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清徐县优势农业与旅游业协调发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]发展优势农业是改造传统农业,加快农业现代化的有效途径之一,旅游业作为国民经济新的增长点,两者协调发展更有利于增加农民收入,促进新农村建设,同时也是农村社会经济可持续发展的必然要求。[方法]文章通过文献查阅法了解清徐县优势农业葡萄及葡萄文化旅游业等方面的相关研究及研究成果,结合实证分析法通过协调发展度函数构建模型对清徐优势农业协调旅游业发展进行定量分析。[结果]清徐县优势农业和旅游业的综合评价指数从2004年的0.118 6上升到2016年的0.985 8,总体呈上升趋势,同时协调度13年间,2004~2008年介于0.221 5~0.490 5之间,处于失调发展阶段,2009年为过渡阶段,协调度为0.524 3,2010~2015年协调度介于0.626 7~0.685 8之间,处于初级协调发展水平,2016年协调度为0.701 7,发展到中级协调发展水平。优势农业与旅游业协调发展有利于区域经济水平的提高和农业收入的增加。[结论]推动优势农业与旅游业协调发展,清徐县需加大散户经营管理力度,切实有效地解决散户存在的实际问题,夯实优势农业的基础,为旅游业发展提供更大的发展空间。  相似文献   
[目的]为科学合理规划特色农产品种植区,因地制宜地扩大张宣葡萄种植规模。[方法]文章通过对张宣葡萄产区开展1:5万农业生态地质现状调查,利用土壤地球化学测试数据,与河北省平原区背景值、张家口盆地背景值进行对比分析,归纳总结研究区土壤地球化学特征;并依据土地质量和土壤环境质量相关规范,对张宣葡萄产地进行系统地土壤肥力和土壤环境质量评价。[结果]葡萄种植区土壤中铜、锶、二氧化硅、氧化钾含量较高,尤以铜最为显著,含量均值是张家口盆地背景值的2倍,是河北省平原区背景值的1. 94倍;铬、镍、铁、锰、氮、有机碳、硒、镁含量相对较少,均低于张家口盆地背景值和河北省平原区背景值。整体而言,土壤综合肥力相对缺乏,主要表现为氮、磷缺乏;土壤环境综合质量较为清洁,无Ⅲ类区,全部重金属元素均未超风险管制值,99. 26%的面积低于全部重金属元素风险筛选值,表现为4个样点铜含量和1个样点镉含量高于风险筛选值,分别位于宣化区和涿鹿县境内。[结论]应通过增施化学肥料提高土壤中氮、磷含量,注意防治保护性杀菌剂的使用带来的铜局部累积现象。  相似文献   
赵雪 《粮食流通技术》2016,(12):107-108
由于加工葡萄汁的品种要求出汁率高,风味独特,糖、酸、香味和涩味成分平衡,故品种选择对制汁质量十分重要。本实验根据不同白色酿酒品种的葡萄汁,分析其主要成分及特征指标,来评定该品种是否适合制汁以及其制成汁的稳定性。  相似文献   
辽西走廊地区传统农业存在着经济效益低,环境问题严重等问题;通过对该地区开发葡萄种植业的有利条件分析,认为葡萄种植业是辽西走廊地区调整农业结构,开发效益农业的有效途径之一,提出了酒葡萄栽培—加工—销售与鲜食葡萄栽培—贮运—销售两种开发模式,并对模式进行了经济效益和生态效益分析。  相似文献   
Conventional viticultural practice in Australia and elsewhere involves removal of under‐vine vegetation using herbicides or cultivation. Concerns over the long‐term effects of herbicides on soil health, evolution of resistant weeds and possible impacts on human health motivate the search for alternative weed management options. Industry‐supported trials on commercial vineyards in four South Australian regions investigated standard practices of straw mulch and bare earth created with herbicides, compared to under‐vine cover crops, focusing on soil health attributes (soil carbon, soil microbiological processes, etc.) and grape yields in 2016 and 2017. Measured yields with the Control (herbicide) treatment were combined with published district grape prices and yields over the 12‐year (2006–2017) period, defining multivariate distributions of gross revenues ($/ha). Assuming all treatments produce grapes of equal quality and price as the Control, our results showed median per‐hectare gross margins greater than the Control in the Barossa district, lower than Control in Riverland, and mixed results in Langhorne Creek and Eden Valley. Multi‐year risk profiles, based on decadal whole‐farm (50 ha) cash flows for each treatment, were calculated using Monte Carlo analysis, based on historical yield and price distributions. These risk profiles showed the under‐vine treatments may result in major differences in long‐term vineyard financial viability.  相似文献   
Efficiency, partly based on technology, is central to international competitiveness. This article applies a stochastic frontier inefficiency model to a panel of 77 wine grape farms in South Africa between 2005 and 2015 and allows the comparison of efficiency levels for the old established wine regions with those of newer entrants. Thus, we investigate whether experience plus first choice of location matters more than the follower's advantage of newer technology. In all regions, a greater share of permanent labor and increased supervision raised efficiency, while more inorganic fertilizer and less irrigation has the opposite effect. Innovations in trellising had insignificant effects (except in the old regions) but not replacing old vines reduced efficiency. However, a higher proportion of red varietals also lowered efficiency in the old regions due to a fall in the price of red wine as these farmers continued to concentrate on quality reds. The new regions compensated for falling prices by increasing crop size with irrigation and fertilizer and extending the area planted, but with less concern for quality. This appears to be more successful in efficiency terms, but as international demand for quality wine increases it may be a poor long‐term strategy.  相似文献   
Botrytis bunch rot is a disease that causes loss of yield and quality in many fruit and vegetable crops in temperate climates worldwide. The rot is caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, a saprophytic necrotroph. In grapes, the presence of the fungus can reduce yield, taint wine and increase its sensitivity to oxidation. In the current work, inter-row phacelia and ryegrass were mulched in situ in winter 2005 and compared with a bare ground control. The mulches were applied under 10-year-old Chardonnay vines in a 10-replicate randomized block design in New Zealand. Functional soil biological activity increased by 1.5–4.5 times in the two cover crop treatments compared with the control, an effect related to elevated soil moisture in these treatments. This increase in soil moisture and a higher rate of soil biological activity increased vine debris degradation, reduced B. cinerea primary inoculum on the debris and decreased B. cinerea severity at flowering (December 2005) and harvest (April 2006). These results show the potential of mulched cover crops to enhance soil ecosystem services, reduce variable costs and improve the sustainability of viticulture and potentially other agricultural systems, in temperate climates worldwide.  相似文献   
为系统地比较贺兰山东麓荒漠-绿洲交错带扬黄新灌区不同土地利用方式对土地退化防治的作用机制,提炼区域土地退化防治的一般模式,采用社区调查和野外调查相结合的方法,综合分析了园艺村不同土地利用方式在限制性资源调集和分配、土壤理化性质改良等方面的作用。相对原生荒地对照,耕地(玉米/小麦套作)土壤养分和盐分发生表聚现象,园地(葡萄)40~60cm土层养分和盐分明显富集。菌草产业的资源调集能力巨大,菌菇废料有效养分含量高而均衡,但是全盐含量明显偏高。相对早期单一的粮食种植结构,葡萄和菌草产业的发展有力推动了园艺村土地退化防治实践。葡萄产业代表了一种原位的土地适宜性利用推动土地退化防治的模式,而菌草产业代表了一种拓展性土地集约利用引导土地退化防治的模式。  相似文献   
吐鲁番地区葡萄物流现状及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吐鲁番地区是新疆最大的葡萄产区,面对当前国内葡萄市场销售难的形势,积极发展葡萄物流有利于葡萄产品物畅其流,促进当地经济的发展.为此,应建立现代物流服务体系;扶持葡萄物流企业的发展;优化交易场所基础设施;加强人才培养和技术研发;调整投资结构.  相似文献   
葡萄酒旅游开发研究--以烟台张裕葡萄酒旅游为例   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
国外葡萄酒旅游已蓬勃发展,我国正处于起步阶段。在实地考查和结合国外发展状况的基础上,阐述了葡萄酒旅游的内涵及特点。并从区位、资源、市场和经济四个方面介绍了发展葡萄酒旅游应具备的条件。最后结合烟台张裕葡萄酒旅游进行了具体分析,并对烟台葡萄酒旅游的形象设计、旅游线路和景区规划进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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