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根据创新开放广度与深度,提出高广度-高深度、高广度-低深度、低广度-高深度与低广度-低深度4种组合策略。以吸收能力为调节变量,构建开放度组合策略与创新绩效关系模型,以我国三大行业201家企业为调查对象,采用多元线性回归分析方法进行实证检验。研究表明:实施高广度-高深度组合策略的企业倾向于追求突破式创新绩效,实施其它三类组合策略的企业倾向于追求渐进式创新绩效;吸收能力不仅能够积极调节高广度-高深度、高广度-低深度、低广度-高深度组合策略与突破式创新绩效的关系,而且能够积极调节3种组合策略与渐进式创新绩效的关系,但是无法调节低广度-低深度组合策略与突破式创新绩效、渐进式创新绩效的关系。  相似文献   
While it is often recognised that agricultural technology adoption decisions are intertwined and best characterised by multivariate models, typical approaches to examining adoption and impacts of agricultural technology have focused on single technology adoption choice and ignored interdependence among technologies. We examine farm‐ and market‐level impacts of multiple technology adoption choices using comprehensive household survey data collected in 2010/11 and 2012/13 in Ethiopia. Economic surplus analysis combined with panel data switching endogenous regression models are used to compute the supply shift parameter (K‐shift parameter), while at the same time controlling for the endogeneity inherent in agricultural technology adoption among farmers. We find that our improved technology set choices have significant impacts on farm‐level maize yield and maize production costs, where the greatest effect appears to be generated when various technologies are combined. The change in maize yield and production costs results in an average 26.4% cost reduction per kilogram of maize output (the K‐shift parameter). This increases the producer and consumer surpluses by US$ 140 and US$ 105 million per annum, respectively. These changes in economic surplus help to reduce the number of poor people by an estimated 788 thousand per year. We conclude that deliberate extension efforts and other policies that encourage integration of technologies are important for maize technologies to yield their full potential at both farm and market levels.  相似文献   
This study endeavors to empirically analyse the influential effect among brand prestige, service quality, casino visitor satisfaction and spend. Data from 304 tourists who had travelled to Macau and had participated in gambling activities were used and structural equation modelling and multi-group analysis were employed in hypotheses testing. The findings demonstrated that both brand prestige and perceived service quality are determinants of satisfaction and gaming spend, and that brand prestige also affects service quality positively. Furthermore, past experience moderates the service quality and visitors’ satisfaction relationship, also service quality and visitors’ gaming spend relationship.  相似文献   
整合组织动机和期望确认理论,从购买动机视角探讨企业突破性技术持续采用意愿的驱动机制。将购买动机分为效率动机、规范趋同动机和模仿趋同动机,阐述购买动机对突破性技术持续采用意愿影响的微观机理。以198家购买过云计算技术的企业为研究样本,实证检验购买动机与突破性技术持续采用意愿间的关系,并检验满意和认知锁定的中介效应。结果表明:购买动机正向影响突破性技术持续采用意愿,满意和认知锁定在购买动机与突破性技术持续采用意愿之间起中介作用,各购买动机的中介作用路径呈现差异化。其中,效率动机的作用路径被满意和认知锁定部分中介,模仿趋同动机的作用路径被满意部分中介,规范趋同动机的作用路径被认知锁定部分中介。研究结论打开了企业突破性技术持续采用意愿的“黑箱”,对于企业深入理解突破性技术持续采用意愿的驱动机制,促进突破性技术在持续采用过程中发挥真正价值具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
国防知识产权成果转化应用是国防科技创新体系建设落地见效的关键环节,引入现代金融体系能够有效促进国防知识产权成果转化。目前我国国防知识产权转化工作在组织管理体制、工作运行体系、法规政策制度和信息化建设等方面初显成效,但仍面临整体转化形势不容乐观、金融支持体系尚未成熟等问题,根本原因在于国防知识产权与发明人割裂导致一般金融产品难以通过审核,使融资渠道狭窄;其保密性进一步加大了与金融机构间的信息不对称,使得金融资源配置效率低下;国防知识产权专用性较强,相应抬高了融资成本。为有效解决上述问题,提出3条改进措施,以实现对国防知识产权转化的金融支持,即①从顶层设计上优化解密脱密流程,明确发明人与知识产权的权属关系,细化财税优惠等支持措施;②加强政府财政税收政策支持,引导创新利用多元社会资本进入支持转化领域;③建立各主体参与的金融服务协调保障机制、监测评估体系,启动国防知识产权转化的金融支持试点工作,构建符合国情的国防知识产权转化金融支持体系。  相似文献   
Family firms bear two types of agency costs, including type I and type II agency problems, in corporate environmental practices: (1) Outside executives at family firms hesitate to engage in environmental strategies, which can lead to drops in profits; (2) Controlling families employ opportunistically environmental management to achieve their interests. We argue that a primary cause for the agency problems lies on ineffective internal corporate governance at family firms, which can cause loss of managerial (or power) balance between outside executives and family executives. Our findings show that family firms with ownership and strategic control (FSC), which family executives and outside executives monitor and constrain each other, can achieve the highest environmental performance. Moreover, external controls, including product market competition and provincial environmental regulations, substitute effective internal control of FSC. The environmental performance premium of FSC is more prevalent when the production market competition is lower. Family firms with ownership, operational, and strategic control (FOSC) can achieve higher environmental performance within a province with more stringent environmental regulations.  相似文献   
通过构建改进的知识宽度法测算企业专利质量,并以2007—2016年中国沪深A股上市公司为样本,分析自然人大股东对企业专利质量的影响以及在不同类型企业中其作用的差异性。结果表明,作为“强力监督者”,自然人大股东能够促进企业专利质量提高。但因为其角色由“强监督”转变为“搭便车”,故这种促进作用在国有企业和具有政治关联的企业中并不存在。进一步研究表明,促进作用是通过加强对经理人和研发人员的监督,减少其控制权下投机性创新策略,提升其工作努力程度实现的。研究结论为促进国有企业与民营企业创新能力提升提供相应的政策启示。  相似文献   
基于创新价值链理论,构建创新首位度的理论内涵与评价体系,对南京和其它中心城市的创新首位度进行评价与比较。研究结果显示:①在总体首位度方面,南京位列省域中心城市排名下游,落后于西安、成都、武汉、郑州、广州等国家中心城市,自2008年以来一直落后于深圳、杭州、合肥、苏州等对标竞争城市且差距较大;②在分项首位度方面,南京的研发创新、产业创新首位度位列省域中心城市排名底端,导致南京在两个首位度矩阵中均处于C象限,创新价值链呈现严重的不均衡性;③省域中心城市普遍存在创新价值链的“漏斗效应”,即知识创新首位度>研发创新首位度>产业创新首位度,南京尤甚,说明技术创新过程存在大量沟壑;④拓展性研究表明,省域中心城市的创新首位度>经济首位度>人口首位度,但是近十年3个首位度的增速排序与上述情况相反,说明创新资源有着更强的集聚效应,应避免行政手段对创新资源的错配。最后,提出对策建议与研究展望。  相似文献   
7月1日13点30分,四川美术学院一间教室飘来缕缕墨香.近20名师生铺开洁白的宣纸,一笔一划书写着习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上的重要讲话. 这场书法主题创作交流会是四川美术学院中国画与艺术学院党总支专门为庆祝"七一"开展的. 中国画与艺术学院副院长兼书法系主任向天潇,是一名有着16年党龄的党员.他写下气势恢宏的四个大字——"伟大复兴"之后,又写下了这样一段话:一百年来,中国共产党团结带领中国人民进行的一切奋斗、一切牺牲、一切创造,归结起来就是一个主题:实现中华民族伟大复兴.  相似文献   
歌乐山下埋忠骨 The Bones of the Martyrs Buried Under Gele Mountain 烈日当空,站在红岩魂广场抬头仰望,那座由红色岩石雕刻而成的烈士群雕在骄阳下闪闪发光.登上高高的阶梯,只见一面鲜艳的党旗屹立在烈士公墓前,静静守护着红岩英烈. 墓碑上铭刻的,是300多个名字. 革命烈士牺牲在黎明前夜,没能亲眼看到重庆的解放,但他们的故事在这片土地上被一直传颂,他们的忠诚与信仰将同他们的名字一道,镌刻于巍巍歌乐.走进红岩魂陈列馆,倾听们的故事,愈加明白先烈的牺牲有着何等的分量.  相似文献   
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