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Risk measures with the CxLS property
Authors:Freddy Delbaen  Fabio Bellini  Valeria Bignozzi  Johanna F. Ziegel
Affiliation:1.Department of Mathematics,ETH Zurich,Zurich,Switzerland;2.Institute for Mathematics,University of Zurich,Zurich,Switzerland;3.Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods,University of Milano Bicocca,Milan,Italy;4.Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance,Sapienza University of Rome,Rome,Italy;5.Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science,University of Bern,Bern,Switzerland
In the present contribution, we characterise law determined convex risk measures that have convex level sets at the level of distributions. By relaxing the assumptions in Weber (Math. Finance 16:419–441, 2006), we show that these risk measures can be identified with a class of generalised shortfall risk measures. As a direct consequence, we are able to extend the results in Ziegel (Math. Finance, 2014, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mafi.12080/abstract) and Bellini and Bignozzi (Quant. Finance 15:725–733, 2014) on convex elicitable risk measures and confirm that expectiles are the only elicitable coherent risk measures. Further, we provide a simple characterisation of robustness for convex risk measures in terms of a weak notion of mixture continuity.
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