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In this research, we empirically explore the effects of various design elements of email newsletters on consumers' email responses and their purchases. We capture the consumers' email responses using three metrics, namely email open, email click, and email reopen. We operationalize consumers' purchases as their spending on product items that are featured in email newsletters. Using a novel email marketing database, first, we model the influence of design elements of email newsletter on consumers' email responses at the individual consumer level. The email design elements constitute several email attributes, situational factors, and integrated marketing communication. Second, we quantify the effects of these three email responses, open, click, and reopen, on consumers' purchases. Our empirical results suggest a significant influence of email attributes, situational factors, and marketing communications on consumers' email responses. Furthermore, among open, click, and reopen, we find clicks tend to have the highest impact on consumers’ purchase, followed by email reopening and opening. However, email newsletters with higher opening probability are more effective in influencing purchases than those email newsletters with higher reopening probability. Furthermore, consumers who indulge in all three email responses, namely opening, clicking, and reopening, tend to purchase the most. Results from our study offer several critical insights for email marketing strategy helping managers improving the effectiveness of email campaigns by careful consideration for the design elements of email newsletters.  相似文献   
研究目的:剖析农村土地制度和农业经营制度的关系,为完善农村基本经营制度提供参考。研究方法:比较分析法、文献研究法。研究结果:新中国成立70年来,农村基本经营制度先后历经新中国成立初期的"农民所有、家庭经营"、改革开放前期的"集体所有、集体经营"到改革开放后期的"集体所有、均田承包、家庭经营",再到现阶段的"集体所有、均田承包和多元经营"4个阶段。在这个过程当中,农村基本经营制度既遵循人口与土地关系、生存与发展关系以及政府与市场关系的大逻辑,又遵循着农村土地制度的"产权逻辑"、农业经营制度的"生产逻辑"等小逻辑。研究结论:为深化农村基本经营制度变革,需加强农村土地制度与农业经营制度联动改革的制度设计,发挥要素、组织和制度的作用,发展多种形式的适度规模经营,实现小农户与现代农业发展的有机衔接。  相似文献   
党的十九大首次提出了"乡村振兴"战略,但乡村振兴的实践早已开启,并不断推动我国乡村跨越式发展。从改革开放40年的历史动态中认识乡村发展,就会发现了其理论内涵在不断丰富;与理论内涵的演进过程相对应,乡村发展历经五个阶段,即:乡村经济的初步振兴、改进乡村治理的探索、中国特色的社会主义新农村建设、社会主义新农村建设和走中国特色社会主义乡村振兴道路;由此形成了四条基本经验:正确把握农村改革的基本规律、与时俱进地推进全面深化改革、树立以农民为中心的发展理念、构建和完善以基层党组织为核心的乡村治理体系。  相似文献   
以内生增长理论为基础,运用巴罗的财政支出自然效率条件和改进的柯布-道格拉斯生产函数分别对中国城镇职工基本养老保险和城乡居民基本养老保险的最优财政支出规模进行测算,发现中国城镇职工基本养老保险和城乡居民基本养老保险的最优财政支出规模分别为2.33%和0.81%,目前两项养老保险的财政支出皆已超过了最优财政支出规模。为缓解养老保险的财政补贴压力,保证养老保险制度的良性运行,建议落实划转国有资本充实全国社会保障基金政策,实施基础养老金全国统筹,激发城镇职工和城乡居民缴费的积极性。  相似文献   
The human development (HD) approach puts the improvement of people’s lives as the central objective of development. This paper provides an overview of major aspects of the approach. It shows how it emerged with the evolution of development thought and a widening of development objectives The paper explores the two-way relationship between HD and the rival objective, economic growth, is explored and broad characteristics of countries that have been exceptionally successful or unsuccessful , countries with three country cases considered in greater depth. The paper identifies major dimensions of HD, beyond the three elements included in the Human Development Index (HDI) and shows they are poorly captured by the HDI. An overview of global change on HD dimensions from 1980 to 2015 gives a mixed picture with progress on basic HD, uneven trends in some areas, and notable worsening on the environmental dimension. In conclusion, the paper discusses some outstanding issues which need more attention.  相似文献   

The present study investigates how the most foundational factors to individual differences – personality traits and personal values – affect the perceived safety of genetic modification and their relative importance. Publicly available communication data from 522 Twitter accounts discussing genetically modified foods and their safety was processed in two steps. First, accounts were categorized by the researchers as viewing GM foods as either safe or not safe. Second, using the IBM Watson platform, the Twitter communication data were subjected to lexical analysis to assign scores according to the Five Factor Model for personality traits and Schwartz’s basic individual values to the individual accounts. Logistic regression analyses were performed to determine how perceived GM food safety is linked to personality traits and individual values. Although both traits and values significantly contribute to explaining GM attitudes, personality traits strongly moderate the effect of individual values on risk perception.  相似文献   
作为长江上游的核心区域,川渝黔一体化发展的本质就是长江上游区域的一体化发展。战略目标有两个方面:在成渝城市群基础上形成世界级城市群、形成世界级主导产业和企业集团。其战略意义有五个方面:极大缓解我国不平衡不充分发展与人民追求美好生活愿望之间的矛盾、率先促进长江上游区域一体化发展、有助于加快实现“一带一路”和长江经济带等发展目标、有利于保护水资源和建成上游生态屏障、使我国有一个长远和稳固的战略后方基地。一体化发展的基本内容包含五个方面:交通通信设施一体化、产业发展一体化、监管和生产要素一体化、生态环境一体化、人口流动时身份规定一体化。  相似文献   
从资源比较优势竞争转向创新要素优势竞争是区域竞争的新态势,以创新人才、创新技术和研发资金为主要内容的创新要素自由流动,给区域经济发展带来新的契机与挑战。随着对创新规律认识的深化,创新要素的内涵不断完善丰富。目前对创新要素的定义,有从要素论和系统论角度进行划分。要素论一般把创新要素分为人才要素、资金要素、平台要素、技术要素、社会资本要素、制度及政策要素;系统论认为创新要素主要由产出科技成果的创新活动投入的资源即直接要素,包括技术、资金、人才,以及提供支撑条件,间接推动创新活动的外部环境即间接要素,包括基础设施、社会环境、宏观政策等。本文分析了创新要素与传统生产要素的区别及特征,分析了创新要素流动的机制并对目前主流的引力模型和推拉模型进行了归纳,对影响创新要素流动的影响因素进行了分析,从国内和国际视角对创新因素流动规律进行了总结。未来需要在创新要素流动形成的流数据空间效应、技术转移测度及效应、创新要素配置效率3个方面开展深入研究。  相似文献   
为满足联合作战条件下信息系统对资源数据灵活组合应用的需求,从作战资源视角出发,聚焦资源的关系特征维度,开展了资源与资源、资源与功能的关系特性分析,确定了各类关系的概念内涵、基本属性及关系特征要素集的组成,同时研究了资源视角关系特征的表征方法,并针对资源能力溯源及资源能力认知等展开了关系特征模型应用分析。通过资源视角关系特性分析与建模,可提高信息系统对资源的快速组织和应用能力,为从事军事资源联合运筹与信息系统研制提供参考。  相似文献   
我国地方综合性旅游法规立法体例比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
韩钧雅 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):58-62
近年来我国地方综合性旅游法规蓬勃发展,并在发展中凸现出一些新的趋势。本文以对地方综合性旅游法规立法体例的决定因素——旅游产业基本关系和旅游产业发展模式的考察为基础,芘较分析了现有地方综合性旅游法规之立法体例,得出若干基本结论,以资为我国旅游基本法的制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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