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[目的]甘肃省农业气候资源丰富,适宜种植的杂粮作物品种较多,但其杂粮种业发展存在诸多与现代农业不相适应的问题,严重制约了杂粮产业的发展,因此急需提出针对甘肃省特色杂粮种业发展的策略。[方法]文章通过实地调研与文献分析,全面系统地分析了杂粮种业的特点和存在问题,并提出了甘肃省特色杂粮种业的发展策略。[结果]调研发现,甘肃省杂粮种子产值高达2亿元以上,其种子研发体系正在完善,商业化速度逐步加快,市场前景广阔。但仍存在杂粮种业缺乏长远规划,杂粮作物种子市场尚不健全,缺乏育繁推一体化的种子企业,种子信息网络及监管机制不健全;育种创新能力有待提高,品种布局不尽合理;杂粮作物品种保护意识不强,对知识产权重视程度不够等诸多问题。因此需要充分发挥甘肃省自然气候生态特点,挖掘优势特色杂粮作物,整合资源,构建杂粮作物育种创新技术体系;建立健全杂粮种子质量监控体制机制;培育现代杂粮种业龙头企业和现代化销售网络等发展策略。[结论]甘肃杂粮作物种业具有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   
茶皂素提取工艺的研究及应用前景   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文综述了茶皂素的性质、用途、应用前景,着重探讨了利用醇水溶液法,从油茶籽饼中提取茶皂素的方法,通过实验发现,与水溶法及有机溶剂法相比较而言,本方法具有工艺简单,成本较低,所得产品颜色浅,含量及得率较高等优点。能完全适用于工厂生产操作。  相似文献   
并购与种子产业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
并购是现代经济史上一个十分突出的现象,现代种子产业的发展就是一部种子企业的并购史。从微观层次上看,并购是企业发展和追逐利润的内在要求,是实现企业扩张和资本集中的快速有效形式,从宏观层次看,是产业结构调整,合理配置资源的手段。从并购这一企业行为对市场结构和产业发展影响的角度,对世界种子产业发展中的并购过程和并购效应进行实证分析,证实了国际种子产业的并购实践对现阶段国内种子产业的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Nepal’s population continues to grow, but the agricultural sector’s performance remains almost stagnant. This has led to a decline in the per capita availability of food. Increasing agricultural productivity is the key to agricultural growth, and one strategy for increasing agricultural productivity is to use improved seeds. This study investigates the impact of contract farming (CF) in high yielding varieties (HYV) of paddy seed production on costs, yield, and profits of smallholder farms in Nepal. Using farm-level data and a non-parametric propensity score matching estimator, the study finds a significant positive impact of contract HYV seed farming on revenues, profits, and yield, and a significant negative impact on total costs of production. Additionally, very small farms (⩽0.43 ha) with CF in HYV paddy seeds tend to gain the most when it comes to yield per hectare. Our estimates reveal that the average smallholder household in Nepal engaged in CF with input conditions receives higher profits. However, farmers engaged in CF with output conditions tend to have higher yields but smaller profits. Finally, farmers engaged in CF in HYV paddy seeds with both input and output conditions have the highest yield gains and significantly higher profits.  相似文献   
Human-mediated seed dispersal is recognised as an important, but under-researched, issue. To assess the potential for tourists to act as unintentional seed dispersal agents, we reviewed published and unpublished data on seed dispersal via clothing, vehicles (cars) and in/on horses and donkeys, all of which can be used by tourists. Seeds from 754 species of terrestrial plants have been collected from these vectors, 15% of which are internationally recognised environmental weeds. Seeds were collected from personal clothing and equipment (228 species), the fur of donkeys and horses (42 species), horse dung (216 species) and vehicles (505 species). Most were herbs (429 species) or graminoids (237 species) and native to Europe. Annual Poa, White Clover, Kentucky Bluegrass and Yorkshire Fog were the most frequent species. There have been eight studies specifically on tourists, which identified 12 species on clothing, 26 on vehicles and 133 from horse dung. Methods that minimise the risk of tourists as human-mediated dispersal agents may therefore be appropriate for some tourism activities/destinations: suggestions are made. Further sampling using standardised experimental techniques is required to assess the relative risk associated with specific tourist activities and locations and determine which, and how much, seed is transported.  相似文献   
Seed interventions are the major agricultural response during emergency and recovery phases of humanitarian relief. They are implemented by diverse agencies, and widely promoted: for instance the FAO alone managed 400 such projects between 2003 and 2005. However, seed aid suffers from a lack of critical attention, perpetuating widespread myths among practitioners, policymakers, and the larger humanitarian community. This paper challenges five predominant myths about seed aid: (1) seed aid is needed whenever food aid is; (2) seed aid can do no harm; (3) disasters wipe out seed systems; (4) effective implementation is a straightforward logistical exercise, and; (5) improved seed is the best form of aid. These myths are juxtaposed with recent empirical work across a range of countries, particularly in Eastern and Southern Africa. The perpetuation of such myths highlights a serious absence of scrutiny of emergency seed aid, and helps explain why such aid is repeated year after year in many sites, with little apparent positive effect. The paper argues that the invisibility of seed aid is a major cause for the lack of oversight and concludes that donors and farmer beneficiaries must become centrally involved in seed aid governance.  相似文献   
曾艳 《科技和产业》2008,8(8):44-46,68
近年来,令各棉种生产企业及各级棉种经销商深受其害的“窜货”现象时有发生,“窜货”行为给棉种生产企业带来了一系列危害,从而使得保护市场、打击“窜货”显得尤为重要和必要。本文针对棉种市场出现的“窜货”行为进行了原因分析,并分析了为什么棉种市场成为恶意“窜货”行为重灾区,最后针对原因分析提出了棉种生产企业如何防范和处理市场上出现的窜货行为。  相似文献   
We add to an emerging body of literature on input subsidies in Africa south of the Sahara. Our analysis focuses on demand for seed, characterising smallholders with a high predicted demand for hybrid seed who were not reached by the subsidy programme. We use cross‐sectional data from the 2010 agricultural season and an instrumented control function approach to test the hypothesis that the subsidy on hybrid maize seed in Zambia is selectively biased. Consistent with other literature, we find that the subsidy is a recursive determinant of seed demand, but in 2010, its recipients had more land, more assets, and lower poverty rates. Findings illustrate the social costs of the programme as currently designed and highlight the need to build alternative supply channels if poorer maize growers are to grow hybrid seed.  相似文献   
目的 亳州市位于黄淮麦区,是安徽省小麦种植面积第二大地市,亳州小麦产业化发展对安徽省至关重要,总结亳州小麦产业发展现状,分析其存在的主要问题,为亳州小麦产业化发展提供建议。方法 文章通过对亳州小麦产业和加工企业进行实地调查,委托亳州市农业局和农业科学院组织主题为小麦生产和消费的座谈会,收集小麦种植品种、种植面积以及产量等相关数据,分析小麦产业化发展现状及现存主要问题。结果 亳州市形成以优质强筋小麦、中强筋小麦、中筋小麦为主,弱筋小麦为辅的种植结构,2019年优质专用小麦种植面积占小麦总面积69%。现有规模化面粉企业28家,合计年加工小麦约200万t,消费当地近60%的小麦。小麦产业发展过程中存在“农业合作社规模较小,种植规模和专业技能不足”“订单农业较少,小麦优质不优价”“面粉企业规模较小,下游食品加工企业少”“产业链间的融合不够紧密”等问题。结论 提出“构建大规模小麦加工体系,发挥龙头企业的产业带动作用”“发展农业专业合作组织,实现规模化、标准化、专业化种植”“研发优质品种配套栽培技术,实现良种良法”“打造优质专用小麦生产示范区,培育区域品牌”等策略建议。  相似文献   
本文使用控温豆芽机恒温20℃培养决明子芽菜,研究不同培养时间(5 d、7 d、9 d、11 d和13 d)对决明子芽菜生物学产量和黄酮含量的影响。结果表明,决明子芽菜的胚根长度、子叶长度、胚轴长度、单株鲜重和单株净菜重在培养7 d采收时均高于5 d采收,且差异显著,7 d后各指标数值虽呈增加趋势,但是差异不显著。黄酮含量随生长期增加不断增加,但在5 d、7 d、9 d和11 d之间差异不显著,13 d时采收黄酮含量最高为16.17 mg·g-1,且与之前不同生长期差异显著。综合生物学产量、黄酮含量及时间成本决明子芽菜培养7 d即可以进行采收。  相似文献   
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