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The Direct and Indirect Effects of Self‐Efficacy on Salespeople's Emotional Exhaustion and Work‐Family Conflict: A Study Using the Job Demands‐Resources Model
Authors:Adolfo Carballo‐Penela,Jos   Varela,Bel  n Bande
Abstract:This study integrates Social Cognitive Theory with the Job Demands‐Resources Model to examine self‐efficacy in relation to emotional exhaustion and work‐family conflict (WFC) in a sample of 192 employees. The results obtained through structural equation analysis show: a negative association between self‐efficacy and both work overload and emotional exhaustion; a positive relationship between work overload and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that work overload mediates the relation between self‐efficacy and both emotional exhaustion and WFC; that role ambiguity moderates the relation of self‐efficacy with work overload; and that tenure in the sales territory moderates the relation of work overload with WFC. Copyright © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:self‐efficacy  emotional exhaustion  work overload  work‐family conflict  job demands‐resources model  auto‐efficacité    é  puisement é  motionnel  surcharge de travail  conflit travail‐famille  exigences du travail ‐ modè  le ressources‐ressources
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