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The result shows that it accepts the null hypothesis. Namely, there is no significant difference in the operating efficiency of universities in different regions. That is to say, although the efficiency of the central and western universities is slightly better than that of the eastern universities in terms of the average efficiency, there is no significant efficiency difference among the eastern, central, and western regions statistically. Therefore, it shows a balanced development trend for the efficiency of universities in different regions.  相似文献   
市场竞争的加剧,使企业对市场营销人才的需求不断加大,如何培养社会需要的市场营销人才成为各个高校需要思考的问题。以构建科学的能力结构为基础,充分培养营销专业人才的实战创新能力,是一条营销人才培养的重要途径。  相似文献   
文章以大学生教育为主线,以提高大学生就业胜任力为目的,反思目前我国高校毕业生就业管理机制存在的问题,从大学生就业价值观、大学生人本教育理念2个方面提出适应我国高校就业管理工作的新模式,从而期望以更为科学有效的方式开展高校毕业生就业指导工作,提高毕业生就业能力,解决毕业生就业问题。  相似文献   
随着高校教育体制改革的不断深入,对高校教材的管理提出了更高的要求。信息化管理是高校教材管理的大趋势。文章阐述了高校教材管理信息化的现状及实际应用,并提出了高校教材管理信息化的新构想。  相似文献   
高校作为高层次,高素质人才的集聚地,承担着太量的基础研究、应用研究和开发研究任务,创造出大量的科技成果。文章结合高校科研管理工作的现状与特点,从机制创新的层面出发,探讨了推进高校科研成果转化的方式与渠道。  相似文献   
新时期全国范围内推广的素质教育对高校教学管理的内容、方法和效果等诸多方面提出了更新、更高的要求。剖析我国高校传统的教学管理模式,发现其“机械性”弊端大大影响了教学管理的质量,因而倡导高校教学管理的改革应走素质管理之路。  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to examine the European Foundation for Quality Management self-assessment process in order to analyse the similarities and differences between two of the most common self-assessment approaches (questionnaire and workshop). Using a case study methodology, it examines whether the process, the success of this exercise, the difficulties, the benefits and the success factors are the same in these approaches, or whether they are conditioned by the approach chosen. The results show the difficulties, benefits and success factors in workshop and questionnaire approaches and the significant differences between the two approaches. This study is relevant to managers who are faced with making a decision on which approach to self-assessment should be chosen. Managers must select an approach to self-assessment, considering the characteristics and the quality management maturity of the organisation; the level of quality management understanding and the objectives and degree of decentralisation of the self-assessment. Managers should not forget the importance of their commitment in order to promote the process, the need to train team members in order to facilitate self-assessment and the follow-up as a tool to assess the effectiveness of the process.  相似文献   
文章分析当前评估环境下高校图书馆人才需求状况,提出高校图书馆应当结合自身发展中长期发展任务与服务目标,确立以评估促发展的人力资源建设思路。  相似文献   
文章阐述了田径运动在高校体育中的作用及锻炼价值,分析了目前普通高校体育课中田径项目开展的现状及遭受冷落的原因,提出一些相应的对策和建议,以使田径选项课在普通高校公共体育课中顺利开展下去。  相似文献   
新形势下高校党员教师的党性修养与师德高低关系着我国教育事业的成败。党性修养与师德建设具有内在的一致性。高校应将二者合二为一开展师德教育,以师为本,建立合理的师德评价机制,注重教师专业成长,增强教师的职业荣誉感。  相似文献   
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