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International Approaches to Global Climate Change
Authors:Cooper   Richard N.
Abstract:This article surveys the issues involved in slowing the climatechange induced by global emissions of greenhouse gases, especiallycarbon dioxide. It addresses the possible social and economicimpacts of global warming, the elements involved in evaluatingthe pros and cons of steps to reduce those impacts, and theissues involved in engaging most of the worlds states in a cooperativeendeavor to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It expresses doubtsabout the efficacy of a global approach based on national emissiontargets, such as those set by the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, and favorsinstead mutually agreed actions focused on a common emissiontax. It also discusses issues of compliance with an internationalagreement to reduce emissions, actions states can take in theabsence of international agreement, and contingency actionsthat might be considered if the problem proves to be more seriousthan now seems to be the case.
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