新冠病毒疫情列为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件(PHEIC)。尽管在之前的PHEIC中,世界卫生组织均强调不应限制国际旅行和贸易,但各国仍对目标国采取了一系列限制措施,对其经济造成负面影响。此次PHEIC后,越来越多的国家对我国采取了广泛的限制措施。对中国造成的短期影响是国内经济、国际贸易、双向投资、全球价值链均受到冲击;中期影响是外商撤资、产业链转移的可能性大幅增加;长期影响是面临与全球经济脱钩的风险。对此,我国应借鉴之前目标国采取应对措施的经验教训,尽快结束疫情、缓解对国内经济的冲击、推动国际贸易和双向投资、加快产业链布局调整、加强国际经济合作,以缓解PHEIC的短期冲击并避免中长期影响。  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情对农民工产生较大负面影响,一季度农民工就业将面临巨大冲击,三类农民工就业需高度关注。部分农民工返城复工面临诸多现实困难,农业生产要素和农产品流动性显著降低,返乡务农者面临十分严峻的挑战。农民工全年整体收入减少将成为大概率事件,部分低收入农民工家庭可能陷入生存困境。相关对策建议:推动劳务输出和输入省份之间精准对接,帮助有条件的农民工实现安全、稳定就业。借鉴东西部对口帮扶就业扶贫办法,由专人负责组织农民工外出并送至就业地点。强化有条件地区对农民工就业吸纳。加大新型职业农民培育和支持力度,吸引培育一批新农民,多措并举支持返乡农民工渡过难关。将农民工全面纳入城市社会管理服务对象,重点关注农村“三留守”人员和困难家庭的生活问题。  相似文献   
This study analyzes the legitimation process of an emerging novel food sector in the European Union (EU). Current EU policies are cautious with regard to new food sources and new food technology, and we aim to determine how the sector is addressing both this caution as well as a general public that may be skeptical of its products. By utilizing a legitimacy strategy framework and conducting 19 semi-structured interviews with actors and experts in the Dutch edible insect sector, we assess the sector’s progress and limitations with regard to its legitimacy journey. The findings show that sector focus has thus far been on organization, intraindustry, and interindustry legitimacy strategies, and that additional emphasis on institutional strategies will be imperative to securing more accommodating legislation. In addition, the lack of a common vision, a strategic communication plan, and interfirm linkages may also be hindering sector legitimation. The framework and conclusions presented here may prove useful to other sectors introducing novel foods.  相似文献   
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