古陶瓷藏品的价值判断 |
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引用本文: | 胡平. 古陶瓷藏品的价值判断[J]. 上海经济, 2011, 0(11): 45-46 |
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作者姓名: | 胡平 |
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摘 要: | 十月伊始,在香港苏富比秋季拍卖会上,一件明代永乐青花如意垂肩折枝花果纹梅瓶经过29轮竞拍,终以1.68亿港元成交,刷新了中国明代青花瓷器的世界拍卖纪录。这个纪录的诞生,表明在全球经济不景气的年代,古陶瓷藏品价格依然坚挺。
关 键 词: | 古陶瓷 价值判断 藏品 秋季拍卖会 青花瓷器 经济不景气 明代 成交 |
A value judgment of Ancient Ceramics Collection |
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Abstract: | At the very beginning of October,A Ming yongle blue and white porcelain refresh the auction record of blue and white porcelain made in Ming dynasty in the Hong Kong Su Fu autumn auction.It means that the prices of ancient ceramics collection is still strong even when the global economy is in a recession.The ancient ceramics collection is one of the most attractive activities which is full of elegant culture.Its potential of appreciation is far beyond the general financial investment.A value judgment of Anci... |
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