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We empirically investigate the interactions among hedging, financing, and investment decisions. We argue that the way in which hedging affects a firm's financing and investing decisions differs for firms with different growth opportunities. We find that high growth firms increase their investment, but not leverage, by hedging. However, we also find that firms with few investment opportunities use derivatives to increase their leverage.  相似文献   
The intrinsic value approach amortizes over the life of the option, the difference between the stock price on the date of the grant and the exercise price of the option. The fair market value approach amortizes over the life of the option, the market value of stock options on the date of the grant. These approaches do not reflect the changes in the option–based compensation cost after the grant date. This paper proposes an economic cost approach that not only adjusts for the changes in the value of the options during its life but also records the issuance of the stock at fair market value on the exercise date.  相似文献   
This paper presents a model of group formation based on the assumption that individuals prefer to associate with people similar to them. It is shown that, in general, if the number of groups that can be formed is bounded, then a stable partition of the society into groups may not exist. (A partition is defined as stable if none of the individuals would prefer be in a different group than the one he is in.) However, if individuals' characteristics are one-dimensional, then a stable partition always exists. We give sufficient conditions for stable partitions to be segregating (in the sense that, for example, low-characteristic individuals are in one group and high-characteristic ones are in another) and Pareto efficient. In addition, we propose a dynamic model of individual myopic behavior describing the evolution of group formation to an eventual stable, segregating, and Pareto efficient partition. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C72, H41.  相似文献   
找准发展与经济结构调整良性互动的结合部   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文就如何在发展中进行结构调整,在结构调整中推进发展进行分析。结合十五届五中全会精神,笔者认为,要找准发展与经济结构2调整良性互动的结合部,发挥市场及市场机制的作用,进一步完善社会主义市场经济体制。  相似文献   
本文从回顾世界石油市场结构演进历程入手,对产油国油气政策调整这一重要现象进行了分析。产油国油气政策的调整不仅直接改变了石油公司在资源环节的买方地位和所处的买方结构,同时也间接影响到其在油气生产阶段作为卖方所承担的成本以及原油市场的卖方结构。这样,通过对原油和成品油市场价格的连锁影响,在成品油价格变动特殊规律的约束下,油气资源政策的调整通过对石油市场结构产生影响,改变了石油广义产业链中资源环节和传统产业链环节的价值分布。  相似文献   
王剑 《科技和产业》2007,7(7):35-37,55
政策对产业结构有着极为重要的影响,本文以舟山市产业结构调整为例,说明产业政策对一个地区的主导产业和产业结构有着重要的影响。  相似文献   
以公共医疗服务与义务教育为例,既有的研究的最大特征是,其综合形成了以财政干预为核心的财政古典主义研究范式。该范式在对不均等的事实的认定方面以及财政工具干预方面积累了丰富的知识,但是其主要缺点是实践效果不理想。新古典主义的新范式实现了研究范式的创新。  相似文献   
汇率作为宏观经济调节变量,在受到其它经济条件或经济因素影响的同时,其变动对国民经济也有着广泛而复杂的作用。通过对中国汇率制度历史演进的分析,可以发现人民币汇率的变动始终与中国产业结构的调整息息相关。文章以价格这一中间变量作为动力因素,建立价格穿越模型,分析汇率变动引起产业结构调整的传导路径与作用机理。  相似文献   
We document a novel set of facts about disagreement among professional forecasters: (1) forecasters disagree at all horizons, including the long run; (2) the term structure of disagreement is downward sloping for real output growth, relatively flat for inflation, and upward sloping for the federal funds rate; (3) disagreement is time varying at all horizons. We propose a generalized model of imperfect information that can jointly explain these facts. We further use the term structure of disagreement to show that the monetary policy rule perceived by professional forecasters features a high degree of interest-rate smoothing and time variation in the intercept.  相似文献   
Cross-border acquisitions (CBAs) are one of the key strategies for internationalization. However, most of what is known about CBA strategies relies on the effects of the host country's environment or the home country's conditions. In this article, we analyze the interplay between these two important factors. We show that companies from less institutionally developed countries are more influenced by poor institutional conditions found in host countries. We analyzed a dataset of 1,390 cross-border acquisitions performed by Latin American firms. The literature on the subject points out that less developed host environments lead to fewer shares of ownership acquired in CBAs. However, we confirmed that the quality of the home country's institutional environment positively moderates the effects of the host environment over ownership choice in the acquisition. This effect is due to companies from less developed environments being able to use their embedded capabilities to better navigate faulty institutional environments abroad.  相似文献   
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