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针对复杂海面背景下红外图像舰船目标由于灰度不均匀、海杂波干扰大等因素造成的自动检测虚警率高、准确率低的问题,提出了一种显著区域提取和目标精确分割相结合的红外舰船目标检测方法。首先,利用基于图论的视觉显著性(Graph-based Visual Saliency ,GBVS)模型计算待检测图像的显著图,使得目标区域信息增强;其次,结合舰船目标先验信息(长短轴、面积等),利用多级阈值划分算法提取关注的显著区域,并确定原图中候选目标区域;最后,利用空间约束模糊C均值(Fuzzy C-Means,FCM)算法对候选区域进行分割,结合目标先验知识对分割区域筛选并输出目标位置。所提方法在公开数据集IRShips上与相关方法进行比较,结果表明,相比直接进行全图目标搜索的方法,所提方法不仅准确率高、执行速度快,且检测目标的位置更加精确。  相似文献   
在中国快速城镇化阶段“重量”而“轻质”的建设过程中,城市建成区尤其是老城区的景观环境产生了诸如景观视廊受阻、风貌破败等大量问题。对此,自2015年中央城市工作会议以来,各地相继开展了城市修补专项规划,以修复及更新城市建成环境,促进城市空间品质提升。然而,由于缺乏对城市环境整体效应的统筹考虑,故在城市实际修补过程中,城市局部地块的品质提升反而对城市整体品质构成负面影响。因此,在人工智能及大数据技术深度介入城市规划和设计实践探索的基础上,研究基于全卷积神经网络模型(FCN)和城市场景要素深度学习数据集,对城市景观环境中的各要素进行了大规模且高颗粒度的精确识别,同时与空间数据叠加,对复杂建成环境中的景观问题进行精确分析,并基于分析成果辅助后续城市规划设计实践,逐层递进地对城市复杂建成环境进行精细化修补。选择位于嵩山脚下的登封市作为案例,探索人工智能技术在辅助城市修补等规划领域的前瞻性应用。  相似文献   
Previous research has focused attention on state skepticism over corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications, but little work has focused on how to override preexisting differences in consumer skepticism. To gain insight into this issue, the present studies explore whether company ads promoting a firm’s good deeds generate more positive responses when the ads contain concrete claims and/or images related to the firm’s corporate social responsibility claims, and how these elements of the CSR communication interact with individual differences in advertising skepticism. Results show that highly skeptical consumers (a) respond less favorably to ads than less skeptical consumers, overall; (b) respond more favorably to ads that contain a combination of concrete claims and images supporting those claims; and (c) respond as favorably as less skeptical consumers when ads feature concrete claims with supporting images. Additional results suggest that images are effective among highly skeptical consumers because skeptical consumers have a reduced ability to visualize advertising claims. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   
Celebrity has a powerful material presence in contemporary consumer culture but its surface aesthetic resonates with the promise of deeper meanings. This Marketplace Icon contribution speculates on the iconicity of celebrity from a spiritual perspective. The social value or authenticity of contemporary celebrity, and the social processes through which it emerges, are matters of debate amongst researchers and competing approaches include field theory, functionalism, and anthropologically inflected accounts of the latent need for ritual, myth and spiritual fulfillment evinced by celebrity “worship.” We focus on the latter area as a partial explanation of the phenomenon whereby so many consumers seem so enchanted by images of, and stories about, individuals with whom they, or we, often have little in common. We speculate that the powerful presence of celebrity in Western consumer culture to some extent reflects and exploits a latent need for myths of redemption through the iconic character of many, though by no means all, manifestations of celebrity consumption.  相似文献   
基于红外图像的林火识别方法及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林火灾是一种突发性强、破坏性大且处置救助较为困难的自然灾害,会对森林、森林生态系统和人类带来一定危害和损失。早期的林火判别多基于温度、烟雾以及24小时图像监测实现,主观性强,标准单一,且误报率高。如何快速发现林火目标并及时报警扑灭,已经成为国内外学者研究的热点之一。文章基于红外热像仪,对大量森林背景及模拟林火状态进行了图像和温度数据的采集,首次提出了基于温度标准差方法进行热源识别的概念,得出了不同地点、不同时间段森林背景的温度标准差分布,以及明火温度在各阶段的波动范围,为林火的预防和监测提供了重要依据。同时,通过对干扰源进入前后的红外图像进行预处理和分析,对比目标热源的像素面积变化率及其圆形度,即可准确实现部分干扰热源的排除。实验结果证明,将此基于红外图像的热源初判原则与干扰源排除的规律应用于林火监测,方法简单有效,准确率高,对降低森林火灾的发生率,提高社会经济效益有着重要的作用。  相似文献   
文章论述了电视节目制作中的图形图象的几种格式以及它们的特点。  相似文献   
光线是电视艺术的基础,没有了光线也就没有了电视艺术。在电视艺术创作中只有充分认识光线的性质,了解直射光、散射光、顺光、侧光和逆光带来的不同视觉效果,才能充分发挥光线在表现时空、刻画人物、强化环境气氛中的造型作用,为电视艺术创作服务。  相似文献   
通过分析赣北早熟梨有效酸含量与近红外光谱的相关性,试图采用近红外光谱技术对赣北早熟梨有效酸进行无损检测,建立赣北早熟梨有效酸含量和光谱的数学模型。结果表明:利用近红外光谱分析预测赣北早熟梨有效酸含量的方法理想。  相似文献   
In the tourism industry, the perceptions of a tourist destination are critical to its image. Image can be either a mental image of a product created by a marketing department or an associative image of a product that is developed by the consumer. Tourism destinations must be careful about their image so the perception that they have is not different from the way that they are perceived by potential travelers. This study examines the perceptions of international visitors and Thai residents on the image of Thailand as a tourist destination. International visitors and Thai residents were both surveyed to determine their perceptions of the image of Thailand. Some results of the study found that Thai residents and international visitors felt cultural sightseeing, friendly people and food were significantly important when thinking of Thailand as a tourist destination, while international visitors felt that nightlife and entertainment were significantly more important than that of Thai residents.  相似文献   
《觉醒》是19世纪末美国著名女作家凯特·肖邦的代表作,也是美国文学史上一部女权主义杰作。作品中鸟和大海的物象具有对主人公形象及其生命历程的暗示和显现作用,从而显示出深邃而丰富的内涵和鲜明而独特的象征意义。  相似文献   
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