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Values and Beliefs Related to Ethical Decisions
Authors:Mumford  Michael D.  Helton  Whitney B.  Decker  Brian P.  Connelly  Mary Shane  Van Doorn  Judith R.
Affiliation:(1) Department of Psychology, The University of Oklahoma, 455 W. Lindsey, Norman, OK 73019, USA
Abstract:Although there is reason to suspect thatpeople's values and beliefs influenceintegrity-related decisions, few studies haveexamined the values and beliefs related tomanagerial integrity. In the present study,197 students were asked to complete measures ofvalues and beliefs as manifest in theirpreferred courses of action when confrontedwith ambiguous situations. Subsequently, theywere asked to work on a managerial ``in-basket'task where the decisions made might result inharm to others or harm to the organization. Itwas found that values and beliefs were relatedto both types of decisions producing multiplecorrelations in the 0.40s. People whose valuesstressed growth and contributions to others, asopposed to personal gain, and believed actionswere under their control, as opposed toexternal control, exhibited greater integrity. The implications of these findings forunderstanding leader integrity are discussed.
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