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Affine Models for Credit Risk Analysis
Authors:Gourieroux, C.   Monfort, A.   Polimenis, V.
Continuous-time affine models have been recently introducedin the theoretical financial literature on credit risk. Theyprovide a coherent modeling, rather easy to implement, but havenot yet encountered the expected success among practitionersand regulators. This is likely due to a lack of flexibilityof these models, which often implied poor fit, especially comparedto more ad hoc approaches proposed by the industry. The aimof this article is to explain that this lack of flexibilityis mainly due to the continuous-time assumption. We developa discrete-time affine analysis of credit risk, explain howdifferent types of factors can be introduced to capture separatelythe term structure of default correlation, default heterogeneity,correlation between default, and loss-given-default; we alsoexplain why the factor dynamics are less constrained in discretetime and are able to reproduce complicated cycle effects. Thesemodels are finally used to derive a credit-VaR and various decompositionsof the spreads for corporate bonds or first-to-default basket.
Keywords:affine model   affine process   CaR process   credit risk   loss-given-default   stochastic discount factor   term structure   through-the-cycle   WAR process
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