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引用本文:马志娟,刘世林. 国家审计的本质属性研究——基于国家行政监督系统功能整合视角[J]. 会计研究, 2012, 0(11): 79-86,95
作者姓名:马志娟  刘世林
作者单位:南京审计学院国际审计学院 211815
摘    要:审计的本质属性问题一直是审计学界关注的焦点问题。在目前正在进行的政府行政体制改革中,在政府部门整体层面构建的决策、执行、监督三权分离的行政模式已经初露端倪。目前,决策权、执行权、监督权这三套权力在我国行政运行系统中是失衡的,其直接后果是造成国家审计独立性的缺失。因而有必要整合国家行政监督系统的力量,纪检、监察、审计部门按横向划分监督范围的监督力量整合模式不够理想,而以监督过程的不同阶段划分监督权力、责任范围的监督力量整合模式比较理想。审计机关在政府行政运行系统中所处的位置决定了国家审计的本质特征。国家审计的本质首先是权力制衡的支持系统,在权力制衡中,审计又以信息系统的方式发挥着作用。因此,国家审计的本质属性是权力制衡信息系统。

关 键 词:国家审计  审计本质  国家行政监督系统  国家治理  免疫系统

The Essential Attribution of National Audit:Based on the Perspective of Functional Integration of National Administrative Supervision System
Ma Zhijuan ,Liu Shilin. The Essential Attribution of National Audit:Based on the Perspective of Functional Integration of National Administrative Supervision System[J]. Accounting Research, 2012, 0(11): 79-86,95
Authors:Ma Zhijuan &Liu Shilin
Affiliation:Ma Zhijuan &Liu Shilin
Abstract:The essential attribution of audit has always been the focus question.In the ongoing government reform,the departure model of decision,implementation and supervision has raised.The imbalance of these three sets of power is the reason why the audit lacks of independence.So it is necessary to integrate the national administrative supervision system power to make an ideal model.Audit's position in the government determines the nature of national audit.The essence of national audit is firstly checks and balances support system and then audit plays the role of balancing in the way of information system.The essential attribution of national audit is power-balance information system.
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