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引用本文:王晓贞,王炎如. 南水北调中线骨干工程水价合理标准与收费制度研究[J]. 水利经济, 2015, 33(1): 18-26
作者姓名:王晓贞  王炎如
作者单位:1. 河北省水利水电第二勘测设计研究院,河北石家庄,050021
2. 中国水电顾问集团华东勘测设计研究院,浙江杭州,310014
摘    要:南水北调中线工程供水目标为工业城市为主,兼顾农业和环境,兼有经营性和公益性,国家投巨资兴建,目的是最大限度地发挥工程综合效益。在考虑工程公益性和用水户水价承受能力的前提下,分析了骨干工程合理水价构成,指出两部制水价存在的问题,研究了水价补贴政策,按照"还本付息、保证运行"的原则,测算了骨干工程合理水价标准,并提出"足量供水定额收费"的制度建议。

关 键 词:水价  两部制水价  承受能力  南水北调中线工程

Rational standard of water price and chargingsystem for backbone project of Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Diversion
Affiliation:WANG Xiaozhen;Second Design and Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower of Hebei Province;
Abstract:The Middle Route Project of South-to-NorthWater Diversion mainly supplies water for industrialcities. Agriculture and environment are also consideredin the Project with the characteristics of operation andpublic welfare. China''s investment into it is huge,aiming at the maximization of its comprehensivebenefits. Considering the characteristic of its publicwelfare and the water users''affordability for waterprice, the components of rational water price of thebackbone project are analyzed, and the existingproblems in the two-part water price are put forward.The water price allowance policy is also studied.Rational water price is calculated according to theprinciple of repaid capital and interest. A piece ofadvice of adequate water supply and fixed fees is alsoproposed.
Keywords:water price   two-part water price  affordability   Middle Route Project of South-to-NorthWater Diversion
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