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"红色管理"是对中国共产党的管理理论、管理思想和管理方法的总结.在现代社会有许多组织独具慧眼,兴起了向中国共产党学习"红色管理"的浪潮.与此同时,"红色管理"理论体系也开始构建."红色管理"在现代社会的盛行有其独特的原因,它是中国管理现状发展的必然选择.但在借鉴"红色管理"的过程中应深刻领会和把握"红色管理"内涵,应紧密联系自身实际借鉴"红色管理",还应面向未来借鉴"红色管理".  相似文献   
The exchange between Brenner and Wood on the Low Countries in the early modern period raises a number of theoretical and historical issues relating to the conditions for the emergence of capitalist social-property relations and their unique historical laws of motion. This contribution focuses on three issues raised in the Brenner-Wood exchange: the conditions under which rural house-hold producers become subject to 'market coercion', the potential for ecological crisis to restructure agricultural production, and the relative role of foreign trade and the transformation of domestic, rural class relations to capitalist industrialization.  相似文献   
In this paper, we present a two-country trade model with external economies of scale that emerge on an international level but are partially localized in each country. First, we show that the larger country exports the good produced in an industry with external economies of scale in the trading equilibrium. Second, we investigate the welfare effects of trade for the following two cases: (I) the case where external economies are completely localized in autarky; (II) the case where external economies are internationally effective in autarky. In case (II), it is shown that trade can be welfare-decreasing for both countries.  相似文献   
This paper provides empirical evidence on the linkage between foreign exchange market volatility and daily 90-day covered interest rate parity (CIP) conditions of the three major exchange rates against the US dollar (US$). Markov regime shifting models were utilized to generate time series of volatility regime probabilities and these were used to explain the first and second moments of the daily deviations from and the transaction cost bands around the covered parity conditions. We find a significant positive relationship between the deviations and the regime probabilities, indicating an increasing probability of higher volatility state being associated with rising deviations (both first and second moments) from the parity condition. Similar positive relationship is found for the transaction bands. Rising (falling) probabilities of high (low) volatility regimes increased the first and second moments of the bands. Furthermore, we find a higher volatility state combined with a US$ depreciation is associated with significantly higher volatility in the daily deviations than an appreciation. Also, US$ depreciation is associated with widening transaction bands. This suggests that the level of market uncertainty was higher when the US$ was depreciating.  相似文献   
两岸入世后,台湾当局的大陆经贸政策与世界贸易组织的要求是有一定距离的,特别是台湾当局为大陆度身设置的“大陆货品特殊防御机制”,似乎是为了利用中国大陆在其《入世议定书》中对世贸组织成员的特别的承诺条款,但从法律角度而言,这是有违台湾在世贸组织《保障措施协议》项下的义务的,极易成为两岸之间有限的经贸互动中争端的导火绳。  相似文献   
创新是当今世界发展的主题,科学创新是创新链条的初环,研究科学创新的动力系统成为一种必然.科学创新的人文内涵表现在各种人文要素对其影响上,这些结构要素的系统动力学效应成为科学创新的动力源泉.这些人文要素大体包括哲学、宗教、政治制度、法律、社会道德、文学和艺术等.它们主要从诱发基本观念、规范、情感三个角度对科学创新产生影响.  相似文献   
西气东输工程用感应加热弯管技术条件探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对国外X70管线弯管技术条件进行调查分析与研究的基础上,对其中的几个关键技术问题包括母管成分,弯管的制造工艺和技术路线,强度与韧性要求,屈强比,Cu污染问题等进行了讨论。一些观点在西气东输感应加弯管技术条件中得到应用。  相似文献   
自2001年江西省明确提出"为实现江西在中部地区的崛起而奋斗"的战略目标以来,江西崛起指数在中部六省中排名由2002年的第5位,上升到2004年的第4位,再到2005年的第3位,初步实现了江西在中部六省中快速"崛起"态势。从崛起指标的时序分析来看,"江西在中部崛起"的第一步战略目标已基本实现。2000年江西绝大多数指标均低于中部平均水平,到2006年,江西进入中部前3位的指标明显增多,GDP增幅靠前,直接利用外资和农村住户人均纯收入排名第1;2002年以后,江西经济增长速度显著快于2001年,连续5年实现12%以上增长,崛起阶段的年均增长率达到16.0%,比2001年增长率高出近1倍。毫无疑问,近5年是江西历年来增长最快的时期。  相似文献   
邓小平能够敢想敢做,在于他鲜明的创新精神。邓小平的创新精神来源于他对党和人民事业的无限忠 诚;实事求是的思想方法和求真务实的工作态度;非凡的勇气和胆略;密切联系群众的优良作风;以及高瞻远瞩的战 略眼光和敏锐的时代洞察力。  相似文献   
引入战略投资者与我国商业银行改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
引入境外战略投资者、海外上市几乎成了目前国有商业银行股份制改革的必经之路,但这种改革模式正引起广泛争议。我国商业银行在推进股份制改革过程中引入境外战略投资者,有其深刻的经济背景;外资金融机构对中资银行进行股权投资,也有其种种动因。国有银行把部分股权卖给外资战略投资者,其究竟算不算“贱卖”,最终还得通过市场实践才能得以验证。  相似文献   
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