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基于转移概率和网络联系的辽宁省农村居民点适宜性评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]农村居民点适宜性评价在农村居民点调控、规划和预测中具有基础作用,且农村居民点适宜性评价应顾及农村居民点之间的社会经济活动联系。[方法]以辽宁省为研究区,首先运用逐步Logistic回归模型构建农村居民点转移概率,其次运用网络分析方法确定农村居民点图斑间的网络联系强度,最终通过加权求和方法确定农村居民点转化概率,进行农村居民点空间布局适宜性评价。[结果]辽宁省农村居民点可以划分为高度适宜类、较适宜类、一般适宜类和不适宜类4类,分别占农村居民点总面积的比例为28.18%、31.32%、13.26%和27.24%;从各地貌分区来看,高度适宜类主要集中分布在中部平原地区和东部山地丘陵区中的南方沿海地区,而不适宜类整体分布则较为零散;辽宁省中部平原区位条件好,东部沿海地区区位条件也较好,西部山地丘陵区地区较差。[结论]研究方法和结论有助于全面把握农村居民点社会经济与区位适宜性特征,为农村居民点科学规划提供科学指导。  相似文献   
The prevailing transitions literature suggests that dynamic firms in postsocialist economies are the result of macroinstitutional reforms leading to the making of markets. This article builds on work in comparative political economy and economic sociology to show that the degree of competitive behaviour of postsocialist firms is determined not by the existence of general market institutions alone but by the kinds of organisational allies firms possess and the kinds of markets they compete in. Using firm survey data across 28 postsocialist economies, the article examines the determinants of competitive restructuring by firms, including product innovation, standards upgrade, financial transparency, and investments in research and development. The article confirms insights from comparative political economy which suggest that dynamic enterprise sectors emerge when governance is effective. However, at the firm level, the article finds that transnational ties and supportive policy environments are most significant in the making of dynamic postsocialist enterprises. The article also highlights important regional variation in firm behaviour and discusses the relationship between institutional frameworks, organisational embeddedness, and firm restructuring in postsocialist economies.  相似文献   
面源污染视角下江西省耕地利用效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]在面源污染视角下考察耕地利用效率,可以为推动耕地可持续利用提供理论和参考依据。[方法]文章基于2000—2014年我国13个粮食主产省(区)耕地投入产出的面板数据,运用SBM方向性距离函数将耕地面源污染因素纳入到传统的效率分析框架,从省际比较的维度对江西省耕地利用效率进行了测度与分析。[结果]考虑面源污染因素对耕地利用效率测算产生了一定的影响;江西省耕地利用效率值呈现阶段性特征,耕地利用效率排名比较稳定,近年来排名有上升趋势;江西省耕地利用绩效一般,且与最佳实践者存在较大的差距。[结论]忽视面源污染因素的耕地利用效率评估是失真和不符合实际的,宜将面源污染因素纳入到耕地利用效率的测度框架,以此来更科学地量化评估耕地利用绩效;设计和完善相关政策,以有效控制耕地面源污染;加强与先进省(区)的交流与合作,学习其农业可持续耕作技术与管理经验,进一步推动江西省耕地产出与资源、环境协调发展。  相似文献   
[目的]把握区域农产品质量竞争力不仅是促进区域农产品富有竞争力的积极方法,也是稳步提升农产品质量安全的重要做法。[方法]文章运用生态位态势理论,构建了以区域为评价主体的农产品质量竞争力评价体系,并从两个层面对浙江省各地级市农产品质量竞争力进行研究。在纵向层面上,测算了各地级市农产品质量竞争力生态位宽度,对各地级市农产品质量竞争力状态进行了评价和排序。在横向层面上,测算了各地级市农产品质量竞争力生态位重叠度,对各地级市农产品质量竞争力的合作程度进行了评价与区分。最后整合运用生态位协同、生态位扩充等理论,提出浙江省各地级市提升农产品质量竞争力发展策略。[结果]通过区域农产品质量竞争力生态位宽度研究发现,杭州和宁波的农产品质量竞争力较强,其生态位宽度分别为0.103 6和0.103 2,而丽水和舟山农产品质量竞争力相对居后,其生态位宽度分别为0.079 0和0.075 6;通过区域农产品质量竞争力生态位重叠度研究发现,可将全省划分为西北平原区域、东南部沿海区域和西南部山地区域等3个区域,各区域内部地级市可通过协同合作提升农产品质量竞争力。[结论]根据各地级市生态位宽度和生态位重叠度的差异,应采取生态位扩充、生态位协同、生态位分离的策略,从而因地制宜提升区域农产品质量竞争力。  相似文献   
This study investigates the correlates of a resident's walking behaviors and aims to shed light on mechanisms through which walking may be encouraged. The results of this investigation paint a complex and nuanced picture of the residents’ walking behaviors in South East Queensland, Australia. The results suggest that sociodemographic characteristics separately may contribute greatly to whether or not one engages in walking behaviors. Further, cumulatively these differences might be greater for some groups of residents compared to others. One of the most prominent findings of the study is that the purpose, the characteristics of the origin, and the characteristics of the destination of a trip tended to be similar in the heterogeneity they exhibit over the distribution of time spent walking. For example, pick something up, undertake work, or engage in personal business, move to or from a workplace, shop, or social place are activities that tend to be associated with walking as a main mode of transport and a higher number of walking episodes. However, these trips tended to be short.  相似文献   
河南省农业生态旅游产业可持续发展评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]河南农业生态旅游作为一种可持续发展的旅游形式,为河南的经济发展作为了重要贡献。对河南农业生态旅游产业可持续发展进行评价研究,是促进农业生态旅游可持续健康发展的重要保证。[方法]文章通过实地调研构建河南农业生态旅游产业可持续发展评价指标体系,运用层次分析法,确定指标权重,结合专家评分法,对各项评价指标打分,并计算河南农业生态旅游产业可持续发展的综合得分,结合农业生态旅游产业可持续发展评价标准,得出目前河南农业生态旅游产业可持续发展水平。[结果]河南农业生态旅游产业可持续发展评价得分为72.45,处于基本可持续发展阶段,并对当前河南农业生态旅游发展现状和存在的农业生态旅游意识淡薄、旅游产品特色不明显、缺少政府资金扶持和缺乏经营管理人才等问题进行了分析。[结论]基于上述问题,提出了提高环保意识、走可持续发展之路;开发特色原生态旅游产品;加强政府支持和引导;加强专业培训,打造专业队伍等对策。  相似文献   
基于独特的京津冀地区企业调查数据和克服内生性的结构方程模型,本文对融资约束的成因及影响进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,企业自身条件和外部市场环境均对融资约束有重要影响,且企业自身条件对融资约束的影响更强。总的融资约束指标对企业绩效的影响不显著。在区分融资约束的不同维度后,本文发现,融资可得性提高显著促进了企业绩效提升,融资频率增加却降低了企业绩效,而融资获得速度(等待时间)对企业绩效没有统计上的显著影响。进一步的分析表明,无论是正规融资渠道,还是非正规融资渠道,上述结论仍然成立。利用多种政策提高企业的管理水平,改善企业的自身条件,是缓解融资约束的最有效办法。  相似文献   
本文利用全国592个国家级贫困县的数据,采用空间计量模型实证分析了普惠金融对县域资金外流的影响,并验证了贫困县资金外流是否会产生致贫效应。本文研究发现:如果普惠金融只注重解决贫困地区对金融机构的接触性排斥,会进一步加剧资金外流,对减贫产生负向影响,即存在显著的致贫效应。这种致贫效应具有明显的空间外溢性,邻近县域的贫困状况在很大程度上会彼此“传染”,并具有空间衰减特征的地理边界。因而需要客观认识普惠金融的本质,有针对性地选择恰当有效的实施载体,解决好对信贷产品等关键金融服务的使用性排斥问题。  相似文献   
This article uses a multi-country global general equilibrium (GE) model to numerically simulate the effects of possible China–US trade wars. We introduce an endogenous trade imbalance structure with trade cost into the model which helps to explore both tariff and non-tariff trade war effects. Our simulation results show that China will be significantly hurt by the China–US trade war, but negative impacts are affordable. The US can gain under unilateral sanction measures to China, but will lose if China takes retaliation measures. Comparing the effects under mutual trade war, China will lose more than the US. Introducing non-tariff barrier trade wars will intensify the negative effects, and comparatively negative effects to China are larger than to the US. Mexico’s involvement in trade war with the US will strengthen the negative effects and comparatively hurt the US more. Under non-cooperative and cooperative Nash bargaining equilibrium, the US can gain more than China in trade war negotiation, which means the US has stronger bargaining power than China. Additionally, trade wars between China and the US will hurt most countries and the world especially in GDP and manufacturing employment, but benefit their welfare and trade.  相似文献   
基于颠覆性创新、创新扩散、创新模糊前端等相关理论,从全流程角度创新性地构建了颠覆性创新四阶段扩散过程模型,包括颠覆性创意产生、颠覆性创新产品开发、侵蚀非主流市场、占据主流市场4个阶段,各阶段之间相互关联、循环往复,并受到技术、市场、政策、竞争等外部环境因素影响。选取液晶电视机和山寨手机作为高端和低端两个颠覆性创新典型案例,通过对其进行验证性分析,构建具体的高端与低端颠覆性创新四阶段扩散过程模型。  相似文献   
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