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Perceived trustworthiness and inter-firm governance: empirical evidence from the UK printing industry
Authors:Mollering   Guido
Affiliation:Institut für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschafteslehre, Boltzmannstr. 20, 14195 Berlin, Germany; moelleri{at}wiwiss.fu-berlin.de
The paper describes six representative theoretical positionsregarding the impact of trustworthiness on the organisationof inter-firm relations. The positions are then assessed onthe basis of a survey of 184 buyer–supplier relationshipsin the UK printing industry. The widely accepted transactioncost argument for trust as a parameter reducing hierarchy isdismissed. Instead, the so-called triadic forces argument basedon Bradach, J. L. and Eccles, R. G. (1989. Price, authorityand trust: from ideal types to plural forms, Annual Review ofSociology, vol. 15, 96–118) receives the strongest support.Market, hierarchy and trust represent alternative mechanismsthat can be combined in a variety of ways. This pluralisticmodel is enriched further by the acknowledgement of variableroles for contracts and a sceptic stance regarding rationalityin practice.
Keywords:Trust    Organisation    Inter-firm relations    Managerial perception    Printing
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