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文章提出“碳化工艺连续化、活化剂复合化、活化技术组合化、活化温度常温化、干燥技术组合化和系统工程化”,应成为我国超细碳酸钙生产技术未来发展的主要方向,并论述了我国目前超细碳酸钙生产技术的现状,用连续鼓泡碳化工艺来改造现有碳化工艺,并提出了超重力反应结晶法的完善办法。  相似文献   
基于2013-2020年的30个省份数据构建面板数据模型,从碳排放总量和碳排放强度两个视角研究数字经济发展对区域碳排放的影响。研究发现:数字经济的发展有效地降低了人均碳排放量、碳排放增量与碳排放增速,数字经济与碳排放强度之间存在倒“U”形关系,数字经济与碳排放强度、边际碳排放强度的关系呈现区域性特征,在省域层面数字经济对边际碳排放强度的影响不存在明显的空间效应,数字经济对碳排放增长率的影响存在基于产业结构优化、人口集聚、城镇化的遮掩效应。  相似文献   
Through Joint Implementationand the Clean Development Mechanism, reductionsof greenhouse gas emissions achieved abroad canbe credited to domestic firms. However, thetechnical, economic and political risksinvolved may prevent the private sector frominvesting in such projects. This paperdescribes three types of risks which emissionreduction projects are exposed to. Eleven pilotprojects carried out under the ActivitiesImplemented Jointly (AIJ) program and financedby Sweden are evaluated. Actual project costsare found to exceed projected costs in allcases. Annual emission reductions also deviatefrom their expected values and vary stronglyover time, supporting the hypothesis that suchprojects are risky business. The riskmanagement tool portfolio diversification isapplied to a sample of Swedish AIJ projects.The results indicate that diversification canreduce the risks of greenhouse gas mitigationprojects significantly. Thus, carbon funds area promising way of lowering the risks of theKyoto Mechanisms for private sector investors.  相似文献   
This paper develops the notion of parallel-neutral technical change for inputs and outputs. It is shown that parallel-neutral technical change generalizes existing radial notions of neutral technical change. A taxonomy of the structural consequences of parallel-neutral technical change is developed.  相似文献   
One approach to the economic analysis of global warming seeks to balance the costs of damage from or adaptation to it with the costs of mitigating it. The costs of adaptation and damage have been estimated using techniques of environmental evaluation, but are subject to a wide margin of uncertainty. The costs of mitigation, principally by reducing the emissions of CO2, have been estimated using different kinds of economic models, some of the results of which have suggested that very little abatement of carbon emissions is justified before the costs of abatement exceed the benefits of it in terms of foregone damage and adaptation costs. The paper analyses the extent to which this conclusion is a function of the modelling assumptions and techniques used, rather than likely practical outcomes, with regard to the models' treatment of unemployed resources, revenue recycling, prior distortions in the economy due to the tax system and possible dynamic effects from the introduction of a carbon-energy tax. It concludes that, with different and arguably more appropriate treatment of the above issues, especially when the secondary benefits of reducing CO2 emissions are also taken into account, it is not clear that even substantial reductions in the use of fossil fuels will incur net costs, especially if there is the prospect of even moderate costs from global warming.  相似文献   
Given the constraints on carbon emissions due to their impact on global warming, carbon disclosure has become an important way to deliver signals to the market. We examine the benefits associated with carbon disclosure from the standpoint of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for China’s manufacturing industries from 2010 to 2014. We divide corporations into heavily polluting and non-heavily polluting groups in order to control the industry factor. Based on the Principal-Agent Theory, we empirically test the relationship between carbon disclosure and financial transparency, and we evaluate the effect of carbon disclosure on agency costs and operations. Our results highlight that carbon disclosure is negatively associated with agency costs. However, we do not find enough evidence to prove what role financial transparency plays in the relationship between carbon disclosure and agency cost. Therefore, the influence of financial transparency as a mechanism is not yet clear. This study provides a way to look at the intentions of firms that disclose carbon information, and it also enhances the literature on carbon disclosure and agency costs in China based on Chinese data.  相似文献   
[目的]对河南省农业碳排放进行测算,并分析其时空演化特征与影响因素,可为实现低碳农业发展提供依据。[方法]基于农业生产中翻耕、灌溉、化肥、农药、农膜和农用柴油等6个方面碳源,采用碳转化系数法、标准差、变异系数与探索性空间分析方法 (ESDA)对河南省1993~2015年的农业碳排放及其时空演变进行了分析。运用LMDI模型对河南省农业碳排放影响因素进行分解。[结果]河南省农业碳排放量和排放强度总体上均呈上升趋势,年均增速分别为4.32%和3.72%。河南省农业碳排放量空间分布呈较为明显的集聚特征,主要年份高碳排放区集中于豫东南地区;碳排放强度多为Ⅱ级和Ⅲ级水平,空间分布更为均衡。23年来,河南省各地农业碳排放量和排放强度的相对差异与绝对差异整体上均呈扩大趋势,农业碳排放量的集聚趋势更为明显,高碳排放区域有向豫东南和豫北地区进一步集聚的趋势,农业碳排放强度趋向于均衡化发展。生产效率、劳动力和结构因素对碳排放有抑制作用,而农业经济发展因素对碳排放具有促进作用。[结论]未来河南省还须进一步采取措施,有效实现农业碳减排。  相似文献   
[目的]碳足迹及碳承载力的时空演变分析是当前分析温室气体排放量的热点问题。[方法]文章采用2004~2014年河北省化石能源消费数据、土地利用结构数据以及经济社会数据,通过构建碳足迹模型,基于Arc GIS平台对河北省11个地级市的碳足迹、碳承载力、净碳足迹进行时空演变分析。[结果](1)2004~2014年河北省碳足迹由2.224 5亿t增长至4.792 2亿t,其中煤炭能源消费量占90%左右,唐山、邯郸和石家庄碳足迹值较高,分别占河北省碳足迹的33%、18%和16%;(2)2004~2014年河北省碳承载力由9 043万t增长至1.050 6亿t,其中林地碳承载力占河北省碳承载力的97%左右,西南地区农、林业发达,碳承载力相对较高;(3)2004~2014年河北省净碳足迹呈逐年上升趋势,由1.536 7亿t增长至4.236 5亿t,唐山、邯郸及石家庄净碳足迹较大,分别占河北省净碳足迹的40%、22%和16%;(4)除保定外,其他10个地级市的碳足迹压力指数变化强度均呈现不同程度的增强趋势。此次研究成果将为河北省未来制定温室气体排放量等相关政策的建设提供参考。[结论]整体来看,河北省碳足迹及碳承载力呈逐年增长的变化趋势,应加强温室气体的管控力度,减小碳排放给河北省带来的负面影响。  相似文献   
[目的]通过探究我国农业经济增长过程中存在的问题及原因,试图找出转变我国农业发展方式的出路,以期为可持续的低碳农业经济发展提供借鉴。[方法]文章采用层次递进法,分析发展低碳农业的背景与转变农业发展方式的必要性,挖掘我国农业经济增长过程中存在的问题,探究其原因,并为之提出解决方案。[结果]发现我国农业经济发展中存在农村低碳环保意识薄弱、农业基础设施不完善、农业结构不合理、农村经济差异明显及农业技术型人才缺乏等问题,其原因主要是由传统农业生产与经营方式带来的生产无视生态、分散经营无视集约经营等所致。[结论]发展低碳农业经济,是转变农业发展方式的根本出路。为此应着重加强农村建设,培养农村服务人才,调整农村产业结构,实现农业产业经营化等。  相似文献   
科学评价当前中国农业碳循环情况、了解区域低碳竞争力是合理制定碳减排政策的重要前提。文章以我国2000~2011年31个省份的面板数据为样本,在综合农业碳循环过程中碳源和碳汇的双重特征来测算区域农业净碳量的基础上,通过构建农业低碳化评价指标体系得到低碳化指数,依据区域低碳化指数与农业经济发展水平对应情况,对不同时期的区域间的低碳竞争力进行分析。结果表明:近年来,区域农业净碳量的时空变化差异显著。从时间变化来看,2000~2011年全国各省(市、区)总的农业净碳量显著递增;从空间分布来看,东部沿海发达城市的净碳量高于全国平均水平;从各省低碳竞争力对比分析发现,人均农业GDP、低碳竞争力指数与地区经济发展水平之间具有明显的相关关系。且区域差异明显,东北地区呈现"低排放—高效益"型,西北、西南大片区域呈现"低排放—低效益"型,粮食主产区大多呈现"高排放—低效益"型,东部沿海发达地区大部分呈现"高排放—高效益"型。在科学量化农业碳循环的基础上,衡量区域间的低碳发展水平,可实现对低碳农业评价由定性描述向定量分析的转变。  相似文献   
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