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《Business Horizons》2017,60(4):431-434
Drawing from a wealth of negotiation research, my previous installment of Negotiating Life advised negotiators to make the first offer if they can. But sometimes they can’t. Sometimes, despite a negotiator’s best efforts, the other side moves first. In this article, I provide a framework for responding to another negotiator’s first offer, suggesting that the appropriate response varies markedly depending on the quality of the offer. This provides a more comprehensive strategy for making and managing early offers in a negotiation.  相似文献   
Using the economic and financial performance data of international companies for the exploration, and exploration–extraction (E&E) of oil, as well as the patterns of institutional situation and orientation with the government market and national oil companies or NOCs that receive project offers, we analyze the institutional development and behavior patterns by type of E&E contract, following the strategic actor approach, or the so-called agency theory. Additionally, in light of Mexico's energy reform being implemented between 2015 and 2019, we analyzed the types of license contracts compared to those for production and shared profit. Subsequently, it was determined-through panel data methods in the analysis of 17 companies between 2005 and 2015-that global companies present bigger yields and commitments compared to specialized companies, confirmed by their net income and returns on equity or ROE.  相似文献   
本文目的在于对业主和承包商在招投标后的合同谈判机理进行研究。对于经过招标的合同谈判,招标活动分两种情况,第一种情况为公开招标,第二种情况为邀请招标。对公开招标,本文指出了垄断性围标对于业主的风险,并且将存在寡头及多头竞争的公开招标并入邀请招标进行研究。在邀请招标情况下,假设业主根据各方报价和技术标得分,选定某一家单位作为合同谈判对象。对在各种信息对称、不对称情况下,对于双方的序贯博弈过程进行分析。  相似文献   
Negotiation is an essential skill for personal well-being and professional success, a skill that begins with identifying and acting on one's wants and needs. Many individuals, however, lack the confidence, motivation, or training to simply ask for what they want in certain situations; for example, when negotiating with an important client. Still others are reluctant to initiate requests in general. This article discusses the personal characteristics and situational factors that influence an individual's likelihood of engaging another party in a negotiation, making a request, and optimizing that request. Herein, specific suggestions are offered for managing this critical phase of the negotiation process via three steps: mental preparation prior to the engagement; positioning prior to, and at the point of, the engagement; and verbal craftsmanship during the delivery of one's request.  相似文献   
多边贸易谈判是多方参与、多阶段性竞争与合作的博弈过程。在多边贸易谈判中,发展中国家成员由于存在较大的实力差距而处于不利地位。本文首先阐释了多边贸易谈判的本质,总结了发展中国家成员参与多边贸易谈判的博弈历程,剖析其在世界经济贸易中地位的变迁,并提出其参与多边贸易谈判的博弈策略。  相似文献   
东日本大地震以后,日本经济特别是产业经济出现了出人预料的迅速恢复,但是刚刚进入复苏通道的日本经济仍然面临各种难题,灾后重建资金筹措、生产设施与生活设施的恢复、国土开发整治、核事故处理、长期电力不足风险、国家长期能源战略调整、财政重建、日元急剧升值,特别是美国、欧洲主权债务危机可能引起的世界经济低迷,使日本经济的不确定性增强。在内外交困之际,新上台的野田内阁出台了若干经济政策,但却将政策重心置于参与TPP谈判、提高消费税等方面,与亟待解决的经济难题未免有些乖戾,其政策效果不容乐观。  相似文献   
In this paper, focusing on participatory public decision making processes, I propose a framework for group support systems and discuss related research issues. As a case illustrating the feasibility of participatory public decision making, I present the participatory budgeting experience in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The case is analyzed based on the proposed framework.  相似文献   
目前应用博弈论对价格谈判所进行的研究大多集中于讨价还价问题,而关于报价问题的研究往往依靠定性分析。因此本文建立了一个关于报价策略的三阶段不完全信息动态博弈模型,并通过求解证明:在谈判双方信息对称的条件下,无论对买方还是卖方来说,“抢先报价”都是占优策略。在买卖双方都采取“抢先报价”策略时,报价顺序博弈的结果具有不确定性。在现实中买卖双方往往会通过各种其他手段来达到抢先报价的目的。  相似文献   
随着改革开放的不断深入,广西农垦原有的长期经济作物经营管理机制已不能充分调动家庭农场职工的生产积极性,阻碍了生产力的发展。自上世纪90年代中期开始,通过将长期经济作物岗位经营权作价长期转让给家庭农场自主经营管理,完善大农场套家庭农场的双层经营管理机制,加强产前、产中、产后管理服务工作,特别是进行产品深加工、扩大销售,促进了农垦企业生产、加工、销售、科研、出口的一体化发展,极大地调动了家庭农场职工的生产积极性,增强了企业经济实力,提高了职工收入水平。但改革也存在一些需要注意和解决的问题。  相似文献   
多哈回合的谈判结果对于多边贸易体制的稳定、经济全球化的进程、贸易自由化给各成员国带来的福利增进而言,具有极其重要的意义。世贸组织承诺,多哈回合要给发展中国家带来真正的好处。作为世界上最大的发展中国家,中国所受到的影响更是引人注目。  相似文献   
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