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Open Variety Rights: Rethinking the Commodification of Plants
Authors:Eric Deibel
Affiliation:Institut Francilien Recherche Innovation Société (IFRIS), University of Paris‐Nord, Centre de l'Economie de Paris Nord (CEPN), , France
Abstract:Open Variety Rights refer to the removal of the conditions attached to the usage of plants in agriculture, and to an analogy with open licensing in informatics that is notably different from the one that is taking shape at the intersection of the life sciences and informatics. This paper argues for the open licensing of plants as part of a response to the commodification of DNA; rather than a singular focus on farming or source code, this implies an analogy that aims at the removal of restrictions, whether as seeds, biodiversity, genetic sequences or DNA in informatics formats. First, the commodification of plants will be conceptualized. Second, the proposal for open licensing for varieties of crops will be discussed. Third, examples of the introduction of open licensing in the life sciences will be examined in relation to the potential to reformulate the definition of ‘openness’ to support those who wish to live and work with plants on their own terms.
Keywords:commodity  patents  variety rights  bio‐informatics  plant biotechnology
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