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The Influence of Network Management and Complexity on Network Performance in Taiwan,Spain and the Netherlands
Authors:Erik-Hans Klijn
Affiliation:1. Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlandsklijn@fsw.eur.nl

Using survey data of respondents involved in spatial planning projects in Taiwan, Spain and the Netherlands (n = 678), this article examines the influence of network management strategies and complexities (examined with regard to differences in perception of problems and solutions, and unexpected events) on perceived network performance. This theory-driven, empirical research shows that the effect of network management strategies on perceived performance is stronger than the impact of unexpected events or actors’ differences in perceptions of problems and solutions. We find this result in all the three countries. Our model explains 19.1 per cent of the variance in the perceived network performance.
Keywords:Network performance  network management  network complexity  perceptional differences
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