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Because of the importance of Confucian doctrines in shaping ethical business practices under Chinese leadership, revealing the roles of other Chinese ethical doctrines in modern Chinese leadership is informative. A thorough understanding of the ethical foundations of Chinese leadership is necessary for fruitful interaction with Chinese leaders, according to cultural fit theory. The present study illustrates the philosophical foundations of business management, based on dialogues with five eminent corporate executive officers (CEOs). It reveals that the CEOs practice a style of Chinese leadership synthesizing Confucian, Daoist, Mohist, and Legalist doctrines. The Confucian doctrines advocate benevolence, harmony, learning, loyalty, righteousness, and humility. They are the most prevalent tenets that support paternalism and collectivism. The Daoist doctrines emphasize flexibility and reversion (e.g., the principle that the weak can defeat the strong). They bolster the leader’s forbearance. The Mohist doctrines underpin thrift and working with the masses whereas the Legalist doctrines inculcate self-control and innovativeness. Hence, contemporary Chinese leadership does not rely exclusively on Confucian ethics and this reflects evolution over 1000s of years.  相似文献   
《淮南子》多次论及"秦始皇",从社会经济、政治用人、现实战争及法治实践等方面,对其暴虐之政进行严厉批判。着眼于治术、治道及君道,《淮南子》从道、儒立场出发,深刻反思秦政之失,认为其根由在于秦始皇迷信法家的功利政治,并将其在实践上推向极端化,以致秦王朝缺失"民本"的正义性内涵,最终在纵欲残民、与民为仇中败亡。对秦始皇的暴政之失,《淮南子》试图让统治者深有借鉴,以此促使其在治国上民本为先、身国同治,延续清静无为、休养生息的汉初国策,推动西汉王朝实现"圣王"之治。  相似文献   
The Confucian school emphasizes family value, moral persuasions, and personal relations. Under Confucianism, there is a free-rider issue in the provision of efforts. Since national officials are chosen through personal relations, they may not be the most capable. The Legalist school emphasizes the usage of incentives and formal institutions. Under the Legalism, the ruler provides strong incentives to local officials which may lead to side effects because some activities are noncontractible. The cold-blood image of the Legalism may alien citizens. By exploiting the paternalistic relationship between the ruler and the ruled under Confucianism and the strength of institution-building under the Legalism, the ruler may benefit from a combination of Confucianism approach and the Legalism approach as the national strategy of governance. As each strategy has its pros and cons, which strategy of is optimal depends on factors such as the minimum enforceable level of public service and the level of institution building costs.  相似文献   
中国传统思想博大精深,不是儒、法、道三家思想就可以涵括的,但这三家思想却是中国传统思想最重要的组成部分。在现代人力资源管理理论已日趋完善的前提下,重新审视和思考中国古代传统思想,分析各家所长,探询现代人力资源管理理论中中国传统思想的脉络,研究中国传统思想在现代社会中的创新意义,对建立有中国特色的人力资源管理理论具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
春秋战国时期,百家争鸣,儒家所崇尚的"礼治"与法家所推崇的"法治"因其倡导的"亲疏"与"平等"理念的矛盾而始终处在互相抗衡的状态,秦朝推崇"苛法"而"焚书坑儒",汉代则废除"苛法"而"独尊儒术",而从汉武帝时期,"礼"与"法"逐渐合流,形成了中国特色的"礼法",对中国古代社会产生了深远的影响。但中国历史上的"礼""法"合流,是以"礼"绝对控制"法",而此时的"法"与传统的法家之"法"已相去甚远。我们不愿再见秦时的"苛法",但后来的"礼法"亦非今人所欲。对儒家伦理的提倡需要慎而又慎地去粗取精,万不可盲目推崇。  相似文献   
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