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[目的]全域旅游发展理念的提出进一步丰富和提升了社区参与旅游发展的内涵,文章从全域旅游视角研究社区参与式乡村旅游的开发模式,以期为乡村全域旅游的发展提供参考与借鉴。[方法]通过实地考察和资料查阅法,了解南矶旅游开发及社区参与的现状,结合实证分析法,构建基于社区参与的南矶乡村全域旅游开发模式。[结果](1)目前南矶乡村旅游尚处于发展初期,当地居民对参与旅游发展的意愿比较强烈,但参与的水平与能力都较低,湿地资源作为当地社区福祉的根本同时也是主要的旅游吸引物,当地旅游开发应将社区作为核心利益群体;(2)提出政府、保护区、旅游发展协会、旅游企业和当地社区“五位一体”的社区参与式乡村全域旅游开发模式,并从旅游功能分区、旅游开发经营、产品开发、收益分配和环境保护等5个方面重点论述了该模式的实施途径,以形成以股份合作制为主、社区居民自发旅游和乡村旅游创客等多种旅游开发经营形式共同发展的格局,推出融湿地生态旅游和乡村旅游的产品体系。[结论]该文所构建的乡村全域旅游开发模式将社区参与作为一个实质性要素,强调区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展和社会共建共享,并兼顾旅游开发和生态保护,这将有利于全方位盘活社区资源和带动当地居民就业增收,实现旅游业与社区共生发展,因此这种开发模式比较适合于那些经济基础比较薄弱而旅游业尚处于发展初期且位于自然保护区及其周边的乡村地区进行旅游发展。  相似文献   
Understanding spatial patterns of visitation and benefits accrued to different types of natural and cultural heritage tourists may have important implications for the sustainable management of their destinations. We investigate cultural services accrued to local, domestic and international visitors to the Usumacinta floodplain, a coastal region with one of the highest biological and cultural diversities in Mexico. We combine analysis of social media photographs and high-resolution land cover mapping to identify different cultural services and their association with specific ecosystem and land cover types. Hotspots for international tourists are spatially restricted to well-known and accessible sites. Locals are 2.2–2.5 times more likely than international visitors to be associated with aesthetic appreciation and birdwatching. Locals upload more photographs of coastal lagoons, mangroves, beach and sea. Results are analyzed in light of land cover changes in the region and provide valuable information to decision makers for improved tourism management and conservation strategies.  相似文献   
North America has few cultural agricultural landscapes, and often commensurately poor governance arrangements for managing change in such settings. This research uses the Acadian dykelands of Nova Scotia, Canada, as an opportunity to explore the social and governance limits to coastal climate adaptation in ‘new world’ cultural agricultural landscapes, as well as inform local decision-making. Approximately half of Nova Scotia’s coastal wetlands were converted to dykeland in the 1600s, lowering local resilience to the increased frequency and storm severity anticipated with climate change. Today, dykelands protect a diversity of public and private interests, meanings and values, yet are controlled by the agricultural sector, which can no longer afford to maintain them all to 2050 climate projections. We report here on a representative online Q-methodology survey of 183 adult Nova Scotians in the spring of 2015. Respondents sorted 34 statements along a normal distribution about whether they prefer dykeland maintenance or wetland restoration, and under what governance arrangements. Four factors were derived: the dominant discourse was local, female and strongly pro-dykeland, indicating the likelihood for local resistance to dykeland removal on for cultural, recreational and farming reasons. The second factor was supportive of wetland restoration for reasons of efficiency, not wetland affinity, but characterized by those in positions of management power. The two minority viewpoints were less informed about dykelands, characteristic of outsiders, and concerned more with governance. More education is needed about the challenges facing dykelands, the benefits of coastal wetlands, and the management options, but this research shows proposals to change landscape should emphasize flood mitigation over cost-saving. Cultural values and status quo bias are clearly barriers to adaptation planning, even when discussing the removal of man-made structures. The factors were surprisingly polarized, suggesting the forced-normal distribution affects the space available to convey nuanced perspectives. Large p-set Q-method of this kind is likely most useful for characterizing the emergent discourses demographically, and understanding their prevalence; the same discourses had emerged within a much smaller pilot study.  相似文献   
采用实地调查和实验分析,结合遥感和地理信息系统技术,研究南四湖湿地在1983-2006年浮游植物和水生维管束植物的种类、分布和生物量变化.结果表明,1983-2006年,南四湖湿地植被生物量整体呈下降趋势,反映了人类的围垦、养殖等活动造成湿地初级生产力的降低,并且这种影响由湖泊外围向湖心弱化,对外围湿地的影响最大.  相似文献   
根据我国对湿地废水资源化利用的现状,阐述利用人工湿地净化污水的理论基础。以临沂市八湖镇荷塘湿地为例,对荷塘湿地净化蔬菜加工废水进行经济效益、社会效益和环境效益分析。结果表明,应用荷塘湿地净化蔬菜加工废水技术可有效缓解水资源危机,维持生态平衡,进而实现经济、社会和生态环境的协调及可持续发展,其产生的效益较大,可为我国类似地区开展蔬菜加工废水资源化利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   
湿地是重要的国土资源、自然资源和生态系统,与人类的生存繁衍息息相关;通过实地调查研究,针对泉州湾湿地资源开发利用现状进行分析,总结归纳泉州湾湿地资源开发利用中面临的主要问题并提出相应的对策措施。  相似文献   
从湿地类型、面积及其比例构成等方面介绍了吉林省柳河县湿地资源现状与基本特征;分析了湿地面积的动态变化及其原因;探讨了涅地资源变化特点及其未来发展趋势.认为湿地资源的利用率和生产力较低、湿地自然保护区建设缓慢以及泥炭地开发利用过度等方面,是目前柳河县湿地利用与保护中所存在的主要问题;在此基础上,提出实施柳河县湿地生态保护...  相似文献   
长沙市湿地资源类型及其特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长沙市湿地包括永久性河流,淡水湖泊,草本沼泽等自然湿地类型;水库、拦河坝、水电坝,淡水养殖池塘,农用池塘、小型水池,废水处理场所,城市景观水面和娱乐水面,灌溉用沟、渠等人工湿地类型.长沙市湿地生态系统不仅为长沙地区提供了大量的生产生活用水和动植物产品等多种资源,同时还是诸多野生动植物的重要栖息地,湿地对于珍稀濒危物种的...  相似文献   
我国湿地资源可持续利用的根本出路   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
湿地具有特殊的生态功能,由于忽视了人地关系的协调,造成了湿地资源的大范围破坏以及湿地功能的严重受损;随着生态环境保护与资源合理利用意识逐渐增强,保护与合理利用湿地的呼声越来越高。综观目前中国湿地面临的几方面问题,认为“加强湿地保护立法”、控制湿地开发规模、调整湿地利用模式,建立避灾农业工程应该是保护我国湿地资源可持续利用的根本出路。  相似文献   
洞庭湖湿地景观结构与生态工程模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在碟形盆地圈带状景观结构控制下,洞庭湖区形成了以浅水湿地、过水湿地和渍水湿地为主的我国最大的湖泊地区湿地景观。由于不合理的开发活动,近年来出现了湿地面积减少、生态功能衰退、资源过度利用与闲置并存等问题。为了合理开发湿地资源,必须强化湿地综合管理,稳定湿地面积,建设复合高效湿地生态系统。  相似文献   
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