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Measuring the Impact of Product Placement on Children Using Digital Brand Integration
Authors:Simon Hudson  Charlene Elliott
Affiliation:1. University of South Carolina , Columbia , South Carolina , USA shudson@hrsm.sc.edu;3. University of Calgary , Alberta , Canada
Recent marketing literature has called for more research that focuses on the influence of new media on children and, specifically, the use of product placement. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of food and beverage product placements on children of different ages. Using an experimental approach, groups of children viewed the same television program, but with either healthy products or unhealthy brands digitally inserted. A detailed survey then measured aided and unaided recall and immediate choice behavior. In total, 225 children from two schools took part in the experiment. The results indicated strong recall for the products placed, especially for the unhealthy products, and particularly among older children. However, the placements had only a modest influence on immediate behavior, with regression analysis suggesting that the packaging was more significant in influencing choice. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Keywords:product placement  digital brand integration  advertising to children  food and beverage
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