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This analysis is a reappraisal of two perspectives in urban development in Zimbabwe: environmental sustainability and human sustenance. The discussion seeks to reposition the conservation–survival debate by broadening it to the wider urban and national macroeconomic and sociopolitical context. It re‐examines Zimbabwe's environmental problems by examining the challenges posed by urbanisation, industrialisation and informalisation. To these ‘permanent’ strands are added the ‘transient’ phenomena of structural adjustment and indigenisation. The analysis is done within the overall national macroeconomic and sociopolitical environment. The article examines environmental sustainability and human sustenance as the two policy challenges that have to be reconciled in the quest for sustainable urban settlements in Zimbabwe. The analysis stresses that the exercise of striking a balance between the needs of humankind and those of nature has to take cognisance of the complexity of issues and the processes going on elsewhere in the urban and national context.  相似文献   
The Japanese pharmaceutical industry has lagged behind the US in developing and marhting innovative new compounh. A gap anabsis rebing on international publication and patenting stahtics as well as market survgs shows that the US is the clear leader in biophannaceuticals. Recent Japanese public and private efforts to close the gap have posed no immediate threat to US pharmaceutical companies. The conflict over industrial policy among the ministries involved will take some time to be resolved. However, information networking activities and cross-border technology linkages of Japanese companies should not be underestimated. Biotechnology is current4 transforming theJapanese pharmaceutical induse, and the US will have to deal with a gowing Japanese challenge in the long run. Preventive US counter-measures should include investments in in-house biotechnology research, acquisitions of smaller biotechnology start-up ventures, global commercialization o f biophannaceuticals, and proactive management o f technology linkages with Japanese companies.  相似文献   
《新华每日电讯》12月8日报道指出:“皇家风尚”、“新贵公寓”、“富人聚集区”、“白领贵族的集聚地”“、国际名流府邸”……诸如此类的广告“炫富”意味浓厚,有意放大社会分化带来的人群特征,不利于社会各阶层和利益群体之间和谐共处,已成为构建和谐社会的“噪音”。该报道  相似文献   
一、加入WTO后深圳投资环境的变化。改革开放之初,由于市场不完备,只能选择经济转轨较容易的地区对外开放,并指定一定的税收政策以补偿市场不完备对投资者带来的不便。深圳特区作为改革开放的排头兵,享有很多独有的和先发的优势。加入WTO后我国利用外资的形势发生了很大的变化,就投资环境而言,根据最惠国待遇原则和国民待遇原则,我们将对所有外商投资企业和内资企业实行一致的无差别的优惠、特权和豁免等政策。随着部分对外资限制措施的取消和国民待遇原则的落实,将使外商投资企业获得更加公平的竞争环境。2003年3月2日起,外资进入进出口领域的限制得以放宽。外商可以设立合资公司进行进出口业务的地区由原来仅有的上海浦东地区和深圳经济特区的两地6家试点扩展至全国。由此可见深圳不可能再享有特殊优惠政策。进入21世纪之后,新一轮创业浪潮前所未有,年轻的深圳正进入不同于以往的发展阶段,最大的不同之处是:随着我国加入世贸组织和全国改革的总体推进,深圳享有的政策优势将不复存在。全国的改革呈现千帆竞发、万马奔腾的景象,特别是长江三角洲和环渤海湾城市发展势头强劲,发展空间广阔,具有很大的后发优势,西部大开发的全面展开。这些都是深圳利用外资形势所发生的引人注目的变化。深圳已经被历史的浪潮推上了一个新的、较高的起点上,在这样的形势面前,深圳犹如逆水行舟,不进则退,稍有懈怠,就会落后。  相似文献   
文章论述了环境问题对人类的重要性及创造环保型的企业环境需要解决的问题,在此基础上,提 出了为实现环保型企业经营韩国政府所应该采用的政策及具体的实施方案。  相似文献   
职业风险基金制度作为注册会计师民事赔偿制度的补充,能加强注册会计师的民事赔偿能力,在对事务所和注册会计师民事诉讼盛行的。本文探讨了该制度的必要性以及与职业责任保险的关系、职业风险基金的提取与管理等方面的问题。  相似文献   
This paper uses a modification of the continuous time asset pricing model of Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross to analyze the effect of regulatory risk on the cost of capital. Analysis shows that random errors in setting the allowed rate of return can either increase or decrease the cost of capital depending on other regulatory parameters. However, the analysis suggests that regulatory risk is not material.  相似文献   
2008年金融危机经验表明,建立健全的银行处置机制对于有效应对危机、维护金融稳定至关重要.为此,金融稳定委员会(FSB)发布了《金融机构有效处置机制的核心属性》(以下简称"《核心属性》"),为银行处置机制提供了整体框架,对银行处置当局的设置提出了国际标准.目前,国际上许多经济体根据《核心属性》和已有处置经验,对银行处置当局进行了不同模式的制度安排,常见的是由央行、审慎监管机构或存款保险公司承担全部或部分处置职能,并在银行处置的独立性、决策机制和协调合作等方面进行实践并积累了经验.  相似文献   
Various theoretical models show that managerial compensation schemes can reduce the distortionary effects of financial leverage. There is mixed evidence as to whether highly levered firms offer less stock‐based compensation, a common prediction of such models. Both the theoretical and empirical research, however, have overlooked the leverage provided by executive stock options. In principle, adjusting the exercise prices of executive stock options can mitigate the risk incentive effects of financial leverage. We show that the near‐universal practice of setting option exercise prices near the prevailing stock price at the date of grant effectively undoes most of the effects of financial leverage. In a large cross‐sectional sample of Canadian option‐granting firms, we find evidence that executives' incentives to take equity risk are negatively rather than positively related to the leverage of their employers.  相似文献   
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