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Discerning competitive strategy through an assessment of competitive methods
Authors:Carlos F. Gomes  Mahmoud M. Yasin  João V. Lisboa  Michael H. Small
Affiliation:1. School of Economics, ISR-Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugalcfgomes@fe.uc.pt;3. Department of Management &4. Marketing, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN, USA;5. School of Economics, ISR-Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
This cross-sectional study of Portuguese service organizations seeks to determine the level of alignment of competitive methods with strategy typologies covered in the business literature. Surveyed firms were asked to indicate their level of utilization of several competitive methods. The results of factor analysis of the survey data indicate that 30 of the 33 competitive methods covered in this study represent seven underlying strategy dimensions. Further analysis revealed that there is some congruence between the derived strategy dimensions and established strategy typologies in the literature. Cluster analysis revealed that each of the responding firms could be classified into one of four hybrid or mixed strategy orientations. However, differences in strategy orientation were not statistically significant in explaining differences in the financial performance of these organizations. These findings are discussed in the light of their implications for strategy development, strategy choices and performance evaluation in the Portuguese service sector.
Keywords:service organizations  competitive strategy  competitive methods  service performance
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