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引用本文:周夫荣. 疯者黄鸣[J]. 中国企业家, 2012, 0(17): 81-84,80,18
摘    要:别人笑我太疯癫,我笑别人看不穿。究竟是黄鸣太超前,还是市场太残酷?这个行业太黑,媒体太烂,有的人给钱就干,也不问真假、不问是非、不问好坏。8月16日,当着本刊记者的面,皇明太阳能集团(以下简称皇明)董事长黄鸣一面怒吼,一边重重地拍了下桌子。这不是他第一次在媒体面前失控。7月20日和8月10日,这

关 键 词:太阳能采暖  太阳能热水器  中国企业家  行业  潜规则  市场份额  房地产项目  阳谷  太阳能应用  山东省

Madman Huang Ming
Abstract:On August 16th during an interview with this magazines reporter,Chairman of the Himin Solar Huang Ming hit the table in front of him in a fit of anger. This isn’t the first time he has lost control of himself in front of the media.On July 20th and August 10th thisGodfatherof the solar industry held two press conferences where he used exaggerated language and frantic gestures to answer rumors concerning his company exclaimingpeople in this industry are spreading rumors and trying to terrorize our business.He even went so far as to curseI hale this son of a bitch industryand despite his station break down in tears.The reason for such outbreaks is the string of negative news that has made Himin Solar the center of public debate;the breakdown of the company’s IPO.management problems,accusations of purchasing land at prices far below market price and Huang Ming’s relationship with the recently fallen former deputy governor of Shandong Province.
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