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International spillovers in global asset markets
Authors:Ansgar Belke  Irina Dubova
Affiliation:1. University of Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Universitaetsstraße 12, D-45117 Essen, Germany;2. Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, Belgium;3. Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany;4. Ruhr Graduate School, Essen, Germany
The paper empirically estimates the financial transmission within and across bond and equity markets in the four largest global financial markets – the United States, the Euro area, Japan, and the United Kingdom. We argue that international bond and equity markets are highly interconnected both within and across asset classes in a globalized world, where the complex transmission process across various financial assets is not restricted to just the domestic market. This paper employs identification through generalized forecast error variance decompositions to estimate spillovers across four systemic markets in a Vector Autoregression (VAR) framework. We find that asset prices react most strongly to international shocks within the same asset class, but that there are also substantial international spillovers across asset classes. Rolling estimations analysis provides evidence that global asset markets have become more integrated and that the bilateral relationships change over time. Our results are robust to specifications that take into account the monetary policy stance and include foreign exchange markets.
Keywords:E52  E58  F42  Asset markets  Financial transmission  Financial market integration  Rolling estimations  Spillovers  Vector autoregression
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