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瞪羚企业认定是我国创新驱动发展战略的重要措施,旨在培育高科技、高成长性企业,促进科技进步和经济高质量发展。为研究瞪羚企业认定能否切实提升企业创新质量,利用2005-2018年新三板企业数据和PSM-DID方法研究瞪羚企业认定对企业创新质量的影响及作用机制。结果发现:①瞪羚企业认定对企业创新质量有正向促进效应,且这种效应在地区和企业层面均存在异质性;②人力投入是瞪羚企业认定发挥作用的重要渠道;③制度因素对瞪羚企业认定影响的调节效应有限,意味着我国市场化改革和知识产权保护工作仍需进一步完善。最后,为政府有效开展瞪羚企业认定工作、促进企业提高创新质量提出政策建议。  相似文献   
近年来,“三农”问题受到极大关注。为了应对外部资源、环境、科学技术等多重压力对农业升级与发展的影响,政府出台了诸多政策支持农业企业的技术研发与创新。本文从政府干预视角分析政府补助和税费返还两种形式的政府创新支持政策对农业企业研发投入的影响,重点分析机构投资者与大股东参与公司内部治理以及社会审计事务机构参与公司外部治理这两者所发挥的不同监督作用。研究发现:第一,不同形式的政府创新支持(政府补助和税费返还)对农业企业研发投入的影响并不一致。政府补助产生替代效应,税费返还则产生互补效应。第二,持股监督(机构投资者和大股东的持股比例上升)能增强政府补助对农业企业研发投入的替代效应,也能增强税费返还对农业企业研发投入的互补效应。第三,审计监督(社会审计事务机构的审计意见)会减弱政府补助支持对农业企业研发投入的替代效应,也会减弱税费返还对农业企业研发投入的互补效应。本文的研究发现为政府制定适宜的创新支持政策,以及合理发挥持股监督与审计监督的内外部治理作用,提供一定的决策依据和理论支持。  相似文献   
在供给侧改革背景下,科技保险肩负着为科技创新保驾护航的历史使命。然而,科技保险试点10年来,依然面临需求低迷与供给不足并存的发展困境。其主要根源在于:严重的信息不对称造成市场失灵、“跛行”的财政支持政策不能形成有效激励以及不成熟的行业环境制约。要想走出这一困境,仅仅从需求方着力是远远不够的。科技保险的正外部性和科技保险市场高度的信息不对称,决定了必须从财政支持、产品创新、机制创新、中介培育及信息服务等方面进行供给侧改革。为此,提出应当构建供需并重的差异化财政支持机制、加大与需求侧相匹配的科技保险产品供给、创新科技保险契约模式及运行机制、搭建科技保险中介服务和信息支持平台等建议。  相似文献   
The prevailing transitions literature suggests that dynamic firms in postsocialist economies are the result of macroinstitutional reforms leading to the making of markets. This article builds on work in comparative political economy and economic sociology to show that the degree of competitive behaviour of postsocialist firms is determined not by the existence of general market institutions alone but by the kinds of organisational allies firms possess and the kinds of markets they compete in. Using firm survey data across 28 postsocialist economies, the article examines the determinants of competitive restructuring by firms, including product innovation, standards upgrade, financial transparency, and investments in research and development. The article confirms insights from comparative political economy which suggest that dynamic enterprise sectors emerge when governance is effective. However, at the firm level, the article finds that transnational ties and supportive policy environments are most significant in the making of dynamic postsocialist enterprises. The article also highlights important regional variation in firm behaviour and discusses the relationship between institutional frameworks, organisational embeddedness, and firm restructuring in postsocialist economies.  相似文献   
应用遥感与地理信息系统技术构建基于GIS模型的蓄滞洪区空间数据库,对蓄滞洪区内的基础地理数据进行存储、管理,并对空间数据进行可视化和空间分析等操作;运用RS技术对蓄滞洪区内的土地利用、生态环境变化等情况进行动态监测,建立蓄滞洪区发展指标体系;探求蓄滞洪区的和谐发展模式,为蓄滞洪区的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   
当前,我国经济发展进入新常态,高层次科技人才成为区域经济发展中科技创新创业的生力军。高层次科技人才创业能力高低成为决定其创业成功与否的关键因素。运用扎根理论对3位高层次科技人才创业案例进行研究,最终构建了高层次科技人才创业能力提升路径理论模型。高层次科技人才创业可通过契合区级政府人才政策获取政策支持,将自身创业资源与政策资源有效整合,从而大幅提升自身创业能力。  相似文献   
制度创新对于推动技术创新具有重要意义。基于产业政策分析理论与方法,将政策流变理论与ROCCIPI模型应用于3D打印专利技术产业化问题研究,提出3D打印产业技术创新与制度创新协同驱动机制构架。研究发现, 3D打印产业的科技政策具有由柔性到刚性的流变趋势,揭示了产业化制度性因素由实然向应然发展的内在规律。应用ROCCIPI模型从7个维度提出3D打印产业发展的制度性要素驱动对策,为3D打印产业发展明确了指向。  相似文献   
This study investigates the correlates of a resident's walking behaviors and aims to shed light on mechanisms through which walking may be encouraged. The results of this investigation paint a complex and nuanced picture of the residents’ walking behaviors in South East Queensland, Australia. The results suggest that sociodemographic characteristics separately may contribute greatly to whether or not one engages in walking behaviors. Further, cumulatively these differences might be greater for some groups of residents compared to others. One of the most prominent findings of the study is that the purpose, the characteristics of the origin, and the characteristics of the destination of a trip tended to be similar in the heterogeneity they exhibit over the distribution of time spent walking. For example, pick something up, undertake work, or engage in personal business, move to or from a workplace, shop, or social place are activities that tend to be associated with walking as a main mode of transport and a higher number of walking episodes. However, these trips tended to be short.  相似文献   
高技术产业创新为我国经济转型发展提供新动能,但其现存的低效率创新困局亟待破解。利用1997-2011年高技术产业面板数据,全面考察制度因素对高技术产业技术创新的影响,并就各个制度子因素对技术创新三阶段效率的贡献加以分析。结果显示,整体制度环境优化有利于创新效率提升,制度因素对不同阶段创新效率的贡献具有异质性;以企业为主体的科技创新体制对高技术产业创新效率的影响不显著,表明以企业为主体的创新体系有待进一步完善。最后提出继续深化市场化改革、优化整体制度环境、明确政府职能、真正确立企业创新主体地位等对策建议。  相似文献   
As stakeholders continue to increasingly hold firms accountable for environmental and social performance in their supply chains, the importance of understanding how firms can be more sustainable becomes more prescient. Based on the underlying premise of stakeholder theory that business and ethics decisions are intertwined, the current research introduces the concept of supply chain integrity (SCI) to explore how the interdependence of business and ethics decisions can lead to improvements in sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices. Exploratory analysis employing secondary data sources in an elastic net (EN) logistic regression provides support for the proposed construct, by providing preliminary empirical evidence that SCI, measured through two subdimensions of structural and moral SCI, can be linked to firm sustainability. The research contributes to the supply chain management literature by: (1) introducing the concept of SCI; (2) performing an exploratory econometric analysis to provide initial validity of the SCI construct; and (3) providing a research agenda to guide further research on the concept of SCI and its role in SSCM.  相似文献   
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