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Estimation of a k-monotone density: characterizations, consistency and minimax lower bounds
Authors:Fadoua Balabdaoui   Jon A. Wellner
Affiliation:CEREMADE, UniversitéParis-Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775, Paris, CEDEX 16, France;
Department of Statistics, University of Washington, Box 354322, Seattle, WA 98195-4322, USA
The classes of monotone or convex (and necessarily monotone) densities on     can be viewed as special cases of the classes of k - monotone densities on     . These classes bridge the gap between the classes of monotone (1-monotone) and convex decreasing (2-monotone) densities for which asymptotic results are known, and the class of completely monotone (∞-monotone) densities on     . In this paper we consider non-parametric maximum likelihood and least squares estimators of a k -monotone density g 0. We prove existence of the estimators and give characterizations. We also establish consistency properties, and show that the estimators are splines of degree k −1 with simple knots. We further provide asymptotic minimax risk lower bounds for estimating the derivatives     , at a fixed point x 0 under the assumption that     .
Keywords:completely monotone    least squares    maximum likelihood    minimax risk    mixture models    multiply monotone    non-parametric estimation    rates of convergence    shape constraints
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