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When physically similar products, of similar quality, are offered by retailers both online and offline, we often observe that the dispersion in prices of these products online is greater than the price dispersion offline. This observation runs counter to early theories that suggested price dispersion online would be smaller than that offline due to the ease of search and information availability online. This paper investigates and provides an explanation for this puzzling phenomenon by examining the impact of two important drivers of price dispersion: retailer type and consumers’ shopping risk. Retailer type refers to whether a retailer is a pure offline, pure online, or dual channel retailer. Shopping risk is defined as the product of consumers’ perceived risk of shopping and the transaction uncertainty related to shopping at different types of retailers.A game-theoretic approach is adopted to model consumers’ price search and product purchase, as well as price competition within and across retailer types in online and offline markets. Equilibrium pricing strategies are derived for different retailer types competing for different consumer segments with different levels of perceived shopping risk. The impact of retailer type and shopping risk on online versus offline price dispersion are quantified, and conditions when price dispersion is greater online than offline are identified.Results indicate that price dispersion is greater online when the number of pure online retailers is sufficiently large and is increasing in the number of pure online retailers. In addition, a reduction in online shopping risk may actually increase online price dispersion. Results further suggest that even without any online sales, dual channel retailers should maintain their online presence for the purpose of information dissemination, which justifies the importance for pure offline retailer to incorporate webrooming strategies, where consumers can search for prices online but purchase offline.  相似文献   
当前企业推进绿色转型进程、提升企业绩效,是实现高质量发展的重要途径。鉴于企业主动应对内外部因素联动影响的重要性,以动态能力理论视角,在探讨了企业变革发展驱动机制的基础上,尝试构建动态环境规制嵌入下的战略柔性与企业绩效的理论框架。分析并实证检验了战略柔性对企业绩效以及差异化强度的动态环境规制在二者关系中调节效应的作用机理和边界。研究结果显示,当前情境下,前瞻柔性、响应柔性对企业绩效均有显著的正向影响,且响应柔性的贡献度较高;两者交互效应亦能显著的正向影响企业绩效;表明企业对环境变化的预测、反应能力以及将两者协同配合是绿色转型发展的重要措施。一般强度的动态环境规制在前瞻柔性、响应柔性与企业绩效的关系中均不起显著的调节效应;高强度动态环境规制仅在响应柔性和企业绩效的关系中起显著负向调节效应;表明动态环境下,一般强度的政府规制政策对企业的决策和创新等行为更多的是无显著影响,充分尊重其自主发展;同时政府要根据环境变化,合理控制环境规制实施强度,谨防给企业应对环境冲击造成额外的负担。综合研究结果,提出企业加强多重柔性机制建设的力度和政府注重环境规制政策引导作用的策略,最终实现各利益相关者协同推进高质量发展的目标。  相似文献   
针对大规模机器类通信中拥塞导致的时延敏感设备时延高和接入成功率低的问题,提出将小区中设备按时延要求分组,对不同组设备引入不同的退避模型,分析时延敏感设备的时延和吞吐量,按照不同组中设备的时延需求动态分配前导数目,同时通过调整接入类限制因子实现吞吐量的优化。仿真结果表明,在给定时延敏感设备的时延限制条件时,与统一退避的机制对比,所提分组机制的时延敏感设备能够满足时延要求,并且提高了接入效率。  相似文献   
保险资金作为重要的机构投资者能否发挥促进公司绩效提升的作用在已有研究和监管政策制定上都存在较大争议。本文以2005-2017年A股上市公司为研究样本,发现险资持股比例对上市公司绩效以及估值影响存在显著的倒U型曲线效应,相应机制研究表明险资持股通过显著影响两类代理成本的渠道发挥治理作用。在适度持股比例以下,险资增持能够降低被投资公司管理费用率和其他应收款占比,并提高资产周转率,从而降低两类代理成本;持股超过一定比例反而造成两类代理成本上升。险资持股比例变化对保险机构调研次数的影响则从公司治理参与角度印证了以上结论。对倒U型曲线效应的深入分析既有助于深化对机构投资者影响公司绩效的多重效应和机制的认识,同时为在金融机构层面落实金融供给侧结构性改革、增强险资服务实体经济能力提供参考。  相似文献   
目的 以倪绍祥先生土地评价思想概括和我国土壤普查、土地类型述评为依据,探讨我国耕地评价工作完善路径和方向。方法 文章采用文献研究和对比分析方法。结果 (1)倪先生经过多年研究实践,形成以土壤调查为前提的,土地类型单元为基础,开展土地评价的系统思想。(2)我国土壤调查、土地类型工作中断,致使农用地分等定级、土地质量地球化学等工作缺乏扎实的数据基础,使得现有的耕地评价成果难以满足新时代耕地资源“三位一体”保护要求,也妨害国家对自然资源的科学管理。(3)国家生态文明建设、国土资源科技创新和自然资源管理机构职责整合等宏观背景,客观上要求将土地评价与土壤类型、土地类型相联系,夯实耕地评价的科学基础,创新耕地质量评价体系。(4)科学组织第三次土壤普查,服务于耕地评价实践,将土壤资源融入自然资源统一管理成为必然趋向。结论 倪绍祥先生有关土地评价思想,对于完善我国土地评价理论和方法体系,创新性开展第三次土地利用现状调查中的耕地质量调查专题,适应自然资源统一管理新形势具有重要借鉴价值。亟需科学组织新的土壤普查和土地类型调查研究,更新完善原有的土壤资源图和报告,深化中小尺度的土地类型调查研究,不仅深化人们对土地资源的客观认识,也为新的耕地质量评价提供客观、科学、高精度的数据基础提供可能。  相似文献   
This study develops the AIEDA tourism advertising effects model and examines this model by tourism destination types and advertising formats in a field experiment. The AIEDA model extends the traditional AIDA model in the advertising field and additionally considers the unique features of tourism products. It includes five hierarchical stages: Attention→ Interest→Evaluation (Perceived Usefulness→ Perceived Credibility) → Desire →Action. Findings of experimental research indicate that destination type and advertising format have main effects and interaction effects on tourism advertising effects. In addition, this study discovered that, for natural and cultural destinations, video ads yielded similar or more positive advertising effects than virtual reality ads, whereas print was the least effective advertising format.  相似文献   
[目的]通过分析2012年和2014年乌蒙山片区绿色减贫指数,评价该地区不同年份扶贫效果,这也为今后各项扶贫政策的实施提供理论参考。[方法]文章依据中国绿色减贫指数指标体系,从经济增长绿化度、资源利用与环境保护程度、社会发展能力和扶贫开发与减贫效果4个方面,以人均地区生产总值、单位地区生产总值能耗等27个因子作为评价指标,利用线性加权综合法分析2012年和2014年经济增长绿化度、资源利用与环境保护程度、社会发展能力和扶贫开发与减贫效果指标值,最终确定绿色减贫指数。同时,分析片区内各贫困县波动较大的第三产业增加值比重、单位耕地面积化肥施用量、城乡收入比和农村人均纯收入增长率等指标。[结果]2014年相比2012年,乌蒙山片区经济增长绿化度、资源利用与环境保护程度和扶贫开发与减贫效果指标值上升,社会发展能力指标值降低,绿色减贫指数提高了15.40%。各县第三产业比重均降低,但农村人均纯收入都有提高。四川省10个县单位耕地面积化肥施用量增加。四川省除叙永县和美姑县,贵州省除赤水市,片区内的各贫困县城乡收入比降低。[结论]2014年,乌蒙山区在落实国家扶贫规划上取得了较好的成效。但各县之间差距较大,在今后的扶贫攻坚中,需要从不同地区的实际情况出发,了解贫困类型和贫困程度,考察当地资源储备和环境现状,统筹区域发展。  相似文献   
农民工市民化攻坚战是要在基本实现社会主义现代化新阶段的15年内使得近两亿已经和将要在城镇稳定就业的农民工中的大多数基本上成为市民;其必要性在于,这是新阶段基本实现社会主义现代化的客观要求、基本实现高质量新型城镇化和优化城乡结构的主要任务、更好地解决“三农”问题的重要措施、促进城镇发展和稳定的有益途径,是农民工市民化更有效的战略措施,也有助于推动全面深化改革、有效扩大内需;其可能性在于,无论从资金筹集方面来看,还是从制度改革创新方面来看,都基本具备实现农民工市民化的条件;其主要战略措施包括,由党和国家统一规划部署、综合配套、协调推进,实行市民化和回乡创业就业双管齐下的战略方针,以相关制度改革创新和有效筹集使用相关资金为战略重点等。  相似文献   
The paper builds on and extends the current understanding of materialism by investigating the effects of two forms of materialism (i.e., possession- and social inclusion-defined) on consumer behavior (i.e., purchase and patronage) toward products of different categories (i.e., economical versus luxury) and types (i.e., goods versus services) in different marketplace scenarios (i.e., individual versus group). Using data partitioning on a random sample of 323 consumers to generate usable cases for three interrelated studies, the paper reports that the effects of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism are consistently accentuated in the purchase of luxury goods rather than economical goods, whereby consumers with high levels of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism are more likely to purchase luxury goods than consumers with low levels of possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism. However, the paper finds that possession- and social inclusion-defined materialism have no significant effects on the individual and group patronage of economical and luxury services. The paper concludes with the implications of these findings for theory, practice, and future research.  相似文献   
Previous research shows mixed findings about how cultural distance may affect bilateral trade. To reconcile the mixed findings, we examine how key moderators at both the country-pair level (product type) and the country level (uncertainty avoidance) affect the magnitude of the effect of cultural distance on bilateral trade. Using trade data on electronic products from 90 nations during 2008–2 014, we show that cultural distance in general has a negative impact on bilateral trade. However, the effect is more pronounced when the trade is on experience (versus search) products, or if the importing country is low (versus high) in uncertainty avoidance. Apart from its moderating effect, experience (versus search) product also has a negative main effect on bilateral trade, but its impact is stronger for countries low (versus high) in uncertainty avoidance.  相似文献   
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