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引用本文:蔡燕兰. 放低身段的高端豪宅[J]. 中国房地产金融, 2014, 0(5): 50-53
摘    要:在环渤海湾的五大城市中,这一有着高贵基因的名仕系产品,或因某种不可控的市场因素,不得不放低身段改走刚需路线。在金地集团的规划中,被归为高端产品系列的名仕系产品,就像一个出身豪门的富家小姐,不但其外表需要体现所谓的新富阶层的品相、品位、精致和高端,内里也需要真才实学以及极高的修养、气质。不过,现实往往没有预想来得那么完美。

关 键 词:身段  豪宅  高端产品  环渤海湾  市场因素  金地集团  新富阶层  大城市

Elite Housing in Condescension
Abstract:Compared with other projects of rigid demand, the 8500 RMB/square meter Glory Mansion in Yantai seems a bit desolate.ln certain proprietor's BBS of Glory Mansion, there appear at least 7 promotion ads that advocate words like "80 grands off on buying a 175 square meter flat". An analyst once said however high-end the project might be, once it adopted low-end promotion means, it will not evade the fate of doom.
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