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中华茶文化可谓是一种关乎茶事认知集合形态的人类现象,并是人群、茶事、文化的整合融通。儒荼:和衷共济,宁静致远;道茶:法天顺地,自然超脱;佛茶:任性随缘,清虚淡远。中国茶文化凝聚了儒、道、佛文化的哲思精髓,并体认着华夏文化哲学的崇主体、尚道德、重体验和求感通的审美旨归。  相似文献   
符咒是中国道家灵修的哲学,也是心灵最高艺术升华,符咒作为信息传递符号的产生并以长期发展的最根本的心理基础。宗教的命运看来必须进行彻底的转向,也算是对超验形态以及与它们之间的关系的创造。应从道家典籍来开发,对中国古老的道家文化进行综合创新,将道学文化的真实面貌公诸于世,形成新的道家学派,完成创立道学的使命。  相似文献   
钱钟书不仅是位饱学之士和颇具特色的作家,更是一位睿智的哲人.在为文治学的实践中,他始终致力于古今中外及多种学科知识的融合,追求精神的自由与和谐.他的审美趣味和哲学思辩方式既受中国道家思想影响,又兼容西方近现代哲学、美学思想,而将文学艺术的研究引入一个崭新的境界.  相似文献   
随着社会生活节奏的加快和人才竞争的日趋激烈,高校女教师生理和心理上承受了较大压力,个人发展受到束缚,也在一定程度上影响了高等教育事业的健康发展。运用道家文化某些具有恒定价值的思想智慧,努力探究减轻和消除高校女教师心理压力的方法,能为其心理调适工作提供方法论的启示。  相似文献   
李燕 《科技和产业》2005,5(6):62-64
本文从物质层、制度层、行为层和精神层等层面上对恩威企业文化进行深入的剖析。希望通过对恩威企业文化从这四个层面上进行分析,能够对我国企业文化的建设有所帮助。  相似文献   
道家以“道”为核心的自然人格以其疏离社会、重视个体精神世界的特点而孕育着中国士人的一种纯艺术精神,其反社会化、超功利性的背后,饱含着人性关怀的社会批判精神、超然世俗的傲岸的自由精神及对人生的大悲悯感,为中国纯文学准备了创作及接受主体,并以此影响着以凸显精神价值为旨归、以淡朴简古、蕴藉空灵为表现方式的中国纯文学的审美品质。  相似文献   
Like their Greek counterparts, a number of Chinese thinkers of the “Axial Period” wrote extensively on the division of labour. In particular, Kuan Chung, Hsün Tzu and Ssu-ma Ch’ien explicitly discussed economic issues related to the division of labour, contributing sophisticated analysis on the subject. In this article, we first examine Kuan Chung and his followers’ fairly interesting analysis of the economies of agglomeration of specialists, and Ssu-ma Ch’ien's deep insight into the Taoist invisible hand of the market in coordinating the division of labour. The common ground between them is a sound understanding of the role of market exchange in facilitating the social division of labour, but the latter goes much further in appreciation of the spontaneous market order. We then turn to Hsün Tzu's profound scholarship of specialised learning or doing and his Confucian theory of the origin of social division, highlighting, in particular, his Confucian notion of natural equality and utilitarian account of the formation of society. Similarity in profundity and influence notwithstanding, of greater interest, appears to be the remarkable differences between the Chinese scholars and the philosophers of classical Athens in respect of their study of the division of labour, and we therefore investigate how and why the Chinese treatment contrasts thus sharply with the Greek/Europeans.  相似文献   
Materialism, both as a vision of the good life and as a cosmological basis underlying epistemology and modern science, drives humanity's environmental crisis. The dominant thrust of the environmental movement has been simply to shift to a longer slower materialism. Understanding how materialism creates our environmental problems and limits our vision of the good life is a necessary step toward creating a different future. Understanding development as a process of coevolution between knowledge, technology, social organization, values, and nature provides an alternative cosmological and epistemological framing which both gives us perspective on materialism and suggests an alternative vision for the future.  相似文献   
杨林 《魅力中国》2010,(35):314-315
汉武帝时期的“罢黜百家,表彰六经”使儒家登上了政治的巅峰时刻,确立了儒家在中国封建社会的统治地位,然而儒家的正统地位的确立不是一帆风顺的,期间经历了一个曲折的斗争过程,与其争锋的便是道家学派,确切的说是黄老新道家。  相似文献   
《红楼梦》语言的研究虽早已引起学界注意,但《红楼梦》中的人物绰号还未被重视。《红楼梦》中的人物绰号很值得研究。它不仅具有丰富的语言学功用——在小说创作中形成固定的人物塑造模式,而且还与中国传统文化紧密联系——即体现出传统释道文化对通俗文学创作的辐射作用。探寻《红楼梦》人物绰号独特的文化意蕴,会拓宽《红楼梦》语言的研究途径,并且丰富我国古代小说研究的思路和方法。  相似文献   
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